Every trumper is a N4T.
This whole declassifying documents just by thinking about it nonsense must be for a calculated reason.
Anything is possible when it comes to Trump no matter how outlandish it may be.
Knowing that as we do, then it's entirely possible that he could ge angling for a diminished capacity defense in any potential upcoming trials he's more and more likely facing everyday.
Sure, it would give the rest of us endlessly amusing loads of new ammo to hurl at his legion of rubes, and of course it would be endlessly embarrassing for him to create a public image of himself as being the kind brain damaged goofball he accused everyone else of being, but anything beats dying in prison I guess.
Plus, playing the part of a deranged screwball wouldn't be much of a stretch for him because that's pretty much what he is anyway.
Go Trump!!!!!
Anything is possible when it comes to Trump no matter how outlandish it may be.
Knowing that as we do, then it's entirely possible that he could ge angling for a diminished capacity defense in any potential upcoming trials he's more and more likely facing everyday.
Sure, it would give the rest of us endlessly amusing loads of new ammo to hurl at his legion of rubes, and of course it would be endlessly embarrassing for him to create a public image of himself as being the kind brain damaged goofball he accused everyone else of being, but anything beats dying in prison I guess.
Plus, playing the part of a deranged screwball wouldn't be much of a stretch for him because that's pretty much what he is anyway.
Go Trump!!!!!