Creepy tweet from conservative Christian


BTW, she confesses that she is a Christian. Isn't that all that's required?

Jennifer Mayers

Louisiana. Wife, mother, Christian. I love the beach. With #God all things are possible. I am a believer in the positivity of the Lord GUATEMALAN. #Trump2016
Baton Rouge, LA

Good evening friends! I hope you have all been well! I have been trying to stay home and not venture out much due to the events here in Baton Rouge. I do not trust the loose blacks on the street to not harm me or my family if we were to leave. The situation is indeed dire.

Mayers wasn’t done venting. On July 7, after her tweet went viral, the gun-loving, Donald Trump supporter penned a blog post titled “Taylor Swift: The Ham Sandwich.”

“Let me be clear. I am NOT shaming Taylor Swift. She is shaming herself. She is a role model. She is in the public eye and should be setting a good example of purity and Christianity,” Mayers wrote. “Instead she is flaunting her sexual escapades with all of Hollywood’s A-list celebrities and is now moved on to some even below that. Her conquests could fill a small stadium or certainly a barn at this point.”

She continued: “The left sandwich is far more ragged and worn looking and rather unattractive to the eye. I see this as Taylor’s symbolic promiscuity. The right is much more neat, clean and pure. This represents my daughters’ innocence and purity because they were raised correctly.”
I've read her blog, this is a seriously disturbed woman!