Curious Discussion with a Veteran

Adam Weinberg

Goldwater Republican
Now the result of these thoughts and events I am about to divulge here may result in nothing but whimsical catharsis, but as I'm between meetings at the moment I will share this with you.

Yesterday I was making calls to Plano, Texas when I got hold of a Mr. Grant.

He said he would consider my candidate and that he was his second or third choice, but that currently he intends to support Duncan Hunter.

He told me he was convinced as an Army veteran from Vietnam, that if there was a redeployment of our forces in Iraq that the policy makers would blame our troops for our failure, and a new generation of forces would be painted as babykillers and be forgotten for their service.

I told him I had never heard anyone say anything like that about our troops, and that I certainly wouldn't support someone who would blame them for what is bad political policy.

But he persisted to tell me that he saw a repeat on the horizon and for that reason he did not favor a withdrawl.

I'm certainly not going to tell a Veteran to his face that he is wrong, but it was certainly interesting.
Why was he wrong?

Now the result of these thoughts and events I am about to divulge here may result in nothing but whimsical catharsis, but as I'm between meetings at the moment I will share this with you.

Yesterday I was making calls to Plano, Texas when I got hold of a Mr. Grant.

He said he would consider my candidate and that he was his second or third choice, but that currently he intends to support Duncan Hunter.

He told me he was convinced as an Army veteran from Vietnam, that if there was a redeployment of our forces in Iraq that the policy makers would blame our troops for our failure, and a new generation of forces would be painted as babykillers and be forgotten for their service.

I told him I had never heard anyone say anything like that about our troops, and that I certainly wouldn't support someone who would blame them for what is bad political policy.

But he persisted to tell me that he saw a repeat on the horizon and for that reason he did not favor a withdrawl.

I'm certainly not going to tell a Veteran to his face that he is wrong, but it was certainly interesting.

History has a way of repeating itself..he was there...where were you to make this analogy of what is right or wrong about war? Why not invite him to this board so we can appreciate his view...and address your comment 'Not to his face' fair is fair no?
Don't be a jerk. This thread is nothing but a respectful testament to that man's thoughts and experience.

If you had taken a moment to not try for one upmanship and consider my reason for even sharing this, you would have noticed his thoughts did not pertain to the war itself, but the policy and public reaction.
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Excuse me....!

Don't be a jerk. This thread is nothing but a respectful testament to that man's thoughts and experience.

If you had taken a moment to not try for one upmanship and consider my reason for even sharing this, you would have noticed his thougts did not pertain to the war itself, but the policy and oublic reaction.

I just asked you a simple question...I appreciate your sharing...however I would also like for this mystery man to share his thoughts personally...if that is being a 'Jerk' I suppose I am guilty!:rolleyes:
Sorry If I jumped the gun and assumed the worst from your reply.

Obviously, the man can't join us, and that's why I posted.

I offered what he told me in order for other people to ponder it. I do not agree with him because nobody I know or have heard of has cotended that this is the troop's fault.

But I certainly have sympathy for his view, and as someone who hasn't experienced war--and has no regrets--I think this only serves to highlight the tragedy that is war.
I wish I could console him by telling him what all the young people I know feel about Vets and especially Vietnam vets.

They respect them emmensely, they see them as unsung Heros deserving the highest of respect.

I am about as anti war as you can get and always thank a person for their service when I have found out that they served any time any where.
Now the result of these thoughts and events I am about to divulge here may result in nothing but whimsical catharsis, but as I'm between meetings at the moment I will share this with you.

Yesterday I was making calls to Plano, Texas when I got hold of a Mr. Grant.

He said he would consider my candidate and that he was his second or third choice, but that currently he intends to support Duncan Hunter.

He told me he was convinced as an Army veteran from Vietnam, that if there was a redeployment of our forces in Iraq that the policy makers would blame our troops for our failure, and a new generation of forces would be painted as babykillers and be forgotten for their service.

I told him I had never heard anyone say anything like that about our troops, and that I certainly wouldn't support someone who would blame them for what is bad political policy.

