his book, "God's Politics" is really a good read....

it is subtitled, "How the right gets it wrong and the left doesn't get it."

As I have said once before, my Catholicism has little to do with my being a good citizen in this Republic, because I honestly believe that no Catholic Country (circa 1607-1791) could have produced such a country as the USA.

It is grounded in Natural Rights philosophy that differ from the absolute governments that Catholicism tended to represent, such as Spain and France, although Britain had been developing Common Law for centurines under Catholicism.

Despite this fact, I am loyal to the principles of republican government which were developed by Puritans and Anglicans, most of whom were virulently anti-Catholic. I believe these republican principles, although they have been long eroding since the Age of Jackson, and the ideals of Natural Rights and Real Which Ideology, are the only worthwhile principles of government on Earth.

Now some people will call this freedom un-Christian, because it allows people to suffer, when a Godfearing monarch could care for them instead. Such seems to be the sort of complaints that the good reverand makes about the right. Personally, I don't care much for Evangelical Christianty of any persuasion, as I prefer Orthodoxy...
Not true, Neocons are pretty well-known for obsessing over technology, such as their belief that they could wage a techno-war in Iraq and half the troop levels in the process. This comes from a liberal professor's lecture, and is not my own original sentiment, because I am just a paleoconservative drone who is technologically backwards...

Now that said, Libertarians are the most technologically savvy group in the whole political spectrum.

And they like Blimps?
You are obviously referring to the Democrats and the weak within it. *shrug*

Actually, i was referring to the various denominations of 'Christians', who range from relatively normal to talking in tongues and pissing about with snakes kind of stuff. The weirder groups can't help but put a bad spin on the less mental versions.
Actually, i was referring to the various denominations of 'Christians', who range from relatively normal to talking in tongues and pissing about with snakes kind of stuff. The weirder groups can't help but put a bad spin on the less mental versions.
As a Catholic I have tremendous respect for many of the major Protestant denominations. Although our history is far from perfect the authority of The Church hierarchy does have a stabilizing effect that fringe denominations are surely lacking.
Christianity is a bunch of murders led by a comic book.
Funny as shit that so called educated people still believe such garbage.
As a Catholic I have tremendous respect for many of the major Protestant denominations. Although our history is far from perfect the authority of The Church hierarchy does have a stabilizing effect that fringe denominations are surely lacking.

Yeah, some groups who are nominally 'Christian' do sometimes give Christianity, as a whole, a bit of a bad name.

Mind you those other churches probably have to deal with all sorts of unwanted parental concern due to the Catholic Church's chequered history.
Yeah, some groups who are nominally 'Christian' do sometimes give Christianity, as a whole, a bit of a bad name.

Mind you those other churches probably have to deal with all sorts of unwanted parental concern due to the Catholic Church's chequered history.
Protestant denominations have more squares on their checker boards, and of course the public school systems have soccer field size checker boards. But by all means fell free to bash Catholics. *shrug*
Protestant denominations have more squares on their checker boards, and of course the public school systems have soccer field size checker boards. But by all means fell free to bash Catholics. *shrug*

Don't get me wrong, i'm not saying the proddies are better than your lot.

You all bring Christianity into disrepute if you ask me.
Don't get me wrong, i'm not saying the proddies are better than your lot.

You all bring Christianity into disrepute if you ask me.

I think most organized religions end up being more about power (and money) than about spirituality.