Loves Me Some Souls
Not my fault you can't comprehend.
Maybe you should have taken the advanced reading comprehension course from the Trump U. correspondence school.
Not my fault you can't comprehend.
Maybe you should have taken the advanced reading comprehension course from the Trump U. correspondence school.
Directly caused or induced.
In a column for the Daily Beast, longtime political observer Matt Lewis — who left the Republican party because of Donald Trump — claimed that the president has finally met his rhetorical match in New York Gov. Andrew Cuomo (D) who has been nonplussed by the president’s insults and seen his own national profile rise as a result. Contrasting Cuomo’s press conferences with the president’s attacks against the governor on Twitter, Lewis said the president is coming out on the losing end.
Pointing out Cuomo’s shot across Trump’s bow saying, when it comes to coronavirus testing, the president’s plan is to “pass the buck without passing the bucks,” Lewis explained that Cuomo baited Trump perfectly. “Here, Cuomo is basically saying New York can’t reopen without more widespread testing, and that isn’t going to happen unless the federal government provides more help (on Thursday, Trump insisted that the U.S. has “tremendous testing capacity”),” he wrote. “Next, Trump, who was apparently watching Cuomo’s briefing on TV, took to Twitter, writing that Cuomo “should spend more time ‘doing’ and less time ‘complaining.’” He also tweeted about all the “money, help, and equipment” the federal government has given New York, and that Cuomo never says ‘thanks.’ ‘If he’s sitting home watching TV,’ shot back Cuomo, ‘maybe he should get up and go to work, right?'” According to Lewis, all the president has is smears while Cuomo calmly lays out facts on a daily basis. “The White House’s guidance for the states to reopen is generally serious and cautious. But it also places a lot of burdens on states to do absolutely vital things like testing. This, presumably, sets up governors like Cuomo to become foils if anything goes wrong, or if they simply don’t have the resources,” The columnist explained. “But as important as the substance is, this is also a food fight. Donald Trump likes to pick fights, and this is merely the latest example. He picks them because they distract from his failings. He picks them because they are catnip. He picks them because he usually wins.”
Governor Cuomo tears into Trumps ass! If you have the time, the video is 16 minutes long, but well worth it?!! As New York Gov. Andrew Cuomo was giving his daily press briefing on the state's response Friday, President Trump was apparently listening and didn’t like what he heard. ”Governor Cuomo should spend more time ‘doing’ and less time ‘complaining,’” Trump midway through the press conference, which was being carried live on cable news networks. “Get out there and get the job done. Stop talking! We built you thousands of hospital beds that you didn’t need or use, gave large numbers of Ventilators that you should have had, and helped you with testing that you should be doing. We have given New York far more money, help and equipment than any other state, by far, & these great men & women who did the job never hear you say thanks. Your numbers are not good. Less talk and more action!” As he took questions, Cuomo was asked to respond to Trump’s comments. And the governor, who has been reluctant to engage with Trump during the crisis, turned the president’s criticisms back on him.
“Cuomo slams Trump for suggesting 75-year-old protester's injuries were staged“ “New York Gov. Andrew Cuomo (D) slammed President Trump for his Tuesday tweet voicing an unfounded conspiracy theory that the 75-year-old man who was pushed to the ground by police in Buffalo during a protest could be part of a “set up” after video of the incident went viral.” “It’s all made up, it's all fabricated. There’s no fact to any of it,” Cuomo said during a press briefing.”
Americans are tuning into NY Governor Cuomo for information about the Virus because nobody trusts the Trump* show, and they think its a joke. Pitiful.
Draft Cuomo for president trending on Twitter. Cuomo outshines Trump on television. Without reading from a prepared script, Cuomo inspires America to feel and do better. Trump yells at reporters giving him a softball question.
New York Gov. Andrew Cuomo is on the shortlist of Joe Biden's picks for the role of attorney general Contract expired we were due for an upgrade.
With Two Words, Andrew Cuomo Established Himself as the Leader This Country Needs Now The New York governor's Friday morning press conference was a master class in leveling with the public.
In the words of John C Maxwell, the distinguished bestselling author of inspirational books, a true leader “is one who knows the way, shows the way and goes the way.” Cuomo’s nationally televised addresses are aimed at the almost 20 million residents of a state affected more than any other by the virus. But his “wisdom and competence”, according to former White House communications director Anthony Scaramucci, is resonating in every corner of the United States, as well as providing leadership cues to Trump’s advisers. He ended his address by likening the crisis to the challenges faced by “the greatest generation” that survived the Second World War and promised, “We’re going to overcome this, and America will be the greater for it.” “[It’s] real leadership of the kind the president of the United States should have provided to the American people throughout this crisis, but hasn’t,” Carl Bernstein, the former Washington Post journalist who broke the Watergate scandal, told Stelter.
Its already happening, trumpanzee!
I think everyone here on this Forum would agree ... if this was a Republican, Cuomo would have EVERY Republican Politician Rally behind him and NOTHING would happen to him.
Democrats WON’T do this!
This is the DIFFERENCE between Democrats and Republicans