But he persisted to tell me that he saw a repeat on the horizon and for that reason he did not favor a withdrawl.

I'm certainly not going to tell a Veteran to his face that he is wrong, but it was certainly interesting.

He told me he was convinced as an Army veteran from Vietnam, that if there was a redeployment of our forces in Iraq that the policy makers would blame our troops for our failure, and a new generation of forces would be painted as babykillers and be forgotten for their service.

The old fart is either suffering from dementia or he's a bold-faced liar.

NO sane person want to continue a war because there might be a chance that some veteran somewhere might get spit on at a airport. That's about the STUPIDEST reason I've ever heard to continue fighting George Bush's war. I mean, really: were going to continue the slaughter, and flushing billions of dollars down the toilet, because this old fart supposedly thinks some vet might get spit on, somewhere.

This old liar is simply making shit up, to somehow justify his vote for bush and his continued support of a failed and immoral war.

NO sane person want to continue a war because there might be a chance that some veteran somewhere might get spit on at a airport. That's about the STUPIDEST reason I've ever heard to continue fighting George Bush's war. I mean, really: were going to continue the slaughter, and flushing billions of dollars down the toilet, because this old fart supposedly thinks some vet might get spit on, somewhere.

This old liar is simply making shit up, to somehow justify his vote for bush and his continued support of a failed and immoral war.

I will give you that this has crossed my mind, but his contention was that the policy makers are already leading a campaign that was anti-troops.

I was wondering if anyone else felt that way or got a sense of it, or if he was just peculiar in his thinking. I believe there is certainly room for being the only guy who feels a certain way about an issue based on his personal experience...I am that guy a lot of the time.

I am not posting this to support the man's contention, but to get further into his line of thinking if there is anything to uncover vicariously. There are lots of people who feel morally justified in continuing the war, just as we may think the war is illegal and immoral and have our reasons.
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That part crossed my mind also.

I guess I gave him the benifit of the doubt.

If he felt the war was winable that is one thing but to continue a losing military action for any political reason is utterly dispicable.
That part crossed my mind also.

I guess I gave him the benifit of the doubt.

If he felt the war was winable that is one thing but to continue a losing military action for any political reason is utterly dispicable.

Well, I think he believes that given enough time, the troops could do anything.

Of course, we don't think the troops can work magic on Middle Eastern politics. But some people don't see it that way.
All this from a typical liberal ass that probably never served himself....

There you have old fart and an old liar...thats the kind of respect the ultra-libs have for war veterans...
This mans opinion gets no respect....hes suffering from dementia or he's a bold-faced liar. No 'sane' person would believe as he does....

An old fart
An old liar
Bold-faced liar
And ....insane

Then, with no proof at all, he is accused of "voting for Bush" and "supporting the war"....

This is how the left supports the troops.....Durban calls them Nazis, Kerry calls them stupid, etc....but then all claim to
"support the troops".....

Saying you support them is far, far different than actually supporting them...
He told me he was convinced as an Army veteran from Vietnam, that if there was a redeployment of our forces in Iraq that the policy makers would blame our troops for our failure, and a new generation of forces would be painted as babykillers and be forgotten for their service.

The old fart is either suffering from dementia or he's a bold-faced liar.

NO sane person want to continue a war because there might be a chance that some veteran somewhere might get spit on at a airport. That's about the STUPIDEST reason I've ever heard to continue fighting George Bush's war. I mean, really: were going to continue the slaughter, and flushing billions of dollars down the toilet, because this old fart supposedly thinks some vet might get spit on, somewhere.

This old liar is simply making shit up, to somehow justify his vote for bush and his continued support of a failed and immoral war.

No, you have to understand where he's coming from. Men were drafted into that war and returned not as heros, as their fathers had, but as vermin. Many old vets went through that and the reality of this war has been clouded by that memory. I feel sorry for the guy even though I disagree with him.
All this from a typical liberal ass that probably never served himself....

