Cory Lidle - Yankee, Shitty Pilot


Worst gambler ever
Cory Lidle, a New York Yankee, was the dude flying the plane that crashed into the building.
Darla lives in Manhattan, hmmm I wonder...nah I'm not that evil.

Thoughts and prayers go out to Cory Lidle's family including his wife and young son.
The AP story I read said that he was a passenger, not the pilot. Has this been confirmed?

How tragic this is!
I just heard that his wife and kid are on a flight to LA, and don't know what happened yet. That's horrible.
My dad used to fly for fun, we had our own plane. He had experience and didn't do stupid things like flying in the middle of a city. This guy hardly had his pilots license for one year. I have no sympathy for retards killing themselves. Kinda sucks for the innocent people though, but come on, lets stop pretending that this is going to keep us up at night, we'll be over it by tomorrow, I was over it in 5 minutes.
My dad used to fly for fun, we had our own plane. He had experience and didn't do stupid things like flying in the middle of a city. This guy hardly had his pilots license for one year. I have no sympathy for retards killing themselves. Kinda sucks for the innocent people though, but come on, lets stop pretending that this is going to keep us up at night, we'll be over it by tomorrow, I was over it in 5 minutes.

I can't really "lol" at a kid losing his dad in an accident, and neither can you. Schtick.
I'm still alive and well Dano.

And touched beyond words that you care.
Well I wouldn't say you are "well". I guess I can give you the alive part.
Look to shed the unhealthy Liberal outlook and you should be doing better in both of those categories, because let's face it Darlalaling - there really aren't any happy Liberals are there?
Got one here Dano ;) Happier than a pig in slop right now.

You still thinking about how to best defend that American Taliban guy ?
Well I wouldn't say you are "well". I guess I can give you the alive part.
Look to shed the unhealthy Liberal outlook and you should be doing better in both of those categories, because let's face it Darlalaling - there really aren't any happy Liberals are there?

Oh, you are going to be surrounded by more happy liberals than you'll know what to do with quite soon.
Oh, you are going to be surrounded by more happy liberals than you'll know what to do with quite soon.

Really? Are there more planes that are supposed to be flown into buildings? Give me the scoop

Seriously, I don't remember ANY happy Liberals in the 90's, nor when the Liberal Democrats controlled the senate in Bush first 2 years after Jeffords went independent; that was however the WORST period of high government spending in Bush's time - imagine that.
So whatever happens this November, you guys will still be just as miserable a bunch as ever.
Really? Are there more planes that are supposed to be flown into buildings? Give me the scoop

Seriously, I don't remember ANY happy Liberals in the 90's, nor when the Liberal Democrats controlled the senate in Bush first 2 years after Jeffords went independent; that was however the WORST period of high government spending in Bush's time - imagine that.
So whatever happens this November, you guys will still be just as miserable a bunch as ever.

Well, when one lives in the reality based community, rather than one who "creates reality as we go, that's the new reality" it does leave one less likely to be jumping for joy. Seeing the world as it is, rather than living in a delusional state, leads to the sometimes painful realization that reality is harsh for so many.

However, on personal levels, we are just as happy as anyone else. That is to say, sometimes we are, and sometimes we're not.

You might consider your first sentence some idea of a right wing monster's "joke".

But it's quite sick, and if you believe that, get help.
Well, when one lives in the reality based community, rather than one who "creates reality as we go, that's the new reality" it does leave one less likely to be jumping for joy. Seeing the world as it is, rather than living in a delusional state, leads to the sometimes painful realization that reality is harsh for so many.

However, on personal levels, we are just as happy as anyone else. That is to say, sometimes we are, and sometimes we're not.
See this is what I used to believe back in my teen radical leftie days. That it's just so hard to be happy with oh so many "problems" in the world. The problem is you like to look externally for happiness, for it to eminate from some compassionate gov program or foreign aid announcement, you don't realize that true happiness comes from within, from being content and confident with you are as a person.

Try this Darla, there are trillions, probably quadrillions of other life forms you could have been in this life, from plants, bugs, fish, etc... and out of all that you get to be a human being. You've ALREADY won life's lottery.
And you have only to do with the time you have here.

You can pretend that you will get fulfillment by making others dependent on things like government or you can realize just how great it feels to encourage and see others to look to themselves and help them achieve their own happiness from doing so.
You must know that any being feels better about themselves by doing something themselves rather than having others do it for them - that's just common sense, so why would you advocate the opposite through government?
If you really don't believe that, then you must be truly broken as a person and for once you have my sympathy...