Creepy tweet from conservative Christian


That is disgusting. These people exist in every group and religion.

The right focuses on Islam and th e left focuses on Christianity

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So let me get this straight.
Someone tweets that they're Christian and JPP liberals have concluded that they ARE Christians. :palm:
So let me get this straight.
Someone tweets that they're Muslim and JPP cons have concluded that they ARE Muslims. :palm:


BTW, she confesses that she is a Christian. Isn't that all that's required?

Jennifer Mayers

Louisiana. Wife, mother, Christian. I love the beach. With #God all things are possible. I am a believer in the positivity of the Lord GUATEMALAN. #Trump2016
Baton Rouge, LA

Good evening friends! I hope you have all been well! I have been trying to stay home and not venture out much due to the events here in Baton Rouge. I do not trust the loose blacks on the street to not harm me or my family if we were to leave. The situation is indeed dire.

Mayers wasn’t done venting. On July 7, after her tweet went viral, the gun-loving, Donald Trump supporter penned a blog post titled “Taylor Swift: The Ham Sandwich.”

“Let me be clear. I am NOT shaming Taylor Swift. She is shaming herself. She is a role model. She is in the public eye and should be setting a good example of purity and Christianity,” Mayers wrote. “Instead she is flaunting her sexual escapades with all of Hollywood’s A-list celebrities and is now moved on to some even below that. Her conquests could fill a small stadium or certainly a barn at this point.”

She continued: “The left sandwich is far more ragged and worn looking and rather unattractive to the eye. I see this as Taylor’s symbolic promiscuity. The right is much more neat, clean and pure. This represents my daughters’ innocence and purity because they were raised correctly.”
What a sick freak!

She's full of the love and compassion of Jesus.

So another day, another black thug has been shot. I simply beg of you all to stop glorifying and weeping over these men as if they were saints.

These were BLACK THUG CRIMINALS at best. And you want to go wild on social media, and in public defending and slandering the actions of police officers who are merely doing their jobs? Give me a break.

Men like this do nothing to stop the stereotype that all black men are gangbanging thugs who carry guns and cause nothing but trouble. You want people to stop killing you? STOP LIVING UP TO THE STEREOTYPE.

Alton, for example, was a gang member carrying an illegal gun that he had been waving around in the parking lot earlier that evening. The video clearly shows him resisting arrest and reaching for something. What were the police supposed to do? Say “oh it’s ok Mr. Sterling, because you’re black we simply can’t defend ourselves right now so we’ll put our life in danger just because we don’t want a race riot on social media.” Please.

Even worse, some imbeciles are actually taking money for this thug’s family and they are set to receive hundreds of thousands of dollars out of this. If only it were so simple for everyone to come into that kind of money. His family must simply be thrilled. Except, of course, when they’re not parading in front of cameras giving interviews and all. The man’s body is barely cold and you’re doing the “grieving supportive family” routine. Again I say, give me a break.

Philando, admittedly, I don’t know much about but I have seen the video. His “girlfriend” should be ashamed of herself for not doing ANYTHING to help him. No, she was more worried about filming everything for Facebook while he literally bled to death beside her. She was so composed, I was waiting for her to put on some slippers and light a Newport while she gave her commentary. It’s absolutely repulsive.

Anything and everything for a HANDOUT. Even in that moment, she had the peace of mind to think about what free stuff would come out of this. Philando, apparently, had a gun on him and was reaching for it even though the officer said not to. Um, maybe just don’t reach for it? Let the officer pat you down or whatever needs to be done?

Police risk their lives each and every day, and they get abused because of stupid people like this who want to make everything about skin color. Maybe it’s about not being STUPID and following the law?

You act like a thug, you are going to pay the consequences. These two men did. They are dead let us move on. They now join the ranks of Trayvon and every other black idiot who thought they were invincible to the law.

May God have mercy on all of them for THEIR sins.
Notice above how USF refuses to condemn the sickening comment included in the tweet.
And if the comment was made by a non Christian, will you condemn it? You haven't condemned this comment, yet already are complaining about others who haven't.

You told me that is the definition of hypocrisy.

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Notice above how USF refuses to condemn the sickening comment included in the tweet.

I noticed that.

I also noticed that he and his ilk demand that all Muslims condemn every vile act and utterance by all Muslims.

Did you notice that he is using the "no true Scotsman" defense to excuse this perverted nonsense?
And if the comment was made by a non Christian, will you condemn it? You haven't condemned this comment, yet already are complaining about others who haven't.

You told me that is the definition of hypocrisy.

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Did you notice how Zap refused to condemn the tweet and instead decided to show his man crush on me? :palm: