Crazy Apartment Rents

We all know cities like NY and SF can have some crazy real estate prices but I just came across this today. A new SF apartment tower geared for tech workers is coming on-line with 496 sq.ft. studios starting at $1,950 and one bedrooms starting at $4,400. That's just crazy.

That my friend is the market working for the betterment of all! The capitalism you espouse at its glaring finest. The unbridled accumulation of wealth through rents by the few at the expense of the many. Since you're a general champion of the Rough and Tumble dog-eat-dog CATO version of this shit I can't understand why you would not be celebrating this kind of greed. This is your ideology at work: the "invisible hand" raping and pillaging and making all our lives better! Isn't that what you believe. If you have a problem with it don't rent one! Isn't that your pat answer for everything!
That my friend is the market working for the betterment of all! The capitalism you espouse at its glaring finest. The unbridled accumulation of wealth through rents by the few at the expense of the many. Since you're a general champion of the Rough and Tumble dog-eat-dog CATO version of this shit I can't understand why you would not be celebrating this kind of greed. This is your ideology at work: the "invisible hand" raping and pillaging and making all our lives better! Isn't that what you believe. If you have a problem with it don't rent one! Isn't that your pat answer for everything!

Morning troll girl! How's your protesting against Jameis Winston in Tallahassee going?
Morning troll girl! How's your protesting against Jameis Winston in Tallahassee going?

I guess when you're caught with your false outrage and your dress down all you can do is point in the distance and say, "Look it's a yellow-spotted chick-a-dee!" Too bad your contradictions are too glaring to be ignored, even by you! When will you be leading this rich man's march against high rents?
You see troll girl there is no outrage coming from me. Those rents are what the market will bear and in part due to progressive housing policies the city has supported. Me acknowledging they are expensive to a broke guy such as myself does not imply I am outraged at them. I'll give your trolling effort an A- though. Keep up the good work "feminist".

You should blame Google, like these idiots did....

Protestors Stop Google Bus in San Francisco, Blame the Company for Rising Rents
Tech workers are being accused of gentrifying the neighborhood

American cities just can't win. Bankrupt locales are obviously no good, but cities brimming with cash and possibility appear to be a bad thing too. See San Francisco, where an influx of capital and tech-savvy high-income residents are inadvertently putting pressure on their lower-income peers.

That tension boiled over Monday when a group of protestors stopped a Google bus in its tracks, and blamed the company for rising rents and increased evictions in the city. The legendary Google busses, which transport employees from San Francisco to Silicon Valley on a daily basis, are increasingly seen as a symbol of 21st century inequality.

"San Francisco, not for sale" chanted protestors at the melee that reportedly went for about a half hour. "Stop evictions now," yelled others. The organizer of the protest, a group called Heart of the City, added to eviction concerns the notion that the Google busses injure public transportation's revenue stream by removing potential customers. In the words of one protestor, they also symbolize "a system where San Francisco is being flooded with capital, and creating a technology class where other people can't compete."

One would-be protestor's attempt to paint Google as especially hardhearted about the plight of the tech-less apparently backfired, reports Slate. A man claiming to be a Google employee caught on camera berating a protestor and demanding she "get a better job" was later exposed as a union organizer.

President Obama's solution to all of this, if you can finagle one, is to teach more of America's youth how to code. "Don't just buy a new video game, make one" says Obama in a video released to coincide with Computer Science Education Week. "Don't just play on your phone, program it."

In other words, get on the bus.

You should blame Google, like these idiots did....

Protestors Stop Google Bus in San Francisco, Blame the Company for Rising Rents
Tech workers are being accused of gentrifying the neighborhood

American cities just can't win. Bankrupt locales are obviously no good, but cities brimming with cash and possibility appear to be a bad thing too. See San Francisco, where an influx of capital and tech-savvy high-income residents are inadvertently putting pressure on their lower-income peers.

That tension boiled over Monday when a group of protestors stopped a Google bus in its tracks, and blamed the company for rising rents and increased evictions in the city. The legendary Google busses, which transport employees from San Francisco to Silicon Valley on a daily basis, are increasingly seen as a symbol of 21st century inequality.

