
"the FIRST thought that strikes me on Fri, and stays with me till the wee hours of the morning Is TGIF!! (for more beer, of course!!!)"

Blah blah blah..... I haven't done shots in a long time.... so I can be cranky if I wanna.
It's only....

LOl. Hey, you are going to give people the impression that I have been PM'ing you naughty things, which is slander!

Where is Beefy, I want more sanctions.

slander if it is not true....this is getting to be say the least...'Ms.Pinko' is funny when she does 'Pina Colada's'..singing in the
Really? Good for you Tiana! I like to hear that.

The boy toy thing or that I like to get 'em young so that I can train them & whip them into shape?:whip: :gpow:

(baby if you're reading this, I'm just kidding)
LOL, he really is more mature than me in a lot of ways though. Its pretty funny.
:clink: <<<<risking being called a drunk...but hey I accept the ridicule from y'all lefties...I do indulge in a beer or two from time to time! Only diff being is I do not call ya names for your indulgence...well only if you do not call me names first...(wake up Ms Pinko!)

Hehe - I'd never call someone a name for indulging in any sort of pleasure. . .

"the FIRST thought that strikes me on Fri, and stays with me till the wee hours of the morning Is TGIF!! (for more beer, of course!!!)"

Blah blah blah..... I haven't done shots in a long time.... so I can be cranky if I wanna.

Well, do 'em then! ;)