Could Blago Roll on Obama?

SM, maineman is a Democrat worshiper. You will never get him to maintain that any Democrat ever made a mistake, let alone that Obama isn't other than perfect while he is in office. He will do what he accuses others of with Bush and simply not even let it dent his brain that not only might Obama make a mistake, that he might be outright wrong. If Obama started to kill children on the WH lawn, maineman would find a reason that it was good for society and 'tough but necessary'...

When Obama keeps the wiretapping going, maineman will have no objection to it. While he spent hours and hours saying that Bush was Satan incarnate because of it.

maineman would defend the woman stuffing the bribe cash in her bra, because she is a democrat, and would try to find an excuse for the action. He'd start talking about how freezers are a great place to keep cash if you don't trust the banks when a democrat is caught with bribe money in their cooler. And that women don't have wallets, hence they use their bra often when they are handed their change at his local supermarket and at his church he watches as women reach into their blouses to grab their tithe money...


(mostly kidding, maineman...)
Nope... because, if this sleazebag had any real damaging or scurrilous information on Obama, he would have sold it to the highest bidder during the presidential campaign. However, now that his bacon is on the line, he may know someone who knows something, and he may be in a position to self-incriminate in order to bring down Obama, where he wasn't before.

I'm not making any predictions here, I'm just not stupid enough to believe Obama is as squeaky clean as his support base would have you think. He is the product of Chicago politics, and that says it all! You can be naive and think he's not been involved in anything unethical or corrupt for his entire political career if you like, but my common sense tells me otherwise.

We shall see!

So if Blago doesn't roll on Obama's he's guilty.

If Blago does roll on him, Obama is still guilty.

That's the special kind of Alabama justice we've all grown accustomed to.
SM, maineman is a Democrat worshiper. You will never get him to maintain that any Democrat ever made a mistake, let alone that Obama isn't other than perfect while he is in office. He will do what he accuses others of with Bush and simply not even let it dent his brain that not only might Obama make a mistake, that he might be outright wrong. If Obama started to kill children on the WH lawn, maineman would find a reason that it was good for society and 'tough but necessary'...

When Obama keeps the wiretapping going, maineman will have no objection to it. While he spent hours and hours saying that Bush was Satan incarnate because of it.

maineman would defend the woman stuffing the bribe cash in her bra, because she is a democrat, and would try to find an excuse for the action. He'd start talking about how freezers are a great place to keep cash if you don't trust the banks when a democrat is caught with bribe money in their cooler. And that women don't have wallets, hence they use their bra often when they are handed their change at his local supermarket and at his church he watches as women reach into their blouses to grab their tithe money...


(mostly kidding, maineman...)
I'm well aware of all that. I'm curious as to why he's distancing himself from his former Omabamania though. :p
this probably belongs in conspiracy, but here is something to think about.

It's been long known that Daley and Blago have NEVER liked each other.

With the rezko investigation going the direction it has, could Rahm have thrown Blago under the bus to get Daleys help in keeping Obama off the real estate investigation radar?
this probably belongs in conspiracy, but here is something to think about.

It's been long known that Daley and Blago have NEVER liked each other.

With the rezko investigation going the direction it has, could Rahm have thrown Blago under the bus to get Daleys help in keeping Obama off the real estate investigation radar?

The problem with this ridiculous theory is that Patrick Fitzgerald is the individual in charge of the entire investigation - Rezko, Daley, Blago, the whole corrupt lot.

The most I'd buy is that Rahm threw Blago under the bus to get in the good graces of Fitzgerald. Then again, I believe Rahm has denied that he tipped off Fitzgerald.
The problem with this ridiculous theory is that Patrick Fitzgerald is the individual in charge of the entire investigation - Rezko, Daley, Blago, the whole corrupt lot.

The most I'd buy is that Rahm threw Blago under the bus to get in the good graces of Fitzgerald. Then again, I believe Rahm has denied that he tipped off Fitzgerald.

Rahm Emanuel is about to become Fitzgeralds boss, is he not? Given that, and the fact that Daley has more insider information on Illinois corruption than anyone else AND doesn't like the governor, could it be possible that by throwing blago under the bus, Daley could 'eliminate' some key evidence that could tie Obama to rezko?
Rahm Emanuel is about to become Fitzgeralds boss, is he not? Given that, and the fact that Daley has more insider information on Illinois corruption than anyone else AND doesn't like the governor, could it be possible that by throwing blago under the bus, Daley could 'eliminate' some key evidence that could tie Obama to rezko?

Rahm will not be Fitzgerald's boss. The new AG will be and even then, U.S. Attorneys (under most administrations) are very insulated from the political side of things.

I didn't really follow the rest of what you wrote.
Rahm will not be Fitzgerald's boss. The new AG will be and even then, U.S. Attorneys (under most administrations) are very insulated from the political side of things.

I didn't really follow the rest of what you wrote.

hmm, guess I don't have enough sleep. I'm sitting here thinking Emanuel was selected for AG but he's CoS instead. disregard my entire conspiracy thought

KHQA TV wishes to offer clarification regarding a story that appeared last month on our website The story, which discussed the appointment of a replacement for President Elect Obama in the U.S. Senate, became the subject of much discussion on talk radio and on blog sites Wednesday.

