Leftist Vermin
Any thoughts on this??
Is this something new that ppl just realized or has it been happening in one form or another since the cradle of civilization??
It is as old as mankind. Invaders overtake and destroy a ppl and their culture. A couple generations pass and the wars are forgotten and suddenly the vanquished culture becomes popular with the invaders' g-kids or g-g-kids. So they try to resurrect it through copying their clothing, music, even spiritual practices. A good example of this can be found right here in America with the indigenous ppl.
Imagine being driven underground and forced to hide your culture and spirituality... only to find that pop culture has taken it to make $$ from? An example: Imagine if Xtians' worst (or fondest) fears came true and they weren't allowed to practice their faith in this country. Some years pass and they find out that a clothing and accessories company has marketed a hugely-popular line of priestly garments, decorated crucifixes, and bottle holy water. Think they'd be pissed? You betcha.