Truck Fump / h1b
Verified User
I stated that the assumption would be taken as fact for the discussion. So when are you going to discuss?
So you admit your anecdotal case doesn't disprove the larger reality?
I stated that the assumption would be taken as fact for the discussion. So when are you going to discuss?
So you admit your anecdotal case doesn't disprove the larger reality?
If you wish to return to the debating of sentence by sentence, I'm not going there. I returned some of your foolishness with my own. We both know how the other approaches subjects. If you wish to discuss reasonably, fine. If not, fine. I'm not playing 'gotcha', 'throw down', etc.
good to see that ///ah has the Job doomer stuff covered for me.
Kathianne, Good job on the money management.
It kinda looked like this past Christmas was largely financed on Credit Cards.
Thanks for the nice. If azh has the doomer stuff covered, it's only because it fits into his 'scenario.' I'm not playing by his parameters.
I do not know of anyone else who plays by AHZ's Parameters.
or asshat and loser company
debt is at all time high. Yes
but moron assets are up more than debt this whole decade. Which
means all but the morons are better off.
Thanks for the nice. If azh has the doomer stuff covered, it's only because it fits into his 'scenario.' I'm not playing by his parameters.
I wish one of you tools would look up average household net worth just once.
I wish one of you tools would look up average household net worth just once.
I'm part of the economy too, our group is the most productive.
Now, is the average joe doing better or worse is a whole different discussion.
He's producing plenty, he's just buying way more house and car than he can afford.
Housing has gone up way too much for a decade and will need to come down a good bit more for it to be affordable.