Cruz and Trump want to turn the USA into a police state with Muslim ghettos

Legion Troll

A fine upstanding poster
Republicans now see significant electoral benefits to be found in demonizing an entire faith. We didn’t even have a body count in Brussels before Cruz and Trump started calling for a police-state trial run in America.

Within hours of the bombs there, the top two Republican presidential candidates here were duking it out to see who could pitch the most authoritarian crackdown on Muslim Americans.

Both leading Republican candidates endorsed having law enforcement officials crack down on "Muslim neighborhoods" — not because their residents are radical, but to prevent potential radicalization.

Cruz issued a statement a few hours after the bombings calling for enhanced police presence in Muslim-American neighborhoods.

“We need to empower law enforcement to patrol and secure Muslim neighborhoods before they become radicalized,” he said.

On CNN, Trump said he concurred.

In an email, Cruz spokeswoman Catherine Frazier added that Cruz favors preemptively sending police into neighborhoods because of their inhabitants’ beliefs.

It’s not surprising.

Over the past eight months, overt Islamophobia has become part of mainstream Republican thinking.

Though it isn’t written into the party platform, the majority of Republican primary voters currently back presidential candidates pushing to marginalize American Muslims—and they have hired America’s most virulently xenophobic voices to advise them.

Cruz has publicly associated himself with former Reagan official Frank Gaffney, a crackpot conspiracy theorist who has never seen a Muslim he didn’t think was secretly trying to infiltrate the government.

Gaffney was a Deputy Assistant Secretary of Defense for a few years. But he lost his cachet in the Pentagon and then started a think tank, the Center for Security Policy, that peddles goofball conspiracy theories and bad data.

Since then, Gaffney has pimped some truly intriguing notions about current events—including but not limited to the idea that anti-tax activist Grover Norquist is a secret mole for the Muslim Brotherhood; that Obama is the country’s first Muslim president; that Huma Abedin is a secret mole for the Muslim Brotherhood; that the Muslim Brotherhood had made inroads in CPAC leadership (see a pattern?); that Obama was maybe actually born in Kenya; and that a redesign of the Missile Defense Agency’s logo was an insidious sign of “submission to Shariah by President Obama and his team.”

And as a Senator, Cruz appeared on Gaffney’s radio show and at his events.

“Frank Gaffney, the one and only,” the senator said at one event, “you are a clarion voice for truth.”

Tt’s especially interesting because Cruz has made religious freedom central to his campaign.
And this is why these two (especially Trump) are so very worrying.

Now, I know. People like to throw around words like, "Germany" and "Nazi" as easily as they breathe. It's almost involuntary.

But in the case of both Trump and Cruz, the latest rhetoric is actually terrifying when put into historical context.

Look, I've said it before. I'm Jewish, so of course my mind goes to history when I hear political figures and Donald Trump say the things they do.

I heard the stories from family members who were able to say, "You had to be there" because they were. I had relatives who made it through Ravensbrück and Bergen-Belsen, and relatives who died in Buchenwald and Dachau. Those who died in the camps had survivors to speak for them.

So yes, when I heard Cruz calling for police to "patrol and secure Muslim neighborhoods," my mind went instantly to wondering when the American version of Kristallnacht would take place (or as they might call it, "ليلة الزجاج المكسور".)

And I'm just going to say it. Nothing says "Nazi" like a political figure calling for the containment (or "concentration," if you will) of an entire group of people because of their religion.

And it is this, above all else, that makes me so ashamed to be an American. There are times I become quite emotional because while I honestly and deeply want to be proud of my country, I can't - due to people like Cruz, Trump, and the people who support them.
And this is why these two (especially Trump) are so very worrying.

Now, I know. People like to throw around words like, "Germany" and "Nazi" as easily as they breathe. It's almost involuntary.

But in the case of both Trump and Cruz, the latest rhetoric is actually terrifying when put into historical context.

Look, I've said it before. I'm Jewish, so of course my mind goes to history when I hear political figures and Donald Trump say the things they do.

I heard the stories from family members who were able to say, "You had to be there" because they were. I had relatives who made it through Ravensbrück and Bergen-Belsen, and relatives who died in Buchenwald and Dachau. Those who died in the camps had survivors to speak for them.

So yes, when I heard Cruz calling for police to "patrol and secure Muslim neighborhoods," my mind went instantly to wondering when the American version of Kristallnacht would take place (or as they might call it, "ليلة الزجاج المكسور".)

And I'm just going to say it. Nothing says "Nazi" like a political figure calling for the containment (or "concentration," if you will) of an entire group of people because of their religion.

And it is this, above all else, that makes me so ashamed to be an American. There are times I become quite emotional because while I honestly and deeply want to be proud of my country, I can't - due to people like Cruz, Trump, and the people who support them.

May I suggest that you immediately seek some professional help, for your problems; because if you're truly trying to equate Trump and concentration camps, you're fucking insane. :palm:
May I suggest that you immediately seek some professional help, for your problems; because if you're truly trying to equate Trump and concentration camps, you're fucking insane.

Did you admonish the righties who claimed Obama and the UN were setting up FEMA concentration camps as part of Jade Helm?

Of course you didn't.

You probably believed it. :palm:

And she believes whatever Trump says, doesn't she?

And this is why these two (especially Trump) are so very worrying.

