
Stop calling the Chinese slaves they are not. The chinese are happy that they produce everything it gives them jobs. Yes they get paid very little but since everything is made in China then can by things a lot heapier then Americans can. Things made in China are sold way way cheaper in China then in the U.S. They can live the same life style as an America making a lot less money. Chinese goods are a lot cheaper in China which means they are doing quit well. They may make less then a dollar and hour but a dollar in China buys a ton more then in the U.S.

Are the ones committing suicide happy?
No. Multinational corporations have been gouging us to subsidize overseas markets.

you're foolish to think it's all government. That's really foolish.
Yes, they have been and the American public is beginning to catch wind of this, but they are still hypnotized by the promises everyone makes! They still believe all the crap that we are number one, even though we aren't.

I believe the USA is still the best place for me to live, but will it be that way for my grandchildren?
If China would end the one child policy which is no longer necessary then women would stop killing themselves. People in China are not killing themselves for economic reasons.

Umm. Yes they are. Chinese living in the wage slavery corporate work camps are killing themselves due to the horror of their lives.
Things are great in China... if you have no conscience, morals or soul like most American companies that have outsourced production to China.

"Pulitzer Prize-winning journalist Loretta Tofani wrote a series of articles that appeared in the Salt Lake Tribune chronicling the human cost of poor working conditions in the factories, ranging from airborne poisons inhaled by workers to primitive machines that sever limbs."

Lets face it, workers in China have very few rights. But at least they know how to take care of management that screws up...
"Last month, Chinese authorities announced the arrest of almost 800 people involved in the sale or production of tainted food, drugs, and agricultural products. In July, China executed the country's chief of the food and drug administration, after he was found guilty of taking bribes and failing to supervise production properly."
Dude, who cares if cheap labor takes over mindless, labor-intensive jobs. Americans excel at jobs that require thinking.

And those Americans are being displaced in the job market by corporate misuse of the H1B visa, through which they bring in a foreign worker whose stay is limited to three years. They send him/her back home and bring in another, meaning that position is always filled by a non-American, with few benefits and pay that stays at entry level. They claim there is a scarcity of qualified American college graduates for these technical jobs, to which MIT, Virginia Tech, Cal Tech, Georgia Tech and the like say is complete bullshit. It's about cheap labor, and BTW, who cares about the labor-intensive manufacturing jobs? You should. No sustained economy can exist without a strong manufacturing base.

Did you have a good weekend? You wouldn't have one without the unions. I hate to have to point out the obvious, but the unions and government regulations wouldn't exist if they weren't needed. The wonderful private sector fought for years against laws banning child labor, and laws establishing the minimum wage and the 40 hour work week. There are so many scumbags in the private sector that the overtime laws had to be written so that workers can't "voluntarily" waive their legal right to OT. During the Reagan-Bush I regime, there was a movement afoot to establish a sub-minimum "training wage," since it's unfair to the poor,hard-pressed employers to expect them to pay the princely sum of minimum wage to untrained workers, who under the proposed law would be paid less than the minimum for six months after which they either had to be given a raise to minimum wage or terminated. Three guesses what the plan for those workers was, and if you guessed they would be given raises, then you truly are clueless. Leaving aside the fact that there isn't a minimum wage job in the fucking world that requires six months of training, the whole purpose of the plan was the de facto elimination of the minimum wage, even though it would have remained on the books. The Democrats and a handful of moderate Republicans closed ranks against this abomination and ,shot it down in flames, just as they did with yet another GOP attempt to screw Americans, this time out of their right to profit from their own intellectual property. The Bush I administration proposed to classify the recording of music as "work for hire," meaning the rights to the material would accrue to the labels and studios instead of the songwriters. Bonnie Raitt, John Hall (of the group Orleans, and now a Dem congressman), and a number of other musicians and songwriters caught wind of that steaming load and created enough of an uproar that the GOP gave up in the face of some horrendous PR. Of course, that was when they still knew what shame was...the current GOP crop can't even spell the word. Gone are the days when they could be shamed into doing the right thing, like the public uproar over Alfred Steiglitz's haunting photos of child workers shamed the GOP into voting with the Dems to outlaw child labor. Congress doesn't regulate on a whim, and they never have they have to be forced by public pressure to put a halt to the latest private sector depredation, and there is no such thing as a regulation cheats and crooks come out of the woodwork to take advantage of the government's laxity.
And those Americans are being displaced in the job market by corporate misuse of the H1B visa, through which they bring in a foreign worker whose stay is limited to three years. They send him/her back home and bring in another, meaning that position is always filled by a non-American, with few benefits and pay that stays at entry level. They claim there is a scarcity of qualified American college graduates for these technical jobs, to which MIT, Virginia Tech, Cal Tech, Georgia Tech and the like say is complete bullshit. It's about cheap labor, and BTW, who cares about the labor-intensive manufacturing jobs? You should. No sustained economy can exist without a strong manufacturing base.

