She'd more likely stick with conservative groups even if Trump's Republican Party disowns her.
She is trying to inherit the corpse of the Republican Party when the racists go back into the sewer where they belong
She'd more likely stick with conservative groups even if Trump's Republican Party disowns her.
Hello Dutch,
It is a weird world that has liberals appreciating things done by Liz, Dick and Mike.
These fucking assholes are supporting treason. Is America really insane enough to vote in a far-right dictatorship that is Aryan in nature?
A wire supremacist got a standing ovation at CPAC
She needs to leave my party alone
She belongs elsewhere
Hello Dutch,
It is a weird world that has liberals appreciating things done by Liz, Dick and Mike.
Fucking nuts, isn't it? LOL
Here's the big question all Americans have to ask themselves: "Am I that fucking nuts too?"
Let's be honest; the Independents run the game as a group. Independents are, IMO, the soul and center of America. A little of this, a little of that, some excesses but over all pretty fucking normal. Balanced and stable like a good marriage or partnership.
The Democrats and the Republicans? Fucking nuts. Not equally so. I'll be the first to admit as a former 38-year staunch Republican that the Republican Party of the United States of America has gone from the most esteemed people in America to lowlife Aryan scumbags supporting lies that have gotten Americans killed. This is fucking insane.
My best advice is to use COVID rules to stay away from crowds and get your vote in as early as possible.
During Thursday’s performance in the J6 cage, the man in the prison had been an actor. But on Friday, the man was none other than Brandon Straka,
Straka, 45, pleaded guilty last fall to a single misdemeanor count of disorderly conduct, sentenced to 90 days of home detention, and got hit with a $5,000 fine plus three years probation. Mistakenly unsealed court documents revealed that he extensively cooperated with prosecutors and provided information to authorities about other Stop the Steal activists, including Ali Alexander, a leader in the movement. In short: Straka never did any real jail time, but that didn’t stop him from playing the part.
Gulling the rubes
What is scary even though we laugh at them, they live among us and breed