'D' word rears head as coronavirus-hit markets brace for recession

Yeah. Some are comparing it to 1929. The Talk of 'Recession' is now turning into Talk of 'Depression'. Because of this self-imposed 'quarantine in place', unemployment is going to skyrocket.
The Economy is grinding to a halt. Unless some Vaccine comes along, this could last LONGER than a few months. (I'm becoming a little nervous)

Awesome; maybe a lot of leftist losers will die off from this. ;)
I wonder, quite seriously, in what form capitalism can possibly survive this mess, and, given the long destruction of coherent opposition, suspect that we may all end up with African-style corrupt military dictatorships.

^Marxist moron thinks Marxism can survive without capitalism. :rolleyes:
"NEW YORK (Reuters) - The coronavirus shockwaves rippling through U.S. stocks are forcing investors to contemplate outcomes more dire than a recession, including several quarters of declining economic activity, a credit crisis or even a depression."

When the Trump administration itself predicts 20% unemployment, the Great Depression was 25% unemployment, then I can see why investors, who are typically Republicans, would be nervous.

Part of the problem is a lack of trust in our national leadership. This applies to both the Democrats and the Republicans, but specifically to Trump. In the middle of a National Health Emergency he went on a two minute rant about a media conspiracy against them. WTFO?
Why wait for the end? Kill yourself now so you don't have to suffer. ;)

Since you live in so much fear, have you considered taking your own advice? I know you are in great pain and suffering. A person can't hate so much without being in constant great pain. Some people are afraid to die, but I assure you it's quite peaceful. I've died and a good friend of mine drowned and died, but was revived. I had a NDE but he did not.

Robin Williams killed himself with a necktie in a slipnot, pinning one end in a door jam at just the right height to put a slight, but comfortable pressure on his neck. Not enough to restrict his breathing, but enough to constrict his carotid artery. When he passed out, his own body weight provided the necessary pressure to restrict airflow and kill him. Such a method is painless. Kate Spade and Anthony Bourdain did something similar.

Of course there are pills and a gun, but I suspect you don't have any guns....you know, the law. :)
When the Trump administration itself predicts 20% unemployment, the Great Depression was 25% unemployment, then I can see why investors, who are typically Republicans, would be nervous.

No one in the Trump administration predicted 20% unemployment. Why do you keep bloviating that asinine lie?

Part of the problem is a lack of trust in our national leadership. This applies to both the Democrats and the Republicans, but specifically to Trump. In the middle of a National Health Emergency he went on a two minute rant about a media conspiracy against them. WTFO?

The REAL problem is that we have a bunch of dishonest leftist hacks in the Party of the Jackass and a PHONY media who continue to misinform people in hopes that a recession will drag dementia Joe across the finish line.

How lame and pathetic is a political ideology that can't win without fear mongering.
When the Trump administration itself predicts 20% unemployment, the Great Depression was 25% unemployment, then I can see why investors, who are typically Republicans, would be nervous.

Part of the problem is a lack of trust in our national leadership. This applies to both the Democrats and the Republicans, but specifically to Trump. In the middle of a National Health Emergency he went on a two minute rant about a media conspiracy against them. WTFO?

Yeah. Trump went on TV and began telling people that a vaccine was near at hand. With Trump's track record of persistent lying, who will believe him?
Yeah. Trump went on TV and began telling people that a vaccine was near at hand. With Trump's track record of persistent lying, who will believe him?
....and then he ranted about his conspiracy theory on the media. Agreed, his credibility sucks ass.

Agreed he's a persistent, well known to be narcissistic, delusional liar. I firmly believe he's suffering from psychological problems. Thankfully, our Founders were smart enough to put up so many safeguards against such an idiot that he can't do too much harm.

The lack of preparation by the US against COVID-19 isn't on Trump's shoulders, it's on Congress and everyone who supports their Congressperson who voted against preparation. This has been going on for years, well before 2016. I hope America, We the People, will recognize a watershed moment in history and come to our collective senses. I think we will, but such progress is slow.

In short, just blaming Trump or even the Republican Senate for this is to see reality through an empty toilet paper tube. It's too narrow a view. I advise all smart, educated and sane people to look at the larger picture and offer calm, subtle leadership to those who don't see it the main problems.
I wonder, quite seriously, in what form capitalism can possibly survive this mess, and, given the long destruction of coherent opposition, suspect that we may all end up with African-style corrupt military dictatorships.

"too big to fail" fascism may die. god speed.