Did you have a good weekend? You wouldn't have one without the unions. I hate to have to point out the obvious, but the unions and government regulations wouldn't exist if they weren't needed. The wonderful private sector fought for years against laws banning child labor, and laws establishing the minimum wage and the 40 hour work week. There are so many scumbags in the private sector that the overtime laws had to be written so that workers can't "voluntarily" waive their legal right to OT. During the Reagan-Bush I regime, there was a movement afoot to establish a sub-minimum "training wage," since it's unfair to the poor,hard-pressed employers to expect them to pay the princely sum of minimum wage to untrained workers, who under the proposed law would be paid less than the minimum for six months after which they either had to be given a raise to minimum wage or terminated. Three guesses what the plan for those workers was, and if you guessed they would be given raises, then you truly are clueless. Leaving aside the fact that there isn't a minimum wage job in the fucking world that requires six months of training, the whole purpose of the plan was the de facto elimination of the minimum wage, even though it would have remained on the books. The Democrats and a handful of moderate Republicans closed ranks against this abomination and ,shot it down in flames, just as they did with yet another GOP attempt to screw Americans, this time out of their right to profit from their own intellectual property. The Bush I administration proposed to classify the recording of music as "work for hire," meaning the rights to the material would accrue to the labels and studios instead of the songwriters. Bonnie Raitt, John Hall (of the group Orleans, and now a Dem congressman), and a number of other musicians and songwriters caught wind of that steaming load and created enough of an uproar that the GOP gave up in the face of some horrendous PR. Of course, that was when they still knew what shame was...the current GOP crop can't even spell the word. Gone are the days when they could be shamed into doing the right thing, like the public uproar over Alfred Steiglitz's haunting photos of child workers shamed the GOP into voting with the Dems to outlaw child labor. Congress doesn't regulate on a whim, and they never have they have to be forced by public pressure to put a halt to the latest private sector depredation, and there is no such thing as a regulation cheats and crooks come out of the woodwork to take advantage of the government's laxity.

Sorry, I'm not responding to anything until you address these unanswered posts:
Sorry, I'm not responding to anything until you address these unanswered posts:

He's right, dipcheeze.

Modern day neocon and libertarian fucktards look at a workplace and a nation that's the result of many pro labor reforms and pretend like it's just the product of a free market. I used to do it too. It's not intellectually honest.
He's right, dipcheeze.

Modern day neocon and libertarian fucktards look at a workplace and a nation that's the result of many pro labor reforms and pretend like it's just the product of a free market. I used to do it too. It's not intellectually honest.

It can be. Just limit the government and declare unions illegal. Cheese Whiz.
It can be. Just limit the government and declare unions illegal. Cheese Whiz.
What do unions and government have to do with each other? How about corporations paying an honest wage to their workers? and not giving all the profits to the share holders? The workers invest in the companies, too!
What do unions and government have to do with each other? How about corporations paying an honest wage to their workers? and not giving all the profits to the share holders? The workers invest in the companies, too!
Who are you to say what wage is honest or not? Let the market decide.
The market is not fair! it should not be the deciding factor. There is no such thing as free market! There is only fair market! and fair wage!
The market is the only thing that is fair. Who makes the decision that a wage "isn't fair"?
The market is the only thing that is fair. Who makes the decision that a wage "isn't fair"?

Markets forces are market forces. The government has a duty to see that market forces are sculpted in a way that benefit the majority of citizens reasonably.

Markets are manipulated, by labor and by corporations.

This is why markets must be constrained within in limits set by other standards and considerations, like morality or national security.

for instance, kiddie porn is illegal, even though there's a market for it.

Outsourcing all production may be profitable for multinationals, but the country loses control of it's supply chain, which can be a national security risk, and can also suck all the wealth from the country over time.

Do you understand any of the words i'm saying, blockhead?