Could Germany have won the war?

link to where you offer anything of value

since you just admitted that your reply had zero to do with the outcome of the war

I accept your confession that you consciously put words in my mouth.

Next time respond to what I actually wrote, not to what you wish I wrote
I accept your confession that you consciously put words in my mouth.

Next time respond to what I actually wrote, not to what you wish I wrote

JFC retard.

nobody put words in your mouth. I gave a retard the benefit of the doubt that his reply in some way shape or form pertained to the subject of the thread
Obviously Hitler made many mistakes but would it have been possible for Germany to have conquered all of Europe and Russia?


Hitler fucked himself by fighting a two front war. He knew that the only way to defeat Stalin was a Blitzkrieg that crushed the Bolsheviks quickly. Attacking Europe ensured that Hitler lacked the needed resources to complete the conquest of Russia. Once he got dragged into winter, there was little chance of a victory.

Now the ones who REALLY fucked up were the Americans.

Hitler and Stalin - two of the most evil scum to defile the earth were fighting - and we took sides? How stupid do you have to be. Arming Stalin to ensure lots of German deaths was good, but we needed to arm Hitler too - so that more Russians would die. Two evil empires destroying each other - perfect.

BUT FDR was a Marxist and had to rescue his buddy Stalin....
What you call mistakes, I call crimes against humanity, genocide, and industrial-scale mass murder.

Dude, Hitler murdered 14 million people, your beloved Stalin murdered 65 million. But you had no problem with industrial-scale mass murder by Stalin, because you love Communism.

Hitler fucked up by attacking Western Europe, had he moved through Poland and went directly after Stalin's black and shriveled heart without France, England, and America to worry about, there is a good chance he would have prevailed.
He didn’t really have a choice since Russia was building up their forces and could out produce Germany

They were also developing technology that could rival Germany so the longer Germany waited the harder it would have gotten

This is not correct.

When Russia entered the war, they were relying on surplus weapons from WW1. They had no technology and couldn't even produce ammunition for the Mosin Nagant bolt action rifles they used in the infantry.

FDR sent modern machine tools that industrialized Stalin overnight. General Motors sent an army of engineers to design the T-34 tanks that the Russians used. Russia never did develop any sort of useful air force during the war.

German arms are every level were massively superior to those of the Russians. But the T-34 was cheap and disposable. Stalin threw them at the Germans as cannon fodder. Short on steel and fuel, the Germans couldn't afford to lose any armored vehicles. They were tied down in Western Europe and North Africa, cut off from both oil and iron that they desperately needed.

The much maligned British fought brilliantly by cutting Germans off from the resources they needed. Had Hitler NOT attacked France and Britain, those resources would have overwhelmed Stalin - even if FDR were still aiding his Comrade mass murderer.
Wrong again. Germany had to resort to using unreliable and unproductive slave labor.

Germany didn't allow German women to work in the armament factories like the United States wisely did.

The fact that Nazi policy promoted mass murder of civilian populations in the occupied countries of Eastern Europe made those populations more resentful, more willing to resist, and more committed to not surrendering.

How is that substantially different than Stalin did? Forced labor was the foundation of the USSR. Stalin murdered more people than Hitler did.

Your thinking is flawed.
In the late 1920s Stalin instigates a series of five year plans to turn the Soviet Union into a modern industrialized country.

He was afraid that if the Soviet Union does not modernize then Communism will fail and the country will be destroyed by its capitalist neighbors. He achieves huge increases in coal, oil, and steel productivity and the country sees massive economic growth. His plans are ruthlessly enforced.

Stalin promotes an image of himself as a great benevolent leader and hero of the Soviet Union.

Yet he is increasingly paranoid and purges the Communist party and Army of anyone who might oppose him. Ninety three of the 139 Central Committee members are killed and 81 of the 103 generals and admirals are executed. This had an impact on the Soviet union in fighting Germany
JFC retard.

nobody put words in your mouth. I gave a retard the benefit of the doubt that his reply in some way shape or form pertained to the subject of the thread

Neither the OP nor my response had anything to do with the cause of the war.

Only the fact that your brain is underdeveloped, or possibly fried on crack cocaine, made you hallucinate that anything I wrote was speaking to the causes of the war.

I'm cutting you loose because you do not get access to my time until your brain improves, or you lay off the crack
Neither the OP nor my response had anything to do with the cause of the war.

Only the fact that your brain is underdeveloped, or possibly fried on crack cocaine, made you hallucinate that anything I wrote was speaking to the causes of the war.

I'm cutting you loose because you do not get access to my time until your brain improves, or you lay off the crack

JFC retard. the op posed the question - Could Germany have won the war?

Hitler fucked himself by fighting a two front war. He knew that the only way to defeat Stalin was a Blitzkrieg that crushed the Bolsheviks quickly. Attacking Europe ensured that Hitler lacked the needed resources to complete the conquest of Russia. Once he got dragged into winter, there was little chance of a victory.

Now the ones who REALLY fucked up were the Americans.

Hitler and Stalin - two of the most evil scum to defile the earth were fighting - and we took sides? How stupid do you have to be. Arming Stalin to ensure lots of German deaths was good, but we needed to arm Hitler too - so that more Russians would die. Two evil empires destroying each other - perfect.

BUT FDR was a Marxist and had to rescue his buddy Stalin....

Simpleminded spin on world history