Curious Discussion with a Veteran

Why the hell should war vets bet put on a pedestal above reproach for their stupid and outright insane opinions?

Whenever you tell BB he's wrong, he' says something like, "Once you go to war and come back, then you can tell me I'm wrong, pinko!" It's silly. I mean this guy is more worried about some troop somewhere losing his dignity because he's got some absurd notion that in this political environment anyone could even come close to getting away with blaming the troops for ANYTHING (even when it's their fault, like the Falugah incident with the rape and killing of a girl and her family), than he is with the propitiation of a bad policy that has already A) created more terrorists B) destroyed America's standing in the world C) cornered our military forces and has made us less ready to act when a real threat will arise and D) got Bush reelected.

I mean Jesus. And all the conservos on this site can say is, "typical liberal response! Blame da trups! Bwahahaha!"

Shoot yourself. Please.
/me in my best SR voice...

"Why do you hate America?"
I was really hoping for a more thoughtful, incisive discussion, guys.
You'll have to settle for one that is mixed in to some more random approaches.

Anyway, the guy was looking for an excuse to reject the idea. At least this is what it appears to me.

"I'm afraid the troops will be blamed again!" is not a valid excuse when it is so clear that the only lesson we learned from VN is to never do that again. Every statement about the war is precluded with "We love our brave Military boys, but..."
Why the hell should war vets bet put on a pedestal above reproach for their stupid and outright insane opinions?

Whenever you tell BB he's wrong, he' says something like, "Once you go to war and come back, then you can tell me I'm wrong, pinko!" It's silly. I mean this guy is more worried about some troop somewhere losing his dignity because he's got some absurd notion that in this political environment anyone could even come close to getting away with blaming the troops for ANYTHING (even when it's their fault, like the Falugah incident with the rape and killing of a girl and her family), than he is with the propitiation of a bad policy that has already A) created more terrorists B) destroyed America's standing in the world C) cornered our military forces and has made us less ready to act when a real threat will arise and D) got Bush reelected.

I mean Jesus. And all the conservos on this site can say is, "typical liberal response! Blame da trups! Bwahahaha!"

Shoot yourself. Please.

Well...the other idiot (IB) arrives....
So the guys 'insane' and stupid...???

Lets see what this vet supposedly said....

(He told me he was convinced as an Army veteran from Vietnam, that if there was a redeployment of our forces in Iraq that the policy makers would blame our troops for our failure, and a new generation of forces would be painted as babykillers and be forgotten for their service.)
Considering this vet served in Nam....considering how he and his comrades were treated on their return, considering what Kerry told Congress about the troops in that war....considering his total war expierience during and after his service....I can very well understand how he views the issue....and you, having absolutly no clue what this vet has expierenced and none of the hardships this vet has endured, call him stupid and insane???
but of course, YOU support the son, you're not man enough to kiss his ass.....

So exactly what is it he said that is insane and stupid....

Redeployment is just a cute term for quitting, thats surrender whether you think so or not...
Troops in Iraq and Gitmo have already been described as "stupid", torturers, and Nazi-like
So you think his fears are unfounded?
Hey smiley what's up?

So, the Iraqi Veterans against the war, from now on to be known as the IVAW, is expanding. In NY we are working closely with them to ramp up enrollment and awareness, culminating in a large, media, event in October. They are recently home from fighting in Iraq and came back against the war and for withdrawal.

Do you support them? Because if so, I can give you contact info, they can use your help.

You miss the point, dear....its not about the war, its about this vets opinion and him being ridiculed and called stupid and insane because of he doesn't have a right to have his views, that because they don't agree with the liberal elites, he deserves to be called names.....thats the MO of the left and it gets tiresome.....he's not stupid or insane for seeing the world through his own eyes....if he agreed with the snot-nosed lefties he would be your hero....instead hes insane and've never walked in his shoes and don't have that right, whether hes right or wrong in irrelevant...:flagsal:
I don't feel sorry for any old, demented bush-voter (and lets face it, its almost a certainty this guy is a bush-voter) who votes to enable the slaughter of hundreds of thousands of people, and the expenditure of hundreds of billions of taxpayer dollars, because he is re-fighting a half-century old war in his head.

Do you really believe that this war will end and the troops will come home when a Democrat is elected?
Let me clue you in. Hillary will claim that the mess in Iraq is worse than we knew and more troops will be needed and so will the draft.
Don't let partisan politics cloud your vision. Democrats are just as good at slaughter and spending.
Do you really believe that this war will end and the troops will come home when a Democrat is elected?
Let me clue you in. Hillary will claim that the mess in Iraq is worse than we knew and more troops will be needed and so will the draft.
Don't let partisan politics cloud your vision. Democrats are just as good at slaughter and spending.

