Could Germany have won the war?

No, he wasn't. He went to Brazil and died in Brazil.

And in case you're wondering, Hitler died in Berlin in 1945.

some say brazil.

some say s. africa.

the truth is america.

he headed up the trauma based mind control unit.

Enter Dr. Joseph Mengele. I was handed over to him before I was to even old enough to go to school, probably even younger if the truth be known. Do a search on him... he is a wonderful man, if you like monsters! So you see people the holocaust did not end in Germany with the end of the war.... It was just moved. And the worst of it, it is still going on and almost no one believes, nor do they want to know about it. While everyone is waving their flags and praising this country as GOD fearing and great, this government is abusing and killing their own people, most of which are children and getting away with it!!!! The average American will not believe, so it continues! WAKE UP AMERICA!!! You think abortion is bad..... And it is, however it is nothing to what they are doing to live babies and children in human sacrifice and torture. I know, I was there, I have seen it, and I know many others who have as well. And we are all labeled as nuts, with false memories! Yeah, my memories are so false that I am willing to risk my life to get this information out. I am having a blast. I just love not having the biggest part of my family behind me, calling me nuts and living in pretty much isolation.

ann diamond
Really? A lot of people are published in fields they don't hold degrees in.

Self taught amateurs exist, but as far as them publishing in prestigious scholarly journals, it is exceedingly uncommon.

I would be surprised if I ever read anything in Scientific American or Nature written by a high school dropout or author with only a high school diploma..

I don't count posting things on blogs as being "published"
Enter Dr. Joseph Mengele. I was handed over to him before I was to even old enough to go to school, probably even younger if the truth be known. Do a search on him... he is a wonderful man, if you like monsters! So you see people the holocaust did not end in Germany with the end of the war.... It was just moved. And the worst of it, it is still going on and almost no one believes, nor do they want to know about it. While everyone is waving their flags and praising this country as GOD fearing and great, this government is abusing and killing their own people, most of which are children and getting away with it!!!! The average American will not believe, so it continues! WAKE UP AMERICA!!! You think abortion is bad..... And it is, however it is nothing to what they are doing to live babies and children in human sacrifice and torture. I know, I was there, I have seen it, and I know many others who have as well. And we are all labeled as nuts, with false memories! Yeah, my memories are so false that I am willing to risk my life to get this information out. I am having a blast. I just love not having the biggest part of my family behind me, calling me nuts and living in pretty much isolation.

So, you respond using what is clearly an unsourced, conspiracy theory site? Yea, sure...
Josef Mengele Part of CIA's Trauma Brainwashing
February 9, 2016

mengelearchange.pngMengele, 38, on the left. Ann Diamond was given this photo from a yearbook published in 1949
by Hopital Saint Michel Archange in Quebec City.

There are enough consistent accounts of Illuminati trauma based brainwashing
to conclude they are true. Our "leaders" are not only corrupt, they are depraved.
If they can do this to children, I am not sanguine about what they have planned for
the rest of us. They let a Nazi monster, Josef Mengele, continue torture experiments on Americans. Are they applying MK-Ultra techniques to society as a whole? 9-11 = Mass trauma brainwashing?
Mengele's portable holocaust is another indication that a satanic cult, the Illuminati controlled both sides in World War Two. The Illuminati rule by creating false dialectics such as we have today with Putin.

Josef Mengele (from Ann Diamond)

Mengele came to Argentina courtesy of the Vatican "rat line" in 1947 after the Americans allowed him to escape after they captured him in Germany in 1945. Allen Dulles, who was Catholic, may have helped sponsor him.
The Mengele biographies were both written by CIA hacks -- who were allowed access to the classified files at headquarters.
At one point the CIA said it had over a million pages on him, including his diaries and autobiography, all classified. A fraction of these pages were released in 2004. So many people knew he had worked for the CIA, that the agency even had a disclaimer on its website denying this.
One of the forensic scientists (a Dr. Levine) who identified Mengele's remains and DNA in Embu, Brazil, after he supposedly drowned there in 1979, also testified to the Warren Commission -- i.e. he likely worked for the CIA --
Witnesses at the time of Mengele's death reported that the man in the coffin was not Mengele.
Mengele traveled back to Germany in the 1950s to visit family. He is said to have flown PanAmerican all over North America.
There are literally dozens of Mengele sightings on record from around North America from the 1950s and 60s -- they are extremely consistent and detailed in their descriptions of torture and trauma-based mind control.

