Cruelty - Nailed It


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From The Atlantic:

Trump’s only true skill is the con; his only fundamental belief is that the United States is the birthright of straight, white, Christian men, and his only real, authentic pleasure is in cruelty. It is that cruelty, and the delight it brings them, that binds his most ardent supporters to him, in shared scorn for those they hate and fear: immigrants, black voters, feminists, and treasonous white men who empathize with any of those who would steal their birthright. The president’s ability to execute that cruelty through word and deed makes them euphoric. It makes them feel good, it makes them feel proud, it makes them feel happy, it makes them feel united. And as long as he makes them feel that way, they will let him get away with anything, no matter what it costs them.
I wonder how many of our RW friends on JPP will see themselves in this paragraph. My guess is zero, yet they *all* support both this "man" and his behaviors:

"We can hear the spectacle of cruel laughter throughout the Trump era. There were the border-patrol agents cracking up at the crying immigrant children separated from their families, and the Trump adviser who delighted white supremacists when he mocked a child with Down syndrome who was separated from her mother. There were the police who laughed uproariously when the president encouraged them to abuse suspects, and the Fox News hosts mocking a survivor of the Pulse Nightclub massacre (and in the process inundating him with threats), the survivors of sexual assault protesting to Senator Jeff Flake, the women who said the president had sexually assaulted them, and the teen survivors of the Parkland school shooting. There was the president mocking Puerto Rican accents shortly after thousands were killed and tens of thousands displaced by Hurricane Maria, the black athletes protesting unjustified killings by the police, the women of the #MeToo movement who have come forward with stories of sexual abuse, and the disabled reporter whose crime was reporting on Trump truthfully. It is not just that the perpetrators of this cruelty enjoy it; it is that they enjoy it with one another. Their shared laughter at the suffering of others is an adhesive that binds them to one another, and to Trump."
I wonder how many of our RW friends on JPP will see themselves in this paragraph. My guess is zero, yet they *all* support both this "man" and his behaviors:

"We can hear the spectacle of cruel laughter throughout the Trump era. There were the border-patrol agents cracking up at the crying immigrant children separated from their families, and the Trump adviser who delighted white supremacists when he mocked a child with Down syndrome who was separated from her mother. There were the police who laughed uproariously when the president encouraged them to abuse suspects, and the Fox News hosts mocking a survivor of the Pulse Nightclub massacre (and in the process inundating him with threats), the survivors of sexual assault protesting to Senator Jeff Flake, the women who said the president had sexually assaulted them, and the teen survivors of the Parkland school shooting. There was the president mocking Puerto Rican accents shortly after thousands were killed and tens of thousands displaced by Hurricane Maria, the black athletes protesting unjustified killings by the police, the women of the #MeToo movement who have come forward with stories of sexual abuse, and the disabled reporter whose crime was reporting on Trump truthfully. It is not just that the perpetrators of this cruelty enjoy it; it is that they enjoy it with one another. Their shared laughter at the suffering of others is an adhesive that binds them to one another, and to Trump."

It is with great sadness that we are forced to witness this shameful display of selfishness, and with unmeasured angst that we are forced to endure the humility of having this mindset represent us to the rest of the world. We must gather our courage and resolve; steel ourselves in pledging to resoundingly vote this nonsense OUT, and never allow it to rear it's ugly head again.
Trump is a conman who was shocked to see his BS worked on such a grand scale. The shock in his voice when he said " I could shoot someone on 5th avenue and not lose any votes'. He was as amazed as most reasonable people were. Once he got control. he ran with it. He wants to use and abuse the power. He decided to energize the plutoioctacy and fundamentally change the country into one of haves and have nots. He is still pushing another huge tax cut for the rich.

The last to see how they were conned is the victim. They absolutely deny it, believing they understand something everyone else does not. in a few years, you will have trouble finding people who will admit they voted for an unqualified conman for president. Trump does not believe in an independent justice department nor a separarate CIA and FBI. he is really ,really dangerous to the American system.
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The Repubs are using DJT like an old wash rag.....They will squeeze every bit if usefulness out of him...then kick him to the curb when the going gets tough.

