Cool Person Test - Try It

Seconds after taking the test this really hot red head came to my door, ravaged my body sexually and then left. I don't have any proof other than it happened to me but you have to believe it now.
Seconds after taking the test this really hot red head came to my door, ravaged my body sexually and then left. I don't have any proof other than it happened to me but you have to believe it now.

That's no fair. How come you get to bang a hot red-head, and I just get insulted?!!?
i've never banged a read head either...i've had beautiful sex with a read head, but never banged her...

perhaps you're doing it wrong
i've never banged a read head either...i've had beautiful sex with a read head, but never banged her...

perhaps you're doing it wrong

Wrong "red" there man.

And I've plowed a couple red heads in my time. One was awesome, the other was sub-par.
LOL, I would definitely prefer red over read.

I also figure that, having beautiful sex with a hot red-head would be ideal, but if that is not an option, then banging one will suffice...
but for it to be unfair you would have to have some sort of expectation of being entitled to bang a red could reasonably be argued that it is "fair" that it called you a dickhead....

That would be true if we weren't attributing any circumstances to the matter, and it was just an everyday encounter.

However, Soc indicated that he only made it with a red-head as a result of cool test. It was given too him, seemingly against his will. All it did for me was affirm that I'm a dickhead. No consulation or door prize. That is not fair.
I'm confused, all it shows me are pictures of men looking jealously at me while women are worshiping at my feet... What is this supposed to test?