Now, I know. People like to throw around words like, "Germany" and "Nazi" as easily as they breathe. It's almost involuntary.

But in the case of both Trump and Cruz, the latest rhetoric is actually terrifying when put into historical context.

Look, I've said it before. I'm Jewish, so of course my mind goes to history when I hear political figures and Donald Trump say the things they do.

I heard the stories from family members who were able to say, "You had to be there" because they were. I had relatives who made it through Ravensbrück and Bergen-Belsen, and relatives who died in Buchenwald and Dachau. Those who died in the camps had survivors to speak for them.

So yes, when I heard Cruz calling for police to "patrol and secure Muslim neighborhoods," my mind went instantly to wondering when the American version of Kristallnacht would take place (or as they might call it, "ليلة الزجاج المكسور".)

And I'm just going to say it. Nothing says "Nazi" like a political figure calling for the containment (or "concentration," if you will) of an entire group of people because of their religion.

And it is this, above all else, that makes me so ashamed to be an American. There are times I become quite emotional because while I honestly and deeply want to be proud of my country, I can't - due to people like Cruz, Trump, and the people who support them.

Yet you don't seem to have much trouble ignoring Moon2012 and his constant anti-Semitism displayed here on a daily basis, why is that?
May I suggest that you immediately seek some professional help, for your problems; because if you're truly trying to equate Trump and concentration camps, you're fucking insane. :palm:

No, I did not compare Donald Trump the liar to concentration camps.

I said that nothing says "Nazi" like exactly what both Trump the Liar and Ted Cruz are calling for. I guess you saw the point, since it's you who drew the conclusion that I was comparing Trump the liar to concentration camps.

Which is a really, really stupid assumption to make, since I think you'd find it quite difficult to build thousands of barrack buildings the size necessary inside a human being. Indeed, I'd suggest you'd be hard pressed to fit just ONE barrack inside a human.

But since I obviously wasn't clear, I'll say it another way: Donald Trump the Liar and Ted Cruz are not only embarrassments to the American People, they are a horrible disgrace to the country, its citizens and so is every single person who supports either one of them and their Nazi-like hate speech.

Was that clear enough?

Finally, I truly suggest you seek professional help if you're supporting Trump the Liar, because it means you are so goddamned fucked in the head that you either don't do your homework and see for yourself that he's lying, or are so mentally fecking stunted that you don't realize he's a liar.

Was THAT clear enough for you?
No, I did not compare Donald Trump the liar to concentration camps.

I said that nothing says "Nazi" like exactly what both Trump the Liar and Ted Cruz are calling for. I guess you saw the point, since it's you who drew the conclusion that I was comparing Trump the liar to concentration camps.

Which is a really, really stupid assumption to make, since I think you'd find it quite difficult to build thousands of barrack buildings the size necessary inside a human being. Indeed, I'd suggest you'd be hard pressed to fit just ONE barrack inside a human.

But since I obviously wasn't clear, I'll say it another way: Donald Trump the Liar and Ted Cruz are not only embarrassments to the American People, they are a horrible disgrace to the country, its citizens and so is every single person who supports either one of them and their Nazi-like hate speech.

Was that clear enough?

Finally, I truly suggest you seek professional help if you're supporting Trump the Liar, because it means you are so goddamned fucked in the head that you either don't do your homework and see for yourself that he's lying, or are so mentally fecking stunted that you don't realize he's a liar.

Was THAT clear enough for you?

Well what was fucking clear, you fucking idiot, was that you were the one who brought up the fucking comparison and now you're fucking trying to fucking back pedal and fucking juggle at the same time.
Your fucking post tried to make the fucking comparison and I just fucking pointed out, how fucking stupid you were / are.
It's also fucking obvious that you couldn't remember what fucking connection you fucking tried to make.

Do you fucking require your fucking memory jogged some fucking more or do you just fucking intend to continue to fucking lie, you fucking liar?

Well what was fucking clear, you fucking idiot, was that you were the one who brought up the fucking comparison and now you're fucking trying to fucking back pedal and fucking juggle at the same time.
Your fucking post tried to make the fucking comparison and I just fucking pointed out, how fucking stupid you were / are.
It's also fucking obvious that you couldn't remember what fucking connection you fucking tried to make.

Do you fucking require your fucking memory jogged some fucking more or do you just fucking intend to continue to fucking lie, you fucking liar?


Again, you appear to be too stupid to understand the difference between what someone says and the person themselves.

And incidentally, in the sentence in question (the one time the word "concentration' was used in the entire post) I specifically referenced Cruz, so you appear to have some reading comprehension issues, too.

Once again, since you are so obviously hard-of-thinking, I said:

Nothing says "Nazi" like a political figure calling for the containment (or "concentration," if you will) of an entire group of people because of their religion.

I compared them to Nazis, not concentration camps.

You strange, insane and intellectually deficient idiot.
Again, you appear to be too stupid to understand the difference between what someone says and the person themselves.

And incidentally, in the sentence in question (the one time the word "concentration' was used in the entire post) I specifically referenced Cruz, so you appear to have some reading comprehension issues, too.

Once again, since you are so obviously hard-of-thinking, I said:

I compared them to Nazis, not concentration camps.

You strange, insane and intellectually deficient idiot.

OHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH, now I see the fucking difference; because when anyone fucking mentions Nazi's and concentration camps, in the same fucking post, no one ever fucking connects the two. :palm: