Cory Lidle - Yankee, Shitty Pilot

Really? Are there more planes that are supposed to be flown into buildings? Give me the scoop

Seriously, I don't remember ANY happy Liberals in the 90's, nor when the Liberal Democrats controlled the senate in Bush first 2 years after Jeffords went independent; that was however the WORST period of high government spending in Bush's time - imagine that.
So whatever happens this November, you guys will still be just as miserable a bunch as ever.

its hard to be happy when your a po' dem choosing between prescriptions or feeding yourself...

its hard to be happy when your a po' dem choosing between paying the rent or paying for heat in the winter...
Try this Darla, there are trillions, probably quadrillions of other life forms you could have been in this life, from plants, bugs, fish, etc... and out of all that you get to be a human being. You've ALREADY won life's lottery.
And you have only to do with the time you have here.

yeah your a human being... where you get to work til you die...

personally id rather be a dog... they hang around the house all day, don't work, get free food, and they don't care who they sleep with..