Creating a permanent liberal majority

Well sir---Michigan used to be know as a state with more welfare than others. Guess where lazy people moved?

Sir, you are usually a product of your environment. if you grow up on welfare because your parents had it, you will most likely be on welfare for the rest of your life, and so will your kids. Sure, a few broke the mold. I know of a family of 7 kids, who grew up on welfare. 1 of them actually make a fair living today--the rest are on welfare. Show me a staving kid--and I will tell their parents to get a education and a job. I am not making money to support those who refuse to.

You are an idiot. Welfare is an insignifigant part of the budget. You probably don't even know how it works, and it's clear that you are making up these stories. It's kind of pitiful.

There is a maximum of two years in which any individual can even recieve welfare. The stories you are talking about are not only unlikely, they are impossible, and I'm sorry to embarrass you like this. Most of the people who talk about welfare are ignorant cretins referencing problems that have already been solved , don't know how it works, and think it takes up a much larger portion of the budget that it does.
You are an idiot. Welfare is an insignifigant part of the budget. You probably don't even know how it works, and it's clear that you are making up these stories. It's kind of pitiful.

I don't know how much of the budget goes to welfare and socilistic programs, and neither do you. But--you really need to get out of the house more if you think people are not a product (usually) of their environment. The name of the family I mention is Krakavich. They used to be my neighbors when I grew up. Shelia is the only child that supports herself. David, Donnie, Kathy, Dennis, Gary and Duane are welfare lifers because their parents were.

I am not an idiot---I see what is going on around me. The guy who just called me is the second person I met today, that is able bodied, and on disability (which is a form of welfare sir).

Why don't you get to a local working mans pub and ask everybody there what they do for a living. You may be astonished how may dependents we all have, that we can't write off on our taxes. My guess is, you will find about 10% of the people in any working mans bar a dependent---spending your money at a bar.

There is a maximum of two years in which any individual can even recieve welfare. The stories you are talking about are not only unlikely, they are impossible, and I'm sorry to embarrass you like this. Most of the people who talk about welfare are ignorant cretins referencing problems that have already been solved , don't know how it works, and think it takes up a much larger portion of the budget that it does.

Not when I was growing up--and not now either I suspect. I was in that rural area for 17 years of my live, and every pay day for welfare that the check was late--all I heard from Mrs. krakavich was "WHEREI S MY CHECK!!??"

I don't care if you believe it or not. Be a dick if you want. Most cops are.
"I don't know how much of the budget goes to welfare and socilistic programs, and neither do you."

Yes I do. Welfare is not socialism. Government control over the market is socialism. Welfare is a safety net, and America barely has one. But direct welfare programs only take up about 1-2% of the budget. Medicare, medicaid, and social security take up much larger portions, but you haven't been talking about them, have you? National defense, however, takes up half of the real budget.

"But--you really need to get out of the house more if you think people are not a product (usually) of their environment. The name of the family I mention is Krakavich. They used to be my neighbors when I grew up. Shelia is the only child that supports herself. David, Donnie, Kathy, Dennis, Gary and Duane are welfare lifers because their parents were."

Under what program, Majority? You can't name it? Welfare was reformed in 1997. After that period, you could only sign up for welfare for two years, and it only applied to people with children as dependents.

"I am not an idiot---I see what is going on around me. The guy who just called me is the second person I met today, that is able bodied, and on disability (which is a form of welfare sir)."

Disability is part of the social security system. Social security is insurance. It's a guarantee that if you are ever injured beyond your ability to work you won't starve to death. And you pay with your own money for it. What your friend is doing is committing welfare fraud, if he can work and is still collecting disability, and he may eventually wind up in jail. And OF COURSE you wouldn't give people disability if they were making more than 900 a month - that is RIDICULOUS!

"Why don't you get to a local working mans pub and ask everybody there what they do for a living. You may be astonished how may dependents we all have, that we can't write off on our taxes. My guess is, you will find about 10% of the people in any working mans bar a dependent---spending your money at a bar."

