Courts Marshall the Iranian Captives

No one's been able to tell me what "extra info" they provided, that comprimised british soldiers or british operational tactics.

To my knowledge all they did was play along with the Iranians and cajoled them with tales of being in iranian waters. Every rational person knows that was coerced. No one thinks that was a big coup for the iranians. To my knowledge, it didn't comprimise British national security.

I agree 100%.

Also, can anyone tell me what so bad about them selling their stories to a news agency? Since when can't enlisted men and women tell people their perspectives......for some ca$h?
I agree 100%.

Also, can anyone tell me what so bad about them selling their stories to a news agency? Since when can't enlisted men and women tell people their perspectives......for some ca$h?

I think the anger over the money stems from the fact that a lot of Brits seem to be personally humiliated over the situation. 15 Brits didn't kick the Iranian's ass, and that bothers them. There would be a majority in this country who would feel the same way if it had been us, i think. People for some reason, get personal satisfaction out of being able to say "we sure kicked those Iranian's asses" and the like. Even though "we" had nothing to do with it. It's an interesting phenomenon. I think it's a male thing, and is rooted in sports. Men root for particular teams, and you hear them say all the time things like "we kicked the yankee's asses last night".
I was basing my opinion on their actions while in captivity on what Anyold said in his opening post. I searched and have not found anything about them saying improper things while in captivity, so that is for for me.

Anyold apparent really got heated up over this.
I guess like Darla said.

I still don't feel right about the fame for the misfortune though. Never did on that kind of thing though. Same as with most of those types of deals, nothing to do with their capture, just not into springerism I guess. Perhaps it has to do with the fact that I don't watch that kind of stuff.
Well, what were they supposed to do? Kick-off WW3? They're safe and there was diplomatic ending that left them unharmed and no blood was shed. I think in hindsight they did the right thing.

It is pounded into any soldier that if captured, they give only name rank and number, you don't blab about your unit, nor give the enemy propaganda victories by appearing on TV to be enjoying yourself in your enemy's camp.

That they then go to the British media, telling how they cried themselves to sleep because the Iranians said mean things to them is pathetic.
I think the anger over the money stems from the fact that a lot of Brits seem to be personally humiliated over the situation. 15 Brits didn't kick the Iranian's ass, and that bothers them.

No-one was expecting Thermopylae, just conduct becoming members of the British military. They fell a long way short of that, and did so in front of the world's media.

As a former member of the British military, it has bugged the crap out of me.
Well, what were they supposed to do? Kick-off WW3? They're safe and there was diplomatic ending that left them unharmed and no blood was shed. I think in hindsight they did the right thing.

It is pounded into any soldier that if captured, they give only name rank and number, you don't blab about your unit, nor give the enemy propaganda victories by appearing on TV to be enjoying yourself in your enemy's camp.

That they then go to the British media, telling how they cried themselves to sleep because the Iranians said mean things to them is pathetic.

They were also stripped, told they would never leave, and put into isolation. And weren't they also blindfolded at one point? Yes, they broke. Imagine if they had been put into those harmless sounding "stress positions", were sexually humiliated and abused, or had hoods placed over their heads. Or were waterboarded.

Yet we scoff at those things in the West. They were treated better than we treat our prisoners, yet they broke anyway. You might think that would clue us into our own behavior, but it has not. Now, I do claim ignorance as to whether or not the UK is using the above methods, as the US, to my great shame, is so proudly doing.

Now personally, I would not have sold my story. You know, if someone broke me, I wouldn't be bragging about it. But otherwise, I really have no judgement to make about them, because I haven't been in their very small cell, naked, isolated, and told I was never getting out.
I think the anger over the money stems from the fact that a lot of Brits seem to be personally humiliated over the situation. 15 Brits didn't kick the Iranian's ass, and that bothers them.

No-one was expecting Thermopylae, just conduct becoming members of the British military. They fell a long way short of that, and did so in front of the world's media.

As a former member of the British military, it has bugged the crap out of me.

I understand that, and expect that we would have the same reaction here from many quarters. Definitely from ex-military. I've said that. There would be an uproar here. We're very invested, as a people, in the macho myth.
They were also stripped, told they would never leave, and put into isolation. And weren't they also blindfolded at one point? Yes, they broke. Imagine if they had been put into those harmless sounding "stress positions", were sexually humiliated and abused, or had hoods placed over their heads. Or were waterboarded.

Yet we scoff at those things in the West. They were treated better than we treat our prisoners, yet they broke anyway. You might think that would clue us into our own behavior, but it has not. Now, I do claim ignorance as to whether or not the UK is using the above methods, as the US, to my great shame, is so proudly doing.

Now personally, I would not have sold my story. You know, if someone broke me, I wouldn't be bragging about it. But otherwise, I really have no judgement to make about them, because I haven't been in their very small cell, naked, isolated, and told I was never getting out.

Thanks Darla, That is much of what I was trying to say.

Rush says it is just all college pranks.
Thanks Darla, That is much of what I was trying to say.

Rush says it is just all college pranks.

Rush Limbaugh got out of Vietnam by proudly recording his anal cysts. So, the idea that Rush Limbaugh can impune anybody's manhood, is a joke.

He would have been crying for his mommy at first glance of the Iranians.
Rush Limbaugh got out of Vietnam by proudly recording his anal cysts. So, the idea that Rush Limbaugh can impune anybody's manhood, is a joke.

He would have been crying for his mommy at first glance of the Iranians.
What Rush does with manhood is a good question after his all guy trip to the Dominican Republic with his DR's Viagra ....

imho, Rush should be beaten daily until he learns to keep his trap shut.
He is a disgrace to the human race.
He is worse that a heroin junkie, because he does far more damage to society than one Junkie.
according to any they discussed their unit info with their captors.

Just basing my statment on that info. I don't personally know.

name , rank and serial number only. Per Geneva convention and military protocols.
The GC does not say that.
No? Well it has been a military tradition for many years anyway.
I will not argue that with you , getting tired of argueing anyway.

You were right, USC.

The Geneva convention evidently does say that:

"the Third Geneva Convention. Article 17 provides that POWs are obliged to give only their name, rank, serial number, and date of birth."
so I guess I "own" Trog now ? what a scary thought. I bequeath your freedom back Trog, in the true spirit of a Turbo Lib.