Cuomo in the news

Watching the democrat party eat one of it's own with the same tactics it's used on republicans is a joy to watch and I can think of no one more deserving than cuomo
Cuomo ordered homes for disabled to accept coronavirus patients, too
Watching the democrat party eat one of it's own with the same tactics it's used on republicans is a joy to watch and I can think of no one more deserving than cuomo

He should be impeached for killing thousands of old people, not unproven allegations by women.

Sixth Woman Accuses Cuomo Of Sexual Misconduct
Propositioning somebody in the workplace isn't harassment.
If it were, nobody would ever get to hook up with anybody.

Persisting after "no" is harassment. That's it.

People don't get to be comfortable all the time unless they're privileged to occupy their own private worlds.
I'm totally opposed to misogynist behavior and sexual harassment, but some annoying bitches on TV need to shut the fuck up.
Being hit upon once used to be accepted as a compliment for fuck's sake.

When you're a 63-year-old governor and your aide is a 25-year-old woman with no power, it's harassment. Full stop.

Cuomo should resign.
He should be impeached for killing thousands of old people, not unproven allegations by women.


So when COVID patients were overwhelming hospitals to the point they needed circus tents and a ship, where should Cuomo have put the nursing home patients who recovered? On the street?

This scandal is about the cover-up, not the placement of patients into nursing homes. He needed to open up beds.
Cuomo is in trouble because he is a Dem and we lean toward believing women who say they were abused by powerful figures.
When Trump was accused by 30 women, you reds said they were all lying. That, even though Trump said he grabbed women by the pussy.
You guys have no basis to make claims about Cuomo. You think women lie about things like this. The man should be believed.
Cuomo is in trouble because he is a Dem and we lean toward believing women who say they were abused by powerful figures.

So you keep saying, yet the usurper is still basking in your esteem, despite the his inappropriate behaviors toward women and little girls.


The big scandal isn’t that Cuomo is a creep, because everyone knew that already. The scandal isn’t even that Cuomo lied about nursing home deaths.

The real scandal is what lay behind the high nursing home deaths in Blue York and a handful of other states led by leftist governors such as Michigan’s Gretchen Whitmer, Minnesota’s Tim Walz, and Pennsylvania’s Tom Wolf. It is the story of how grandpa and grandma got tossed aside for money.

The high nursing home deaths were the direct result of policies that quickly discharged elderly or disabled COVID-19 patients from the hospital when they were still COVID-positive and then put them back in group or nursing homes. The hospital lobby directly engineered this approach, and these governors obliged.

The stated reason for the policy was concern about hospital capacity, but these states kept the policy well after COVID hospitalizations peaked in April.

In Blue states like Minnesota, the policy remained in place even though the health-care system never faced the strain that was initially feared.

What you don’t hear is that hospitals didn’t want to keep Medicare and Medicaid patients (especially Medicaid patients) in hospitals for too long, because longer stays with such patients are less profitable.

In Blue York, Michigan, Blue Jersey, Minnesota, and Pennsylvania, nursing homes were required or encouraged to admit COVID-positive patients.

The COVID-positive patients then spread the disease to the rest of the residents, and group and nursing homes became epicenters for COVID-19 cases and deaths.

Leftists try to brush this logic aside, but a report found a direct correlation between patients discharged by hospitals and COVID-19 cases.

In Cuomo’s Blue York, at the height of the pandemic on March 25, the State Health Department “compelled nursing homes to accept patients who had tested positive for coronavirus.” The policy was pushed by the non-profit hospital association, the Greater Blue York Hospital Association (GNYHA).

Blue York had recently cut Medicaid funding due to budget issues, and given Medicaid is already chronically underfunded, it is possible that hospitals were losing money or at best barely breaking even on poor and indigent COVID-19 patients.

Later, Cuomo’s aides inserted a measure into an annual budget bill creating the nation’s most generous and explicit COVID lawsuit protections for health care and industry officials. One study claims that COVID-19 deaths were 7.5 times higher in states with such corporate legal immunity.

The GNYHA is “one of the most influential forces in Blue York politics.” Cuomo received $1 million from GNYHA in his reelection campaign, and the donation was engineered to remain secret until after his inauguration. Overall, during Cuomo’s second term his campaign and his state party committee raked in more than $2.3 million from hospital donors.
yes his accusers are cumming out faster then bill Clinton can say I didn't have sex with that woman or o bung hole saying if you like your plan and doctor you can keep it

Top aides to Gov. Andrew M. Cuomo were alarmed: A report written by state health officials had just landed, and it included a count of how many nursing home residents in New York had died in the pandemic.

The number — more than 9,000 by that point in June — was not public, and the governor’s most senior aides wanted to keep it that way.

They rewrote the report to take it out, according to interviews and documents reviewed by The New York Times.

The extraordinary intervention, which came just as Mr. Cuomo was starting to write a book on his pandemic achievements, was the earliest act yet known in what critics have called a months-long effort by the governor and his aides to obscure the full scope of nursing home deaths.

After the state attorney general revealed earlier this year that thousands of deaths of nursing home residents had been under-counted, Mr. Cuomo finally released the complete data, saying he had withheld it out of concern that the Trump administration might pursue a politically motivated inquiry into the state’s handling of the outbreak in nursing homes.

But Mr. Cuomo and his aides actually began concealing the numbers months earlier.