There you have old fart and an old liar...thats the kind of respect the ultra-libs have for war veterans...
This mans opinion gets no respect....hes suffering from dementia or he's a bold-faced liar. No 'sane' person would believe as he does....

An old fart
An old liar
Bold-faced liar
And ....insane

Then, with no proof at all, he is accused of "voting for Bush" and "supporting the war"....

This is how the left supports the troops.....Durban calls them Nazis, Kerry calls them stupid, etc....but then all claim to
"support the troops".....

Saying you support them is far, far different than actually supporting them...

Voting for someone who supports the war is a pretty good indication he wants the war continued.

Should only vets be allowed to vote and voice opinion?
No, you have to understand where he's coming from. Men were drafted into that war and returned not as heros, as their fathers had, but as vermin. Many old vets went through that and the reality of this war has been clouded by that memory. I feel sorry for the guy even though I disagree with him.

I don't feel sorry for any old, demented bush-voter (and lets face it, its almost a certainty this guy is a bush-voter) who votes to enable the slaughter of hundreds of thousands of people, and the expenditure of hundreds of billions of taxpayer dollars, because he is re-fighting a half-century old war in his head.
In are a typical liberal, loud-mouth asshole, that has in all probably never served in the military, and that has no clue who this veteran voted for or how he views the war...
Typically, you call this veteran disgusting names, and brand him a liar and worst, for no other reason other than, his opinion differs from yours....

You're quite despicable in the end...this shows how you respect vets...and anyone else that dares voice an idea or opinion that you don't agree with...

You're an arrogant, elitist, clown... that thinks his views are the only valid ones that need be considered....actually, quite normal for Dims on this site...
Why the hell should war vets bet put on a pedestal above reproach for their stupid and outright insane opinions?

Whenever you tell BB he's wrong, he' says something like, "Once you go to war and come back, then you can tell me I'm wrong, pinko!" It's silly. I mean this guy is more worried about some troop somewhere losing his dignity because he's got some absurd notion that in this political environment anyone could even come close to getting away with blaming the troops for ANYTHING (even when it's their fault, like the Falugah incident with the rape and killing of a girl and her family), than he is with the propitiation of a bad policy that has already A) created more terrorists B) destroyed America's standing in the world C) cornered our military forces and has made us less ready to act when a real threat will arise and D) got Bush reelected.

I mean Jesus. And all the conservos on this site can say is, "typical liberal response! Blame da trups! Bwahahaha!"

Shoot yourself. Please.
I was really hoping for a more thoughtful, incisive discussion, guys.

I don't know what else to say. Anyone who says we need to stay in Iraq, because of the remote possibility that a veteran might get spit on or cussed out at an airport is out of their mind.

I don't care if this guy is supposedly a vet. I'm beyond the point of caring what an anonymous person in cyberspace or on a phone claims about their background. Ideas are all that matters, not resumes. One thing I've noticed from message boards, Cspan call-in shows, and talk radio: In spite of the fact that maybe 1% of males under the age of 55 have served in the military, I find that somehow, about 25-30% of male message board posters and anonymous people on phone calls claim to be combat veterans or military veterans. LOL
In are a typical liberal, loud-mouth asshole, that has in all probably never served in the military, and that has no clue who this veteran voted for or how he views the war...
Typically, you call this veteran disgusting names, and brand him a liar and worst, for no other reason other than, his opinion differs from yours....

You're quite despicable in the end...this shows how you respect vets...and anyone else that dares voice an idea or opinion that you don't agree with...

You're an arrogant, elitist, clown... that thinks his views are the only valid ones that need be considered....actually, quite normal for Dims on this site...

Hey smiley what's up?

So, the Iraqi Veterans against the war, from now on to be known as the IVAW, is expanding. In NY we are working closely with them to ramp up enrollment and awareness, culminating in a large, media, event in October. They are recently home from fighting in Iraq and came back against the war and for withdrawal.

Do you support them? Because if so, I can give you contact info, they can use your help.
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