(from Jan 31, 2010)

by "Sara in Minnesota"

According to Freedom of Information Act documents, Nazi sadist Josef Mengele came to the U.S. as part of the CIA's Operation Paperclip, which enlisted Nazi and war criminals in the Cold War.

The Nazis used the occult techniques to commit the most horrible crimes against children to create the perfect soldier, the perfect spy, and the perfect assassin, persons who with a key word or phrase could be made to do the bidding of their handlers unquestioningly and not remember it later nor be able to disclose classified information even if they wanted to. The program was called Project Monarch or MK-Ultra.

They were also interested in remote viewing, divination, and the military applications of a multitude of extrasensory abilities including "red fire" or psychic killing. See Carol Rutz' book "A Nation Betrayed."

(Thanks for the Memories, and Tranceformation of America by other Illuminati sex slaves)

Programmed messengers and programmed sex slaves were also created for the demented pleasures of the rich and famous.

Known as MK-ULTRA, the program abducted super bright children and naturally occurring high order multiples---especially identicals---from their natural parents and put them with persons who would allow abuse and experimentation. The program is still ongoing and now uses and manipulates the Child Protection system to facilitate these activities.


As best I can ascertain, I was born in 1959, one of 5 identical girls. It appears I was not from one of the ancient bloodlines. We were a natural occurrence. Of my sisters, only one besides me has an unusual IQ.

My mother was given a false psychiatric diagnosis by the Mayo Clinic so that we could be confiscated and placed in separate homes. I was placed with a vile very exceedingly violent child pornographer, JMP. I was born in the US but spent the better part of my first 3 or 4 years globe hopping with Mengele. English was not my first language.

Mengele et al tortured me many times in many locations I have heard mentioned by other MKULTRA survivors including several hospitals here in the US and on military bases. The tortures included but were not limited to rapes, disjointing, killing animals and other children in front of me or being forced to watch as adults were tortured, electric shock, injections with LSD and anectidine and many other substances, cattle prod up the vagina or rectum, witnessed murders, occult rituals, many bizarre sex acts. It was very calculated and continues to the present. As these people are government-sanctioned in their actions, there is no safety I have found except in the Lord.

Mengele was alive and well and living in the US as an honored guest of the United States government as late as 1987.

I have testified about these abuses before Congress twice and am willing to do so again. They are now abusing my children and grandchildren and using ever newer and more arcane technologies. IT MUST BE STOPPED!!!!


Much of my memory of that is sketchy at best. I am still being abused face to face and programmed, as are my children. One of the things I remember is that absolute obedience was required. This was programmed in many ways, the most effective one being credible threats to kill loved ones and pets.

My MK-ULTRA dad threw my baby brother in the incinerator in front of me in broad daylight in Flint, Michigan, after holding my mother captive for months to conceal her pregnancy and forcing her to deliver at home.

Another home born child, a sister had her head bashed against the wall at birth by JMP in Hapeville Ga. Another very vivid incident I remember at about age 4 was when my dad threw my 16-year-old aunt to the ground and stomped on her with his cowboy boots in front of me, my other aunt, and my grandparents. She almost died and had to have a kidney and her spleen removed to stop the internal bleeding. The family story of how this occurred is that she fell off a 3ft wall at the site and sustained all that injury.

That incident threw me into therapy. As a teen I stopped to admire a pair of cowboy boots in a store window and suddenly found myself on the ground screaming at the top of my lungs, abreacting, in a full blown flashback, but with only bits and pieces of memory of the incident.

(Mengele in old age)

My cult dad or MK--ULTRA dad, JMP, and Mengele et al used stress positions. We children were deprived of food and water for weeks at a time. Then we were confined in tiny cages or made to stand or to stand on one leg and so forth for days at a time, round the clock.

If you moved even to blink, you were beaten or my mom was tortured in front of me. We had to hold our breaths for long periods during these sessions and were beaten strangled or suffocated if we breathed without permission, always reminded that our captors held absolute power of life and death over us .We kids were unusually limber from tortures that sometimes involved disjointing. Often we were left in positions that amounted to contortions.

I don't remember the assassin programming very well but I do remember a child being sacrificed at a very early age with my hand tiny held over the knife. This seems to be a standard scenario among survivors.You had to ask permission to go to the bathroom and were forced to eat it if you couldn't hold it for days at a time, or other people were punished if you had an accident.

Everything a normal child or adult would take for granted, we had to ask for permission. Meals were torture. Baths were either boiling hot or freezing cold and caused terrible pain to bruised abraded genitals. All toys had to be left in the closet for months at a time and were completely off limits unless we had guests.