Not when I was growing up--and not now either I suspect. I was in that rural area for 17 years of my live, and every pay day for welfare that the check was late--all I heard from Mrs. krakavich was "WHEREI S MY CHECK!!??"

I don't care if you believe it or not. Be a dick if you want. Most cops are.

Exactly. Things were different whenever you were growing up. You are talking about problems that have already been solved. Still, even before the welfare reforms welfare was about 4% of the budget.
Welfare, being a redistrubution of wealth by the government is socialism. Sorry. I call any social program that takes money from some, to give to others by a government socialism. Medicare is welfare. Medicade is definatly welfare. Disability is welfare (by a insurance company--where do you think they get the money to pay disability---right--from people who are not disabled and paying the high premium)--The S-chip is welfare. The democrats health care plan is welfare.

WELFARE IS WELFARE---IF YOU TAKE MONEY FROPM OTHER PEOPLE TO GIVE TO OTHERS--IT IS WELFARE!!! Simple as that. of course, they all do not have the word "welfare" in their title--but it is welfare.
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The governments official budget pie chart.


A more accurate pie chart that doesn't include the manipulations designed to make the defense budget look like less than it is.
Welfare, being a redistrubution of wealth by the government is socialism. Sorry. I call any social program that takes money from some, to give to others by a government socialism. Medicare is welfare. Medicade is definatly welfare. Disability is welfare (by a insurance company--where do you think they get the money to pay disability---right--from people who are not disabled and paying the high premium)--The S-chip is welfare. The democrats health care plan is welfare.

I don't care what you call it. It's not an accurate description. Calling welfare socialism is McCarthyism.
Of course you would. Your a person who considers pension and insurance welfare.

Well then, get rid of your health insurance, life insurance, and disown your pension. It's all welfare!

And you didn't look at the right chart. The chart above is, as stated, a chart deceptively designed to make the national military budget look like less than it is.
Majority, you and the Republicans should campaign on that next time around.

Dead old people, poor people, insurance for the disabled is banned. Please. And whenever taxes go down by shit because you keep on funding them military at insane rates, and people have to pick up private insurance at insane rates and profits to pick up what the government no longer supplies efficiently, prepare to become a permanent minority party.


In a way. My rich brother collected from it for two years for adult ADD. Now, this is a sharp liberial, that is worth several million dollars. he read the encyclopedia bIrtanica at the age of 7 years old, and now he supposevly had adult ADD because he could not stand breaking up with his gay boyfriend. Yet, he was allowed to collect 52 grand for two years. Sure, that was the deal with the insurance--but the fact is, he did not need it, and all others in that plan paid for it.

I consider that welfare in a way, because he really did not need it. I know insurance is the private sector, and a contract is a contract. But you know what---my brother, who graduated at the top of every class he ever entered (and skipped 2nd grade)--to this day--does not work or do anything to be productive to make himself feel better. He is a rich liberial---that wants free health care now.
In a way. My rich brother collected from it for two years for adult ADD. Now, this is a sharp liberial, that is worth several million dollars. he read the encyclopedia bIrtanica at the age of 7 years old, and now he supposevly had adult ADD because he could not stand breaking up with his gay boyfriend. Yet, he was allowed to collect 52 grand for two years. Sure, that was the deal with the insurance--but the fact is, he did not need it, and all others in that plan paid for it.

I consider that welfare in a way, because he really did not need it. I know insurance is the private sector, and a contract is a contract. But you know what---my brother, who graduated at the top of every class he ever entered (and skipped 2nd grade)--to this day--does not work or do anything to be productive to make himself feel better. He is a rich liberial---that wants free health care now.







I don't mind debating libertarians about welfare. But you are just an embarrasement to them.
Of course you would. Your a person who considers pension and insurance welfare.

Well then, get rid of your health insurance, life insurance, and disown your pension. It's all welfare!

And you didn't look at the right chart. The chart above is, as stated, a chart deceptively designed to make the national military budget look like less than it is.

opps, I think I added interest on debt. lets make that 49% welfare. The working people will have to take care of the debt.
the difference, now-a-days, between liberals and conservatives is liberals still believe in society, conservatives don't. majority proves it.