Could Jesus be Libertarian?

No. Jesus is apolitical. Remember "render unto Caesar..."?

A joke, surely, because a Pharisee was carrying Occupation money bearing a graven image? What did he think didn't belong to God? Jesus couldn't have been a libertarian because they support capitalism, which implies a police state, inevitably.
I'm not the one who believes in supernatural beings with magical powers and living forever.
I grew up a long time ago.

A godless communist atheist? Do you have something to reveal that your childishness hasn't already revealed? You don't have to define yourself....your actions do as much. As I said....only a fool attempts to project something to induce anger into others based upon his/her own ID (inner desires). FYI: simply because your guild becomes angered by personal ad hominem insults in no indicator that intelligent "adults" find your antics anything other than what is expected from your intellectual level....predictable and funny as hell. :) Its what I live for....winding a fool up and watching the entertainment as he/she comes spinning out of the proverbial corner.....shouting insults over their "LEFT SHOULDER".

FYI: "Magic" would be a belief and espousing it as truth...that the Universe and all reality created itself from NOTHING. Just ask Stephen Hawking who boldly states that GRAVITY is nothing and from that nothing the universe created itself. This in spite of the fact that gravity can be measured or quantified by its effect...thus gravity is something rather than nothing and some SUPER (superior) Natural force had to create the Universe...according to the first law of reason and logic. Causality. Which states that any effect must have a greater or superior CAUSE.

Magic? LMAO Now that's magic, producing something from nothing. If at first nothing existed...then nothing would still be existing today. FYI: God is eternal...the universe is not, according to Applied Science. My faith is confirmed by applied science....not is yours. Real Science enlightens us...something superior to NATURE created the reality called the Universe and Time. Call it what you will....but I am not so stupid as to think that I am equal to or superior to that creating force. The whole is indeed greater than the sum of its parts. Only a fool places him/herself on the same level as the force that created them.
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A godless communist atheist? Do you have something to reveal that your childishness hasn't already revealed? You don't have to define yourself....your actions do as much. As I said....only a fool attempts to project something to induce anger into others based upon his/her own ID (inner desires). FYI: simply because your guild becomes angered by personal ad hominem insults in no indicator that "adults" find your antics anything other than what is expected from your intellectual level....funny as hell. :)

Communist? Really?
If you were anymore out of touch you would be wearing a Joe McCarthy for president button. LOL
How "adult" is it to believe you will live forever, like a vampire, because you pleased some supernatural fantasy being who has magical powers?
Yeah that displays the depth of your intellect Ralphie.
You are pathetically funny, and tragically out of touch with reality.
Communist? Really?
If you were anymore out of touch you would be wearing a Joe McCarthy for president button. LOL
How "adult" is it to believe you will live forever, like a vampire, because you pleased some supernatural fantasy being who has magical powers?
Yeah that displays the depth of your intellect Ralphie.
You are pathetically funny, and tragically out of touch with reality.

A communist? Indeed, as I said...simply because who wish to label yourself something.....the actions produced by your ID reveals the truth. Look at Trump....he calls himself a conservative. If you buy that.......LMAO. I have some ocean front property to sell you...IN OHIO. Is it my fault you can't tell the difference between salt and fresh water? Remember....check your chamber. :)

With your gums still flapping....having demonstrated the point....I move on to the next liberal lie.
A communist? Indeed, as I said...simply because who wish to label yourself something.....the actions produced by your ID reveals the truth. Look at Trump....he calls himself a conservative. If you buy that.......LMAO. I have some ocean front property to sell you...IN OHIO. Is it my fault you can't tell the difference between salt and fresh water? Remember....check your chamber. :)

With your gums still flapping....having demonstrated the point....I move on to the next liberal lie.

Trumpf is a NYC liberal con man with an ego the size of Montana, Joe McCarthy.
You are the gullible one who bough the Buy-Bull, not I.
You so funny.
Trumpf is a NYC liberal con man with an ego the size of Montana, Joe McCarthy.
You are the gullible one who bough the Buy-Bull, not I.
You so funny.

Yet...just like you he "pretends" to be something he is not. His history and actions define him...not his words that he wishes to present to those fool enough to accept them as truth. :) One thing for are neither a Libertarian, or a conservative or even a blue dog confessed you are a godless socialist. Your ID reveals your true self and there is nothing you can do to hide it...if you attempt to communicate at all....most of all your ID informs us that you are far from being "mature" post for nothing but accolade, thinking that you must seek the approval or consensus of your cohorts. Hell...truth seeks is what it is....un-bendable regardless of consensus.

Its been fun....but...the rain has stopped and a ranch will not run itself. FLAP ON COMRADE.
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Yet...just like you he "pretends" to be something he is not. His history and actions define him...not his words that he wishes to present to those fool enough to accept them as truth. :) One thing for are neither a Libertarian, or a conservative or even a blue dog confessed you are a godless socialist. Your ID reveals your true self and there is nothing you can do to hide it...if you attempt to communicate at all....most of all your ID informs us that you are far from being "mature" post for nothing but accolade, thinking that you must seek the approval or consensus of your cohorts. Hell...truth seeks is what it is....un-bendable regardless of consensus.

Its been fun....but...the rain has stopped and a ranch will not run itself. FLAP ON COMRADE.

You and Thilly Wabbit are the best comic relief we have had here for months.

Ralphie may be more entertaining than Gomie was.

Think so?

I mean, he was all about freedom of choice. He told his FOLLOWERS that THEY were held to a higher calling, but He did not enforce the higher standards on everyone. Your thoughts?

Jesus never went to a university where libertarians always revert to when expressing their theories.
Mocking Christianity again .. eh Leon cultural Marxist scumbag?

Well, I reckon that would put Legioncat a lot closer to Jesus politically than are all you weirdoes with beams in your eyes. Read Acts and the Magnificat, if you have access to a Bible and can read.
Well, I reckon that would put Legioncat a lot closer to Jesus politically than are all you weirdoes with beams in your eyes. Read Acts and the Magnificat, if you have access to a Bible and can read.

Why don't you go to the place that you don't believe in?
that's not what render onto caesar meant.

The jews were trying to ask jesus a question that put him into an impossible situation. They asked him if he supported roman taxation. If he said yes, then he would be betraying the jewish people and this would undermine him in their eyes. If he said no, then he's basically openly advocating for people to disobey rome, which could get him killed. It was a question meant to trap him either way.

So he basically sidestepped the question entirely by giving a non answer. Implying a coin with caesars face must be his so just give it to him. He wasn't teaching the virtues on submission to the roman state, jesus was obviously pretty damn against that.

No. He meant exactly what he said. Taxes were required, so pay them. He didn't say taxes were good or bad. His mission was to illuminate Gods message; Believe and be saved.

Christ was not concerned with the politics of man. He was neither for or against political correctness. He was against any law that was anti Gods laws. Taxes are not. This does not mean that if you are a Christian you can't vote against taxes, only that you are obligated to obey the law, so long as it does not ask you to break one of Gods laws.