The Force is With Me
The sad thing is before pensions (Social Security) that's exactly what people did. They invested, be it in businesses or in their farm or simply put their money in the bank. They had all the freedom they ever wanted and we saw what the depression did. That's precisely why Obama told the Repubs not to come to the table with old, tired, worn-out ideas.
When I hear people say give the private sector a chance and get rid of government programs a legitimate question to ask is, "What planet are you from?” because their Bible must read, “In the beginning God created Heaven and earth and government programs.” They think government programs have always been in effect but the truth is for over 3,000 years of recorded history these “programs” were privately controlled for 2,900 years. It’s less than 100 years most government programs have been in effect; social security, welfare, medicaid/medicare, etc. The private sector had 2,900 years to get it right. Or if they want to talk about the US only the private sector had over 150 years to perfect their “programs” (1776 – 1935) only to end up with the depression.
Where some folks get their ideas from I'll never know. It's like they just dropped in from outer space without any idea of earth's history.
Very well said.