"San Francisco, not for sale" chanted protestors at the melee that reportedly went for about a half hour. "Stop evictions now," yelled others. The organizer of the protest, a group called Heart of the City, added to eviction concerns the notion that the Google busses injure public transportation's revenue stream by removing potential customers. In the words of one protestor, they also symbolize "a system where San Francisco is being flooded with capital, and creating a technology class where other people can't compete."

One would-be protestor's attempt to paint Google as especially hardhearted about the plight of the tech-less apparently backfired, reports Slate. A man claiming to be a Google employee caught on camera berating a protestor and demanding she "get a better job" was later exposed as a union organizer.

President Obama's solution to all of this, if you can finagle one, is to teach more of America's youth how to code. "Don't just buy a new video game, make one" says Obama in a video released to coincide with Computer Science Education Week. "Don't just play on your phone, program it."

In other words, get on the bus.

I did see this and just shook my head when I read it.

I saw a news clip on TV last night and they were demanding Google pay 1 billion for the use of roads and such. Talk about your brain dead idiots.
That my friend is the market working for the betterment of all! The capitalism you espouse at its glaring finest. The unbridled accumulation of wealth through rents by the few at the expense of the many. Since you're a general champion of the Rough and Tumble dog-eat-dog CATO version of this shit I can't understand why you would not be celebrating this kind of greed. This is your ideology at work: the "invisible hand" raping and pillaging and making all our lives better! Isn't that what you believe. If you have a problem with it don't rent one! Isn't that your pat answer for everything!
Drama Queen! ;)
You see troll girl there is no outrage coming from me. Those rents are what the market will bear and in part due to progressive housing policies the city has supported. Me acknowledging they are expensive to a broke guy such as myself does not imply I am outraged at them. I'll give your trolling effort an A- though. Keep up the good work "feminist".
What was it Dixie used to say? "Cool! Pinhead fight!"
You see troll girl there is no outrage coming from me. Those rents are what the market will bear and in part due to progressive housing policies the city has supported. Me acknowledging they are expensive to a broke guy such as myself does not imply I am outraged at them. I'll give your trolling effort an A- though. Keep up the good work "feminist".

The rest of the capitalists here would tell you to quit your bitching poor boy and build or buy one of your own! And get in on the scam. In fact, I don't know why a CATO and Koch Brothers supporter such as yourself wasn't already in touch with one of your elders there and selling them on investing with you. After all most major life changing investments are made using "other people's money," so this is your perfect chance to bust into the market in a big way cawacko, when opportunity knocks the big boys rape her, don't let me down, poor boy. If they doubt your credentials or your ardor you can show them all the posts you've made protesting tax policies designed to take even an extra penny from their pockets, they will probably pat you on the head, say "Well done my good and faithful servant," and give you millions without a second thought!
The rest of the capitalists here would tell you to quit your bitching poor boy and build or buy one of your own! And get in on the scam. In fact, I don't know why a CATO and Koch Brothers supporter such as yourself wasn't already in touch with one of your elders there and selling them on investing with you. After all most major life changing investments are made using "other people's money," so this is your perfect chance to bust into the market in a big way cawacko, when opportunity knocks the big boys rape her, don't let me down, poor boy. If they doubt your credentials or your ardor you can show them all the posts you've made protesting tax policies designed to take even an extra penny from their pockets, they will probably pat you on the head, say "Well done my good and faithful servant," and give you millions without a second thought!

Always consistent! You started out with a letter grade and now you have moved to a numeral system. How much alcohol have you had tonight, rummy?

None. Why do you ask?

We all know cities like NY and SF can have some crazy real estate prices but I just came across this today. A new SF apartment tower geared for tech workers is coming on-line with 496 sq.ft. studios starting at $1,950 and one bedrooms starting at $4,400. That's just crazy.

People in CA are stupid if they'll pay that much for less than my bedroom... I mean really frickin' stupid.
That my friend is the market working for the betterment of all! The capitalism you espouse at its glaring finest. The unbridled accumulation of wealth through rents by the few at the expense of the many. Since you're a general champion of the Rough and Tumble dog-eat-dog CATO version of this shit I can't understand why you would not be celebrating this kind of greed. This is your ideology at work: the "invisible hand" raping and pillaging and making all our lives better! Isn't that what you believe. If you have a problem with it don't rent one! Isn't that your pat answer for everything!

Try liberal rent control policies...