That's true. I swear, people I know in college and at work fawn over me because of my history and writing skills, and because I am very well-spoken, and they act like I'm all intelligent. And I'm like, why are language arts skills and historical buffery so good at cloaking my true level of intelligence.
I can't do math, resulting in an a general inability to comprehend the natural sciences. I am a very slow thinker, can't multi-task, have zero street smarts and zero mechanical skills, am absent-minded in the short term (my long term memory is actually quite strong, but most things die a quick death in my short term memory).
The things I'm good at are not of any practical use. For example, I can recall in great detail what you were doing in the fall of 1994, even after you yourself have long since forgotten it. Made for some great shockers when I signed people's yearbooks at the end of senior year.