I didn't say a word about hillary or democrats.

I said it the height of insanity to say that we need to keep an american army pinned down and slaughtered in the middle of an iraqi civil war, because of the remote chance some of them might get spit on someday back home.

Do you agree that is an insane "reason" to keep our army pinned down in a civil war?
In are a typical liberal, loud-mouth asshole, that has in all probably never served in the military, and that has no clue who this veteran voted for or how he views the war...
Typically, you call this veteran disgusting names, and brand him a liar and worst, for no other reason other than, his opinion differs from yours....

You're quite despicable in the end...this shows how you respect vets...and anyone else that dares voice an idea or opinion that you don't agree with...

You're an arrogant, elitist, clown... that thinks his views are the only valid ones that need be considered....actually, quite normal for Dims on this site...

I'm flattered that you follow me around on message boards, and poke your head above water once in a while to yell some insult.

Frankly though, your opinion isn't worth much more than a bucket of warm spit. You voted for bush twice, and have waved your pom poms cheering for Bush's war for over four years. You credibility is worthless. You're pretty much the last bush cheerleader around. Even Dixie and WRL gave up waving the pom poms for Bush.
I didn't say a word about hillary or democrats.

I said it the height of insanity to say that we need to keep an american army pinned down and slaughtered in the middle of an iraqi civil war, because of the remote chance some of them might get spit on someday back home.

Do you agree that is an insane "reason" to keep our army pinned down in a civil war?
I believe that the occupation was an insane idea from day one. I never would have invaded Iraq to begin with but how do we fix the mess we're in?
It surely isn't by insulting a vet who is voicing his concern, right or wrong.

Having spent several years in that part of the world, I can pretty well understand why some thought this was a good idea. The invasion went well but there was no plan for the occupation and occupation should have never been considered. The war was over and the message was delivered when we pulled Saddam out of that spider hole. We should have turned him over to the Kurds and got the hell out...imho
You miss the point, dear....its not about the war, its about this vets opinion and him being ridiculed and called stupid and insane because of he doesn't have a right to have his views, that because they don't agree with the liberal elites, he deserves to be called names.....thats the MO of the left and it gets tiresome.....he's not stupid or insane for seeing the world through his own eyes....if he agreed with the snot-nosed lefties he would be your hero....instead hes insane and've never walked in his shoes and don't have that right, whether hes right or wrong in irrelevant...:flagsal:

So you have nothing but praise for John Kerry's service? For the service of the Vets for Peace? For the service of the IVAW members? All of whom by the way, agree with "the liberal elites" whomever that might be.
I believe that the occupation was an insane idea from day one. I never would have invaded Iraq to begin with but how do we fix the mess we're in?
It surely isn't by insulting a vet who is voicing his concern, right or wrong.

Having spent several years in that part of the world, I can pretty well understand why some thought this was a good idea. The invasion went well but there was no plan for the occupation and occupation should have never been considered. The war was over and the message was delivered when we pulled Saddam out of that spider hole. We should have turned him over to the Kurds and got the hell out...imho

First, we don't know if this guy was a vet. He's an anonymous person on a telephone. I've run across lots of people - who when given the opportunity for anonyminity - will pad their resume.

Second, being a vet isn't some special status that precludes one from harsh criticism. I DO think this guy is literally insane at best, or a warmonger at worst, if he thinks we should pin down the american army in the middle of a civil war, and spend hundreds of billions more taxpayer dollars, because of something that may or may not have happened to him when he supposedly came home from Nam.
First, we don't know if this guy was a vet. He's an anonymous person on a telephone. I've run across lots of people - who when given the opportunity for anonyminity - will pad their resume.

Second, being a vet isn't some special status that precludes one from harsh criticism. I DO think this guy is literally insane at best, or a warmonger at worst, if he thinks we should pin down the american army in the middle of a civil war, and spend hundreds of billions more taxpayer dollars, because of something that may or may not have happened to him when he supposedly came home from Nam.

He may or may not be a fake but many remember the damage done to our military after Nam. The post war attitude and Hollywood movies depicting our military as evil has had a huge affect on our military and our nation.

Yes it angers me that our army is trapped in the middle of a religious war and I believe the cost will contribute to the next economic crash. I can't refute your facts, just your method. We need to find a way to bail out without blaming the military and causing even more damage to our military and our nation.

Islam has committed suicide and we would be better off if we stayed as far away from that mess as we can. Another holocaust is in the near future and the Muslims will be on the receiving end.