Other times my mother bargained for me to have my toys, but she'd get beaten if they weren't put away when he got home. He'd say "Look what you made me do." We were forced to memorize our bloodlines in the cult and many many other things under credible threats of death or maiming.

The photographic memory was reinforced with flashcards. As soon as I could speak a little English, Mengele taught my dad to use hypnosis on me. Language lessons were reinforced with beatings and my alters are fluent in several languages I do not speak. Some of my alters do not speak English. This has made therapy almost impossible to pursue.

At about age four, my training in how to assemble a rifle began. At about age six, I remember being pretty accurate at targets with some weapons and practicing with a knife.

The assassin/Project Artichoke programming is dependent on inculcating an uncontrollable rage in the victim/person they desire to make into a programmed assassin. Once you break the back of that rage, you're much more difficult to control. Sleep deprivation was used as were a lot of drugs.

Sexual abuse was continuous and sadistic. I was a "presidential model" and still am a Million Dollar Baby, one who is sold to the rich and famous, especially politicians to meet their emotional and sexual needs, while being amnesiac to all events involving these persons.

Because I was and am unwilling to be used in this capacity, I seem to have been an excellent pawn in several blackmailing schemes. Although my memories are much less clear than Cathy O'Brien's, I seem to have had the same perpetrators.

When I was used in child porn, they used to perm and bleach my dark hair to platinum blond and style it in ringlets like Shirley Temple. They also put hard contacts in my dark eyes to make them look blue. I'm told these were not available at the time outside of the intelligence community. I was taken to the White House right before JFK was assassinated and offered to JFK sexually. He declined. It is my belief that he knew he was already in danger and that he intended to stop the Nazi Illuminati behind MK-ULTRA. There's probably more I can say, but I'm too tired to write anymore.


Carolyn Hamlett- A Victim's Memoir (Google Makow & Hamlett for more of her testimony.)

Ann Diamond on Josef Mengele in Quebec

Interview with Carol Rutz, Author of "A Nation Betrayed"

History of MK-Ultra

History of Mind Control

First Comment from D:

I noticed your posting of an SRA [Satanic ritual abuse] victim's testimony is from Minnesota (my home state and the home of Mayo Clinic. Billy Graham was treated at Mayo his entire career.) I just spent about 2 1/2 hours on the phone last week with my friend J who was a SRA victim by Oral Robert's, Ken Copeland, Mike Murdock and others. She also mentions Mengele in her story. I believe J is about 57 years old now. I have written close to 15 "professional Christians" with her story, and none of them will touch it, let alone write or post articles like you often do. I receive absolutely no response from these fake and unconcerned Christians. None of them have the guts to expose their own backyard. These professional Christians leave her (and others; most do not live to tell their stories) to suffer in silence along with the physical and emotional scars these victims have for life. Christianity is big business and Jesus is what they are selling, so J's story is just too close for comfort. She exposes their idols and the false religious system they are all slaves to....Christianity has simply rebuilt another version of the Jewish temple and religious system which came to a complete end in 70.A.D. Stephen was stoned to death for saying the Most High does not dwell in temples made with hands and confronting their earthly money making religious enterprises. Other SRA victims have exposed the global political system, and that is BIG BUSINESS ON STEROIDS. The global political system feeds off of the blood and torture of innocents. The division of sheep and goats is not by what a person believes or what religion he belongs to, but on how you treated one of the least of these my brethren. (We are all connected). Matthew 25:31-46. The worst trauma of all is not to believe a victims story when they risk all to tell it.

My Story by J:

Enter Dr. Joseph Mengele. I was handed over to him before I was to even old enough to go to school, probably even younger if the truth be known. Do a search on him... he is a wonderful man, if you like monsters! So you see people the holocaust did not end in Germany with the end of the war.... It was just moved. And the worst of it, it is still going on and almost no one believes, nor do they want to know about it. While everyone is waving their flags and praising this country as GOD fearing and great, this government is abusing and killing their own people, most of which are children and getting away with it!!!! The average American will not believe, so it continues! WAKE UP AMERICA!!! You think abortion is bad..... And it is, however it is nothing to what they are doing to live babies and children in human sacrifice and torture. I know, I was there, I have seen it, and I know many others who have as well. And we are all labeled as nuts, with false memories! Yeah, my memories are so false that I am willing to risk my life to get this information out. I am having a blast. I just love not having the biggest part of my family behind me, calling me nuts and living in pretty much isolation.

Well a new day and a new entry.... continuing with 'Roots'.

