Crap Spelled T-H-E-O-R-Y

Note, as a moron that's still more intelligent than yourselves, i need to tell you that you need to start respecting reality better.
He ain't my boy, he's your boy. You wanna get repoman's back that's fine but don't play dumb with me while you're doing it.

You said he was "your boy," meaning my boy. I simply asked who that was. Don't get your panties in a wad, it's early :)
**Zoology is a psudoscientific monstrosity. Note, the irish were not considered white till the fifties. There's no one on earth more white than the irish. If they were any whiter, youd have to look at their food moving through their guts while they eat.***

Racism is just a aristocrat delusion foreign and domestic policy.

Divide and conqure. Blm is funded by the British through soros for the whole goal of payback for funding the ira through gadafi.

Quoting myself since this was the last post on topic. Any of you slime have the guts to contend my points?