You know....sort of like Putin is doing.
From The Atlantic:

Trump’s only true skill is the con; his only fundamental belief is that the United States is the birthright of straight, white, Christian men, and his only real, authentic pleasure is in cruelty. It is that cruelty, and the delight it brings them, that binds his most ardent supporters to him, in shared scorn for those they hate and fear: immigrants, black voters, feminists, and treasonous white men who empathize with any of those who would steal their birthright. The president’s ability to execute that cruelty through word and deed makes them euphoric. It makes them feel good, it makes them feel proud, it makes them feel happy, it makes them feel united. And as long as he makes them feel that way, they will let him get away with anything, no matter what it costs them.

Assuming someone's beliefs, pleasures, delight, feelings, and so on without evidence is complete fabricated propaganda. You guys are liars.
Assuming someone's beliefs, pleasures, delight, feelings, and so on without evidence is complete fabricated propaganda. You guys are liars.

The opportunity to back your belief is here. I am sure you can refute the arguments. we will wait..
Assuming someone's beliefs, pleasures, delight, feelings, and so on without evidence is complete fabricated propaganda. You guys are liars.


Obviously, pally boy, you haven't been paying attention. Remove your head from your ass first.

The irony of you using the word 'liar' is laughable. The article is about the most prolific liar most of us have ever seen. On a pathological scale.

His bullying and cruelty, to anyone who has been paying attention, was obvious from the beginning of his campaign. Your head must have been up your rectum since at least that time.

Watch his rallies, punk. The audiences relish in the mockery and demeaning of anyone who dares out the motherfucker on his lies and deceit.

He panders to those low information, low IQ types. And they eat it up. Just like you.
You still can't read minds, yet you pretend that you can, pally boy. Tell us how you feel, because that's all you can do, or better yet, wait until an article comes out that confirms your feelings so you can get your marching orders from your authorities.
You still can't read minds, yet you pretend that you can, pally boy. Tell us how you feel, because that's all you can do, or better yet, wait until an article comes out that confirms your feelings so you can get your marching orders from your authorities.


True Trumptard. Oblivious to the obvious truth.

Ever watched any of his rallies, Trumptard? It’s a feeding frenzy on his lies and cruelty.

Willfully ignorant cretin.

True Trumptard. Oblivious to the obvious truth.

Ever watched any of his rallies, Trumptard? It’s a feeding frenzy on his lies and cruelty.

Willfully ignorant cretin.

Yeah I've seen all his rallies. Your "obvious truth" is complete, pre-packaged nonsense handed down from your superiors.
If dump was impeached and a more moderate republican became President, how many of you would still vote republican?

Be honest.
Yeah I've seen all his rallies. Your "obvious truth" is complete, pre-packaged nonsense handed down from your superiors.

Nobody had to interpret anything for me on those rallies, moron. They are self-evident to anyone with a minimal ability to observe. That leaves you out.

Pathetic Trumpsucker.
Nobody had to interpret anything for me on those rallies, moron. They are self-evident to anyone with a minimal ability to observe. That leaves you out.

Pathetic Trumpsucker.

Doesn't sound like it. Everything you say reads like a HuffPo, Steven Colbert, or NYT hit piece, except far less eloquent. Give us an original thought for once.
Doesn't sound like it. Everything you say reads like a HuffPo, Steven Colbert, or NYT hit piece, except far less eloquent. Give us an original thought for once.

Let’s see here, Trumptard.

I don’t read Huffpost.
I watch a few of Colbert’s monologues because they are funny. Couldn’t quote a single sentence from one.
I read some free NYT articles because it is the most prestigious newspaper in the country. Even that left wing rag, Forbes, says so.

Original thought? Have one, Trumptard? Do any of these work for you?

Fake news!
Uranium One!
Witch hunt!
No collusion!
Deep State!
Let’s see here, Trumptard.

I don’t read Huffpost.
I watch a few of Colbert’s monologues because they are funny. Couldn’t quote a single sentence from one.
I read some free NYT articles because it is the most prestigious newspaper in the country. Even that left wing rag, Forbes, says so.

Original thought? Have one, Trumptard? Do any of these work for you?

Fake news!
Uranium One!
Witch hunt!
No collusion!
Deep State!

Oh look, there's an actual person beneath that mob-derived carapace. Good of you to poke your head out. You almost resemble an individual.
The Repubs are using DJT like an old wash rag.....They will squeeze every bit if usefulness out of him...then kick him to the curb when the going gets tough.

You know....sort of like Putin is doing.

Nope. there is no republican party. Trump took it over without a fight. it is The Trump Plutocratic party now. The repubs don't have the guts to stand up to him on anything. Perhaps Ryan and Mcconnell are in on the con. The rest are just pussies that Trump grabbed.