After being handed over to Mengele, aka Dr. Green, life on the bad lane ramped up. I was handed over, but still under the watchful eye of Mengele, to another handler. I do not know who he was at this time. I called him The Dark Man, I called Mengele, The Dark Man as well, and the next handler I was handed over to at age 11, I called The Dark Man. Even though I know who the third Dark Man is I am not at liberty to expose him at this time. I can say that he is in a well known, "BIG" ministry; however he may still have a chance to get out and repent. At being handed over to the third handler, I was taken to Oral Roberts University to be raped by none other then Oral Roberts himself in a horrible satanic ritual. I am at liberty to expose Oral Roberts because he is a tare through and through. My training and programming proceeded on at ORU. The university was a Monarch programming and mind control center. I assume it probably still is used for that today but I do not know for sure. All I can say it is a sham, a lie, and it is NOT an institution for my Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. At the time I was transferred to the ORU programming center, my mom joined a local charismatic Pentecostal church in the Tulsa area. I have no doubt my mom is a multiple herself and did not know that "they" were using her when she joined this church. This church was full of pedophile and satanist's connected to and with ORU. A lot of the members were also Professors at ORU. So with this all in mind I will continue my story....

So everyone is part of the illuminati, eh? You think Mengele can control your mind. I guess that means you are a slave to a dead man.

Enter Dr. Joseph Mengele. I was handed over to him before I was to even old enough to go to school, probably even younger if the truth be known. Do a search on him... he is a wonderful man, if you like monsters! So you see people the holocaust did not end in Germany with the end of the war.... It was just moved. And the worst of it, it is still going on and almost no one believes, nor do they want to know about it. While everyone is waving their flags and praising this country as GOD fearing and great, this government is abusing and killing their own people, most of which are children and getting away with it!!!! The average American will not believe, so it continues! WAKE UP AMERICA!!! You think abortion is bad..... And it is, however it is nothing to what they are doing to live babies and children in human sacrifice and torture. I know, I was there, I have seen it, and I know many others who have as well. And we are all labeled as nuts, with false memories! Yeah, my memories are so false that I am willing to risk my life to get this information out. I am having a blast. I just love not having the biggest part of my family behind me, calling me nuts and living in pretty much isolation.

I realize you think you are a slave to a dead man, but you don't get to speak for everyone else. Omniscience fallacy.

Apparently you are unaware that several States have outlawed abortion for convenience now?
None of that has ANYTHING to do with Josef Mengele. He fled Germany at the end of the war and ended up in S. Africa.

As for Paperclip, about 300 German rocket and missile engineers and scientists were brought to the US and taken to Fort Bliss near El Paso TX to work on missiles and such. Most were involved with a project called Hermes run by GE and left the program by 1950. Those that remained in government service moved to Redstone Alabama to the Redstone Arsenal there and worked on US Army projects, particularly the Redstone SRBM. Others went to NASA.

These engineers had no input into US Navy programs of that era like Bumblebee, nor did they participate in USAF programs like GAPA, Atlas, or Titan.

So, you can take your crappy online sources, such as they aren't, and put them where the sun doesn't shine.

For example, a source you never read,


has this to say about German participation and contributions:

Over the years, a veritable industry has grown up describing the "advanced technology" allegedly developed by the Germans at the end of World War Two. Within this industry it is an article of faith that these alleged German developments "laid the foundation for all existing guided missile technology and ICBM delivery systems." The Air Force and The National Guided Missile Program 1944-1950 reveals just how false this picture is.
Certainly, the operational use of the German V-1 and V-2 missiles did stimulate the post-war surge of interest in guided missiles but in technical terms, it also shows that the US was running at least level with German developments and in some areas had already surpassed them. In actual technology terms, German input into the US Air Force programs was so minimal as to be insignificant.

The US Navy programs were the exact same way.

He thinks it's all the illuminati and Mengele is controlling him. He thinks he is a slave to a dead man.
you mean like what? the mainstream news lying about russiagate? the who ? who lies about covid?

why are you afraid of truth?

Truth? That site is so full of shit it needs to be pumped like a septic tank. It is nothing but personal anecdote and opinion. There are no sourceable facts on it, nor any credible evidence given. It's a conspiracy theory site.

Take this line from it for example:

...came to the U.S. as part of the CIA's Operation Paperclip, which enlisted Nazi and war criminals in the Cold War.

