Satire for Sanity
Cuba files declaration to join S Africas genocide case against Israel at UNs top court
The UN
Pappe: This unholy alliance was there from the very beginning. If you think about it logically, both anti-Semites and Zionists, when it comes to Europe had the same target, they didn’t want to see the Jews in Europe. Seeing them in Palestine could be an objective both of the Zionist movement and anti-Semitic movement.
Now there is a new layer of uniformity of ideas between the neo-right and Israel, and this is Islamophobia.
The new right is now, although it has still strong anti-Jewish, namely anti-Semitic elements in it, it’s targeting mainly Muslim and Arab communities. It doesn’t target Jewish communities, in particular.
They see Israel as the most important anti-Islamic anti-Arab force in the world, so there’s also identification on that level – but of course, it’s something that Jews would regret outside of Israel if they would be part of such an alliance. Even pro-Israeli Jews in Europe feel a bit uneasy about [those that] don themselves with the Israeli flag, but at the same time with the Nazi flag.
Hopefully, it will make them rethink their association with Israel. We already see the signs, especially in the American Jewish community among the young generation, that they understand that Israel is now part of a political alliance that they as American Jews cannot identify with.
As we say, it allows Israel to continue because of Trump and populist leaders, but it’s also something that will not be forever in the future.
Israeli historian Ilan Pappe: ‘This is the last phase of Zionism’
Pappe talks to Al Jazeera on ‘neo-Zionism’, ceasefire talks, the second coming of Trump and ‘indoctrination’ in Israel.