Covid Follies #22: Told ya so!

So all that useless "anecdotal" information from doctors, nurses, researchers and patients warning about all these "covid prevention" drugs and such weren't off the mark!

Hmm, I can't wait for the flood of corporate wonks and Pharma flunkies to rush in with the excuses:

Then we have this crap

People who screwed us are ready to "move on". There should be severe and swift penalties for the evil these people perpetrated but I doubt it will ever come.
It's discouraging that while getting easier to catch, each successive mutation of the covid virus gets less lethal.
I'm told that this is normal about viruses.
Eventually they become the common cold--very easy to catch, impossible to cure other than letting the body do its thing, but seldom serious.

We need one last deadly strain to take out all of the wingnut anti-vaxxers and anti-maskers.
I am recovering from a respiratory virus. It was tested and not the flu or covid. But all those symptoms are the same. It was a miserable week.
It's discouraging that while getting easier to catch, each successive mutation of the covid virus gets less lethal.
I'm told that this is normal about viruses.
Eventually they become the common cold--very easy to catch, impossible to cure other than letting the body do its thing, but seldom serious.

We need one last deadly strain to take out all of the wingnut anti-vaxxers and anti-maskers.

Kind of like a "reverse Armagedón".
Years later the American people begin to catch on to how profoundly power has lied to us but here is the thing about ignorant cowards....the odds that they perform better next time are not great.
Even though it has been explained a number of times, and is common sense, some on the right still don’t get it, Covid was a new virus, everything we learned about it came on the run, mistakes were made, but that would be expected dealing with something so deadly and contagious.

Playing Monday morning quarterback reflects a misunderstanding of events, and when it comes from those who have been so wrong so many times regarding Covid, it is comical
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It's discouraging that while getting easier to catch, each successive mutation of the covid virus gets less lethal.
I'm told that this is normal about viruses.
Eventually they become the common cold--very easy to catch, impossible to cure other than letting the body do its thing, but seldom serious.

We need one last deadly strain to take out all of the wingnut anti-vaxxers and anti-maskers.

Okay, just to clear the air on one point:

Anti-vaxxers are people who are against any and all vaccines regardless of what they are developed for.

Pro-vaxxers are people who readily accept Big Pharma declarations and do NOT apply critical thinking to all the information available.

the whole "masking controversy" was a stupid amalgamation of political opportunism, anti-govt paranoia and official panic of leadership agencies needing to be perceived as "being in control.

People who pause, use the brains God gave them and apply critical thinking to ALL information available are usually hated by both parties.
I am recovering from a respiratory virus. It was tested and not the flu or covid. But all those symptoms are the same. It was a miserable week.

Sorry to hear that. Hang in there, kid. Look into alternative/homeopathic treatments as a supplement to traditional treatment. Works for me and mine.
A pure opinion peace which has NOTHING to do with the FACTS in the OP article.
Thanks for proving my point, Yaky. Carry on.

Are you naturally this stupid or do you practice it? Here are the facts, covid has a better than 98 % recovery rate. The old fat and sick are most at risk with or without the stab. The stab isn't a vaccine and everyone except you brain dead idiots realize that. the article I posted was written by someone who was was once as stupid as you still appear to be. One of your own but youre just too stupid to listen
These fuckers are just not going to lay off of pushing obedience masks:

November 10, 2022

Ziyad Al-Aly, MD, a clinical epidemiologist University of Washington School of Medicine

Okay, I get the "premise" of those vehemently opposed to a state/federal mandate to wear masks (not properly meshed out regarding public facilities like restaurants). But "obedience masks" is a tad exaggerated...that's akin to the BS one gets from Fox News or Alex Jones and his ilk.

But you are right, it's the SOS. They can't admit error on any level.
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Are you naturally this stupid or do you practice it? Here are the facts, covid has a better than 98 % recovery rate. The old fat and sick are most at risk with or without the stab. The stab isn't a vaccine and everyone except you brain dead idiots realize that. the article I posted was written by someone who was was once as stupid as you still appear to be. One of your own but youre just too stupid to listen

READ the OP article, you simpleton. Provide the reading audience a quote that you can apply your blather and/or a quote from what you posted as a "counter". Then get back to us.

Hint: We were originally told that this type of stuff was NOT supposed to happen, and anyone (doctor, scientist or civilian) who said or had proof to the contrary were demonized by Big Pharma a chuckle heads like you.
Okay, I get the "premise" of those vehemently opposed to a state/federal mandate to wear masks (not properly meshed out regarding public facilities like restaurants). But "obedience masks" is a tad exaggerated...that's akin to the BS one gets from Fox News or Alex Jones and his ilk.

But you are right, it's the SOS. They can't admit error on any level.

Because once they start admitting what they done there will be demands for more truth, and the truth at the end of the day is that they are Evil.
It's discouraging that while getting easier to catch, each successive mutation of the covid virus gets less lethal.
I'm told that this is normal about viruses.
Eventually they become the common cold--very easy to catch, impossible to cure other than letting the body do its thing, but seldom serious.

We need one last deadly strain to take out all of the wingnut anti-vaxxers and anti-maskers.

It is not possible to have a variant of a variant.
Paradox M. Paradox V.
The SARS/Covid series is not the Rhinovirus series.
Are you naturally this stupid or do you practice it? Here are the facts, covid has a better than 98 % recovery rate. The old fat and sick are most at risk with or without the stab. The stab isn't a vaccine and everyone except you brain dead idiots realize that. the article I posted was written by someone who was was once as stupid as you still appear to be. One of your own but youre just too stupid to listen

As I’ve noted before, and appears due here also, listening to any MAGA militia offer opinions on Covid is like hearing Harry Dunn offer his views on anything, no entity has been so wrong so often as the right has been on Covid, tell us again how Covid is just the common cold