Paperclip was run by the US Army and that is well documented. The CIA didn't even exist when Paperclip was being run. It was formed in 1947, after the war while Paperclip was done starting in late 1944 and into mid 1945 where collection efforts by it were largely finished. So, "Sara in Minnesota" is dead flat wrong on her commentary. She goes on to say this:

I have testified about these abuses before Congress twice (unrelated to the first clip I posted above but still her statement)

Really? Dates and copies of the transcripts would be nice, but those likely don't exist. You are just supposed to believe her.

The whole site is like that. It's bullshit from start to finish.
Truth? That site is so full of shit it needs to be pumped like a septic tank. It is nothing but personal anecdote and opinion. There are no sourceable facts on it, nor any credible evidence given. It's a conspiracy theory site.

Take this line from it for example:

...came to the U.S. as part of the CIA's Operation Paperclip, which enlisted Nazi and war criminals in the Cold War.

Paperclip was run by the US Army and that is well documented. The CIA didn't even exist when Paperclip was being run. It was formed in 1947, after the war while Paperclip was done starting in late 1944 and into mid 1945 where collection efforts by it were largely finished. So, "Sara in Minnesota" is dead flat wrong on her commentary. She goes on to say this:

I have testified about these abuses before Congress twice (unrelated to the first clip I posted above but still her statement)

Really? Dates and copies of the transcripts would be nice, but those likely don't exist. You are just supposed to believe her.

The whole site is like that. It's bullshit from start to finish.

it was called the oss then.

why are you defending this den of vipers?

are you a fed?
Master Programmer Lt. Colonel Michael Aquino, Satanism, Child Abuse & Slavery

Linked with both Offutt and the Presidio cases is Lt Colonel Michael Aquino. Aquino founded the Temple of Set, an offshoot of Anton LaVey’s
Church of Satan. He was attached to the DIA’s Psychological Warfare Division and holds a top secret security clearance for his work in military
intelligence and on classified psychological warfare. . Aquino is obsessed with Nazi pagan rituals. He officiated at SS black magic ceremonies held at
Wewelsburg, the Castle once used by SS chief Heinrich Himmler to create an SS order of Teutonic Knights based on the Knights Templars. His
hypnotic manipulation of people made him an ideal candidate for the position of Master Programmer. Aquino along with others was arrested in the
Presidio case for child molesting. The evidence was overwhelming of their guilt however, to the dismay of the victim’s parents all charges were
dropped. Aquino has developed training tapes on how to create a MONARCH slave and worked as a liaison between Government/Military
Intelligence and various criminal organizations and occult groups in the distribution of MONARCH slaves.
George Bush, The CIA, Mind Control & Child Abuse
Enter Dr. Joseph Mengele. I was handed over to him before I was to even old enough to go to school, probably even younger if the truth be known. Do a search on him... he is a wonderful man, if you like monsters! So you see people the holocaust did not end in Germany with the end of the war.... It was just moved. And the worst of it, it is still going on and almost no one believes, nor do they want to know about it. While everyone is waving their flags and praising this country as GOD fearing and great, this government is abusing and killing their own people, most of which are children and getting away with it!!!! The average American will not believe, so it continues! WAKE UP AMERICA!!! You think abortion is bad..... And it is, however it is nothing to what they are doing to live babies and children in human sacrifice and torture. I know, I was there, I have seen it, and I know many others who have as well. And we are all labeled as nuts, with false memories! Yeah, my memories are so false that I am willing to risk my life to get this information out. I am having a blast. I just love not having the biggest part of my family behind me, calling me nuts and living in pretty much isolation.

You still think you are a slave to a dead Nazi. Sad.
Self taught amateurs exist, but as far as them publishing in prestigious scholarly journals, it is exceedingly uncommon.

I would be surprised if I ever read anything in Scientific American or Nature written by a high school dropout or author with only a high school diploma..

I don't count posting things on blogs as being "published"

Published books is 'published', dude. He is not talking about blogs or even the internet at all. Apparently you are completely unfamiliar with the life and works of Michael Faraday, who received only a rudimentary education at a church Sunday School, yet went on to create many theories of science. Even the unit of capacitance, the farad, is named after Michael Faraday.

Science is not a magazine or a journal.
Last edited:
Biographers that studied the guy.


Neither is in North America.

San Pueblo, Brazil is not in the United States, dumbass.

WTF is a 'trauma based mind control unit'?????!?

Gardner said s. africa.

you globalist satanic suckups can't even get your shit straight anymore.

that's why you're losing.

:nolovejesus: › passage › ?search=Ephesians 6:12&version=KJV
Ephesians 6:12King James Version. 12 For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places. Read full chapter. Ephesians 6:12 in all English translations.