does this mean that you're looking for Biden to imprison an entire demographic of our population????
Could President Biden be the second coming of FDR and Lyndon B. Johnson?
does this mean that you're looking for Biden to imprison an entire demographic of our population????
Technically speaking, Johnsons first term was the remains of Kennedy's term, and he then won reelection by one of the biggest proportions ever.
FDR was elected to a third term before the USA entered WWII.
And his second term was one of the most disastrous in modern US history. From getting involved in Vietnam, to the collapse of his Great Society program, the Model City program that ended with the Watts riots, to civil unrest, LBJ's term was horrid.
But not before the US was spending huge sums on preparations for war as well as having gotten huge contracts for war materials from other nations like China, Britain, and France. Those are what restored the US economy, not some make-work program like the CCC or WPA. That's what got FDR reelected.
When President-elect Joe Biden addressed the nation Monday evening, he said the word "democracy" nine times. He accused President Trump of "an unprecedented assault on our democracy," declared that "democracy prevailed" and in his final words said: "May God protect our troops and all those who stand watch over our democracy."
The speech came after the Electoral College confirmed his election victory, a result unchanged by weeks of court challenges. It also pointed to a larger theme of his coming presidency.
Biden has vowed to rescue democratic institutions from partisan dysfunction. He has pledged to be the president for all Americans — a population that includes Americans who voted for Donald Trump because they felt the system was failing, and also Americans who felt Trump was a symptom of its failure.
How might Biden restore faith in that system? He may be able to draw some lessons from a president Biden often says he wants to emulate: Franklin Delano Roosevelt.
Biden, his staff and his surrogates have publicly compared their challenge to those facing FDR, when the 32nd president assumed office. This moment, Biden said on CNN on December 4, was "not unlike what happened in 1932," the year of FDR's election in the middle of the Great Depression. Then, as now, Biden said, many Americans have "real anxiety" about their place in a changing economy.
FDR historian Robert Dallek says that Roosevelt himself saw his challenge as a fight for democracy."
As a result of dealing with the affects of the deplorable tRump great depression to which over 500,000 Americans lost their lives as a result of tRump's lawlessly hacked in mission to destroy Democracy from within, etc., it appears a form of relief has arrived with the election of a legitimate and Constitutionally compliant POTUS Biden. This includes President Biden's policies I believe are similar to what President Franklin D. Roosevelt and President L. B. Johnson dealt with as a result of epic atrocities they inherited as a fight to defend Democracy against both foreign and internal enemies.
Throughout the first decade of this millennium there was an ideological shift, an inflection point, that became ¹most clear in the rise of a little known state representative who was appointed to become a Senator from Illinois, his name was Barack Obama.* In the background of Obama’s rise were the people who designed the modern political left. Those Obama creationists were/are hardline revolutionary communist types.
This RevCom group was comprised of the more radical elements of the progressive movement; those who wanted to “fundamentally change” the United States, and who have a very patient and methodical plan to do so.
Team Obama selected Joe Biden specifically because he was controllable; extremely controllable and almost cognitively disconnected from any functional capabilities. Team Obama also selected and installed Kamala Harris as the Vice President with the intent to use her as the substantive and moldable ally.
When Biden is removed, willingly or by political power, the radicals are planning to use Kamala to continue their “fundamental change” priorities. Biden is being thrown upon the spears of those who want to defend against the attack of the radicals.
The extreme policies we are seeing come from the Biden administration are being assigned to him specifically because he is disposable. The radicals do not care about public opinion of the policies or outcomes because they have Biden in place to absorb all the negative attachments.
Kamala Harris is the key to seeing the hidden hand of the Obama control agents at work. Harris’s associations are Obama’s associations. Harris’s crew is Obama’s crew. Anyone who is not Harris; and who carries a perspective of potential political influence; is now a thorn in the agenda.
New York Governor Andrew Cuomo was rising in influence, as a result he needed to be eliminated in order to retain the exclusive position of Kamala Harris as heir to the radical agenda.
Watch over the next several weeks, months and years and you will see prominent Democrats left with a decision…. Support Harris (meaning those behind her) and the RevCom agenda, OR be targeted for removal by the new radical system that includes a willing media taking targeting orders from the club.
That is what is going on…
The Great Society was doing fine. Johnson turned out to be completely right about civil rights, but there was (and still is) a lot of blow back against the Democrats for getting civil rights for Blacks. Johnson could not figure out a way out of Vietnam.
You think China was buying a bunch of stuff from the USA? China was collapsing. France had just surrendered to the Germans, so was buying nothing, and defaulting on all their loans. Britain was like China, not buying anything, only looking for handouts. No, it was huge government spending that ended the Great Depression. That huge government spending was called WWII.
Biden could be the bastard love child of FDR and LBJ.........
Yes, China was buying stuff from the US.
FDR and LBJ were at least alive when they were President...none of this Weekend with Biden shit we're seeing now.