I imagine this is in response to something I said. For those who aren't familiar with the germ vs. terrain theory:
Germ Theory Versus Terrain: The Wrong Side Won the Day | westonaprice.org
Now, I think it's apparent from the link above that not all those who believe in terrain theory believe that viruses don't exist. However, a branch of those who believe in terrain theory do, such as Dr. Robert Young:
The Terrain Theory vs. The Germ Theory | drrobertyoung.com
Dr. Sam Bailey has also made it clear that she is both a terrain theory adherent as well as one who no longer believes that contagious viruses exist. Here is a recent article she's written critiquing another doctor's assertion that he has seen a picture of a virus:
Dr. Peter McCullough Says He Has Seen A Picture Of A Virus Up Close | drsambailey.com
She is also part of a group, mainly composed of doctors, that signed their name to a paper on what should settle the virus debate:
The “Settling The Virus Debate” Statement | drsambailey.com