Cut Off The Aid


Junior Member
We are sending millions of dollars to the Pali and to Lebanon that is not buying us anything and is even helping anti Amercan interest. It is well past time to stop this foolishness. NO MORE AID WITHOUT CONCESSIONS. Here is one rational congressman.

>JERUSALEM -- A congressman said Sunday he would ask the U.S. administration to freeze the $230 million aid package to Lebanon proposed by President Bush until the Lebanese government takes control of its borders with Syria and prevents arms smuggling to Hezbollah guerrillas.

Rep. Tom Lantos, the top Democrat on the House International Relations Committee, spoke after meeting with senior Israeli officials, including Prime Minister Ehud Olmert
While it makes sense to negotiate the reason for freezing the aid, stopping aid for one and not the other will probably not work out too well in our favor.
I think we give way too much aid to way too many people. Why do we give harborers of terrorist money? Someone on another board posted how much aid we give to the Arab nations,it was incredible as well as outrageous when there are hard working people here that need help. This is not a Bush issue,it has been going on for a long time.
Hey welfare queen, how about we stop giving you aid to sit on your lazy a$$ all day and collect checks while you harrass g@y people?
I say stop them both, they aren't helping the USA. Let someone else feed them.

Well I was referring to aid alltogether. If aid is stopped to the palestinians then more rage will be incited as we would still be giving aid to irael. The US is the big giver when it comes to aid, it has to be a fair process for those political reasons.
It is odd that we are the largest supporter of the Pali when the Arab states with billions in assets can only manage to pay terrorist bombers a few dollars.
I think we give way too much aid to way too many people. Why do we give harborers of terrorist money? Someone on another board posted how much aid we give to the Arab nations,it was incredible as well as outrageous when there are hard working people here that need help. This is not a Bush issue,it has been going on for a long time.

It's a neverending issue! The US takes on a big role as an aid giver to many countries. I think many depend on that as well. It is too much when ya think about it but it goes out to more then just arab nations.
You can't equate Israel with the terrorist states. Not even close. We should support a free democratic state in a troubled area.
ain't that ironic........

I think what is even more ironic is the ones that post these type of comments are the ones that never have a good point to make other than it's a issue of bush's fault. Too many threads are taking of course like this around here only to fall silent without being answered.
You can't equate Israel with the terrorist states. Not even close. We should support a free democratic state in a troubled area.

Not even close to equating the two! If aid is given to israel and not the arabs you know what happens next.
I think what is even more ironic is the ones that post these type of comments are the ones that never have a good point to make other than it's a issue of bush's fault. Too many threads are taking of course like this around here only to fall silent without being answered.

Whats even more ironic is that you still grace us with your presence given the fact that obviously, your $hit doesn't stink.
Whats even more ironic is that you still grace us with your presence given the fact that obviously, your $hit doesn't stink.

Clever! If my prescense is offensive to you I'm sorry, and who is us? Would that be the "let's all agree and then pat ourselves on the back" club that largely exists here?

Oh, and if it makes ya feel any better I think shit probably stinks all over, not just yours.....;)
Lady T has yet to address the thread topic and relies on personal slime. Typical lib nothing to contribute to a discussion but slime.
Evil yes giving aid to Israel says something. That we support democratic free states. As opposed to aid to terrorist who we say we are opposed to. Huge difference!
Lady T has yet to address the thread topic and relies on personal slime. Typical lib nothing to contribute to a discussion but slime.

I was simply pointing out that many threads are taking off topic this way, also many threads lay dormant waiting for actual rebuttals! She wants to attck me because the truth hutrs, well thats fine, I know who is worth making a decent debate with around here, and it's pretty slim pickins'.....