

I seem to have noticed that some people are very cranky here today. Why? It's Friday! Is this a man thing?

I'm home from work already, and I'm going out on my deck to lounge around and catch some rays.

I seem to have noticed that some people are very cranky here today. Why? It's Friday! Is this a man thing?

I'm home from work already, and I'm going out on my deck to lounge around and catch some rays.

You know, they use UV radiation to sterilize food now. :cool:
LOL, crankiness!

Did I scare you off? I know I was yanking at Tops chain, but I didn't think I was being that bad today. :D
I seem to have noticed that some people are very cranky here today. Why? It's Friday! Is this a man thing?

I'm home from work already, and I'm going out on my deck to lounge around and catch some rays.


My excuse is that I went out last night and tied one on... now just really tired... :cool:
My excuse is that I went out last night and tied one on... now just really tired... :cool:

Well, "tying one on" is not generally considered to be good for one's health, so, no health care for you. Sorry.

lol. I make excellent pina coladas. I made some this afternoon. I really think I could make it big as a bartender, should it ever come to that.
Well, "tying one on" is not generally considered to be good for one's health, so, no health care for you. Sorry.

lol. I make excellent pina coladas. I made some this afternoon. I really think I could make it big as a bartender, should it ever come to that.

My friends made me do it! :eek:

My tolerance is so low right now I get crushed after doing a few shots, a couple margaritas, and a few beers. I guess the silver lining is that it doesn't cost as much to get a buzz anymore.
" I was going to say something bad, but I thought better of it."

Don't bottle it up inside, let it out... you'll feel better.... I promise :)
My friends made me do it! :eek:

My tolerance is so low right now I get crushed after doing a few shots, a couple margaritas, and a few beers. I guess the silver lining is that it doesn't cost as much to get a buzz anymore.

That's low tolerance? Are you kidding me? I'd slide under the table after half of that.
Who's cranky? That too on a Friday??

Drunk or not, hungover or not, the FIRST thought that strikes me on Fri, and stays with me till the wee hours of the morning Is TGIF!! :D :clink: (for more beer, of course!!!)
LOl. Hey, you are going to give people the impression that I have been PM'ing you naughty things, which is slander!

Where is Beefy, I want more sanctions.
Don't disabuse them! That will make them think less of me... And you know, it's all about me.

"That's low tolerance? Are you kidding me? I'd slide under the table after half of that."

Compared to what it used to be... yes. I went to college in Wisconsin... all we did there was drink.... although I am told I went to a few classes as well. :)
Who's cranky? That too on a Friday??

Drunk or not, hungover or not, the FIRST thought that strikes me on Fri, and stays with me till the wee hours of the morning Is TGIF!! :D :clink: (for more beer, of course!!!)

:clink: <<<<risking being called a drunk...but hey I accept the ridicule from y'all lefties...I do indulge in a beer or two from time to time! Only diff being is I do not call ya names for your indulgence...well only if you do not call me names first...(wake up Ms Pinko!)