LOLMaineman demands that you demand that we stick to the topic, Damo!
doniston used to do that.
LOLMaineman demands that you demand that we stick to the topic, Damo!
I have a gorgeous wife who is much younger than I am. I have no need to masturbate in the closet - or anywhere else. And I don't give a FUCK what silly word games you play...the fact remains that I have not, in this thread, or on this site, accused Southern Man of anally raping his own son...
and why are YOU, of all people, perpetuating this nonsense instead of demanding that we stick to the topic of the thread...which has ZIPPO to do with me or Southern man or skiing or his son or anything other than whether or not the governor of Illiniois is going to implicate president-elect Obama in any wrong doing regarding the appointment of his successor.
Who brought up skiing and Southern Man? Not Damo. Not Southern Man, but you. Rev., you really should stop the self destructive behavior. To pull outrage, when called out on what you brought up is very disingenuous.
like I said....nothing in this thread written by me accuses anyone of molesting anyone else. THAT is a fact...and your continued focus on THIS is proof that you really have nothing to say about the topic of this thread.
In this case, I would impeach and then remove him regardless. It doesn't take a broken law to remove somebody from office, just the right amount of votes.I would agree. I think he believes that Fitzgereald prematurely called the play and does not have any real criminal act to prosecute.
bullshit, why did you mention soreness and skiiing, given the history of your crude insults to southern man. it is clear to all, especially given you did not deny those insults to southern man about little boys and ski suits, that you were in fact accusing him of molesting little boys you sick pervert.
like I said....nothing in this thread written by me accuses anyone of molesting anyone else. THAT is a fact...and your continued focus on THIS is proof that you really have nothing to say about the topic of this thread.
you are a habitual liar and i conclusively proved it more than once and unfortunately had to do so again here. what a coward, to brag that your church doesn't care if someone reports you, then to cowardly get jimnyc to change your username so your church won't see all your filthy posts, then to come back on the board as a new are full of it and a coward to boot.
and your continual denial proves you are liar and that you really have nothing to say about the keep replying and it is because you know you are guilty, your words convict you and you feel you must keep mounting a defense of the indefensible.
you are the one who keeps lying about it. i have expressed my opinion about the topic of this thread. when i ran across your post about SM and skiing and sore children, i couldn't believe you still continue your disgusting personal insults after promising so many people, so many times you would never do that again. i find it funny you cut half my post out....coward:
like I said earlier...SM clearly called me a LIAR for no good reason.... in response, I did NOT accuse him of anything. Don't call me a liar...and stay on topic and we'll both have a great time here.
I have never attacked anyone who didn't attack me first....and I have always been more clever than any of my attackers in that I write with precision... you and your sycophants do not. I hope your potential clients understand what a witless hack you are before they contract for your services.
oh...and when did cabin boy become yurt??? lol
Wow, never thought of that. Behavior unbecoming an officer...yes, your post is clearly on the topic of this thread hypocrite....
let's see, you don't deny you accused southern man of molestesting little boys in the past, little boys that wore ski suits with back and front CROTCH openings, you just "happen" to bring up little boys, soreness and skiing again.....WHY....because "SM *sniffles* called me a LIAR" *sniffles* for no good reason." you are a pussy. even if he did call you a liar first, why bring up sore little boys and skiing when you know full well what it means to SM?
you never attack anyone who didn't attack you first....LIAR. i am one of those people, probably countless, but one of them. all you are doing it whining like a two bit whore who didn't get her dime tip.
oh yes, my clients....virgil wants to bring up personal information about me on this board....hmmmm, what can i bring up about virgil.....oh and i have almost two dozen now, not bad for a mere 2 and half months, no advertising, just word of mouth. you keep on attacking my personal profession on this site and you will reap what you sow (your words, don't you hate it when they are used against you, LOL)
cabin always was yurt moron. as i said, i never intended posting here, so when i joined i used a similar name to yurt, hence cabin. but that is above your paygrade.
btw, if you did get in hot water with your church, i think that is unfortunate that someone took a silly internet squabble into real life. i may strongly dislike you, but i do not condone ruining a person's livelihood. then again, i guess preaching is not your livelihood as you are living off of my tax dollars and laughing YOUR ASS OFF everytime you get a paycheck as you have told me.
Wow, never thought of that. Behavior unbecoming an officer...
So, the answer is no?
You know I wasn't suggesting it actually, I was using it as an example of inference.
Language is full of meaning, and communication (and understanding) goes far beyond the language used. Any person who teaches others about a spiritual understanding of the world surely can understand that meaning can be found and understanding from it can come from other than the direct.
Basically what I am saying is that what people understand from what you communicate is most definitely defined well beyond the direct. Just as my simple question got you all defensive about how young your wife was... even when you knew it was rhetorical.
I would agree completely. The nuance of language has always intrigued me.... and seeming to say things without actually saying things can be entertaining, don't you think?
Typical of you; refusal to accept responsibility, dance, spin, lies.what I meant is my business and mine alone. what you infer from my words is your business and yours alone. what my words actually say is a matter of fact. I have not accused you of molesting your children here on
You, on the other hand, HAVE called me a liar without basis.
THAT is fact.
Actually, in this thread you brought up skiing, me, “young boys”, “excited”, “tough time sitting down for over a month”, and "ouch". It's obvious to anyone familiar with your antics that you were referring to your infamous insult. Or perhaps you have a better explanation?like I said....nothing in this thread written by me accuses anyone of molesting anyone else. THAT is a fact...and your continued focus on THIS is proof that you really have nothing to say about the topic of this thread.
Okay, we don't need any graphic descriptions of such things. Why don't we leave ski suits on a different board? That would be good.