The story housed in our website archive was on the morning of November 5, 2008. It suggested that a meeting was scheduled later that day between President Elect Obama and Illinois Governor Blagojevich. KHQA has no knowledge that any meeting ever took place. Governor Blagojevich did appear at a news conference in Chicago on that date.
it is NOT a lie, asshole. Richardson, Biden and Edwards had already dropped out of the running before the Maine caucuses. I preferred all three of them to Obama.

My how quickly thou doth insult. I must be right.

I loved the book. It resonated with me...much like his DNC '04 speech resonated with me. I am a native of father went to see Obama at a VFW Hall in East Moline and said that he was the most impressive man he had heard speak in decades, and my father is a former Illinois legislator back in the time when Adlai Stevenson was governor.... I think he is the real deal.

Funny I don't see that type of praise heaped on Biden or Kerry. In fact:
there are many of them...kerry being one of the worst - who stick their foot in their mouths every time they speak extemporaneously....Joe Biden is another.... Kerry would have LOVED to have taken back that word and used terrified or frightened if he could.... he is a babbler who loves to hear himself pontificate. Just like the I voted for it before I ovoted against it. In contect, what he said made sense, but he had no feel for how soundbites work...he was tonedeaf to stuff like that and still is.... Just like Biden would have loved to have never said the clean and articulate comment about Obama.

you must be right, only in your own twisted view of reality. I NEVER waivered in my support for Richardson, or Biden OR Edweards over Obama in the primary campaign. And you will be unsuccessful in finding any posts of mine that show otherwise....

from my perspective, a southern man who lies as fluently as you do, must love to CLUCK as much as CLUCK CLUCK would otherwise have done.
I do not KNOW Blago is guilty of anything.

I suyspect he is, but he is innocewnt until proven guiloty and I personally know nothing about the guy.

Where the heck is Damo with his innocent till proven guilty stance on this guy ?
Ohh wait the scumbag is a demoncrat. yeah. silly me.
you must be right, only in your own twisted view of reality. I NEVER waivered in my support for Richardson, or Biden OR Edweards over Obama in the primary campaign. And you will be unsuccessful in finding any posts of mine that show otherwise....

from my perspective, a southern man who lies as fluently as you do, must love to CLUCK as much as any CLUCK CLUCK would otherwise have done.
I find it hilarious that you have abandoned your messiah so quickly.
I trust my father's judgment more than I do yours.

Obama was in a unique position for a Chicago Democrat. From the begining he's been a rising star with the national party and as such, he's never really been in the situation, until he was elected Senator, that he had to be involved with the "Pay for Play" brand of machine politics in Chicago.

I think you two have an awful lot of faith in President Elect Obama. I hope it is well placed.

I do not KNOW Blago is guilty of anything.

I suyspect he is, but he is innocewnt until proven guiloty and I personally know nothing about the guy.

Where the heck is Damo with his innocent till proven guilty stance on this guy ?
Ohh wait the scumbag is a demoncrat. yeah. silly me.

Were you drinking before you posted that USC or pissed off?

Gov Blagojevich is innocent until proven guilty whether he is a Democrat or a Republican. Right now, I would say he looks pretty guilty, but then I for one will let the courts decide if it gets that far.

Seeing as he is a politician (whether or not he is from Chicago) I would say the "scumbag" title fits him very well.

Back to the issue at hand. Gov. Blagojevich turn on President Elect Obama? Not as long as there is the possibility of a future pardon in the air.

I find it hilarious that you have abandoned your messiah so quickly.

first. I have abandoned no one. I merely stated that Obama was not my first choice among the democratic primary field.
second. Obama is not my messiah, Jesus is.
third. I am quite pleased that Obama beat McCain. I voted for Obama and am quite confident that he will be an excellent president.

you must be getting "excited" about the upcoming ski season.:pke:
first. I have abandoned no one. I merely stated that Obama was not my first choice among the democratic primary field.
second. Obama is not my messiah, Jesus is.
third. I am quite pleased that Obama beat McCain. I voted for Obama and am quite confident that he will be an excellent president.

you must be getting "excited" about the upcoming ski season.:pke:

I loved the book. It resonated with me...
Sure dude, you got Obamamania early on, and have just woken up with a kool-aid hangover.

You really need to get out more. Ski season starts mid November.
Back to the issue at hand. Gov. Blagojevich turn on President Elect Obama? Not as long as there is the possibility of a future pardon in the air.

Maybe, but that is providing he can't work a deal to avoid prison altogether. If THAT possibility exists, no telling what this scumbag will come up with on Obama. It's interesting how the original inference that Obama and his staff had not been in contact with the governor, has morphed subtly into... 'no inappropriate contact' with the governor. I also found interesting Obama's evasion of the question asked by a reporter Friday, the reporter wanted to know how the governor might have come to the conclusion that Obama wasn't interested in the 'pay for play' scheme, unless someone from Obama's staff had specifically told him that? Obama basically said, he couldn't read the governor's mind.
Sure dude, you got Obamamania early on, and have just woken up with a kool-aid hangover.

You really need to get out more. Ski season starts mid November.

appreciating literature is not synonymous with supporting the author for president over other democrats.


regarding ski season, I bet the boys have been having a tough time sitting down for over a month, then.


and regarding the "hangover" I said...I am perfectly happy with the actions taken by president elect Obama.... He's doing a fine job, and will, no doubt, be a much better president than McCain would have been.