Learn to use your words, rather than cutting and pasting non-sequiturs you lazy trumptard fuck.Projection
Projection is the process of displacing one’s feelings onto a different person, animal, or object. The term is most commonly used to describe defensive projection—attributing one’s own unacceptable urges to another. For example, if someone continuously bullies and ridicules a peer about his insecurities, the bully might be projecting his own struggle with self-esteem onto the other person.
Any link to your sense of logic or reality? No? I didn't think so, loser.Any link to this lie filled claim?
Be careful, it is the neocons who run CIA/FBI/State Department.....they can come collect you whenever they want.Here's the thing: All these MAGA/Alt-right/fibbertarian/neocon/teabagger yahoos with delusions of a live version of "The Turner Diaries" just refuse to take the hint given in the aftermath of Jan. 6th. As the old saying goes, be careful what you wish for. Case in point:
Any link to your sense of logic or reality? No? I didn't think so, loser.
Any link to your sense of logic or reality? No? I didn't think so, loser.
Here's the thing: All these MAGA/Alt-right/fibbertarian/neocon/teabagger yahoos with delusions of a live version of "The Turner Diaries" just refuse to take the hint given in the aftermath of Jan. 6th. As the old saying goes, be careful what you wish for. Case in point:
You right wingers love revisiting America's history, when it comes to labels...Its beyond comical.The KKK was Democrats, not Republicans. You might want to review some history there.
Also, McVeigh and Nichols worked alone on their revenge plot, as is typical of the Right. Two guys working in secret who come up with a very effective terrorist attack. On the Left, it's the mob. Hundreds or even thousands of jackasses in the streets committing low grade violence, typically, graffiti, smashing windows, general property damage, injuring dozens often innocent bystanders, looting, toss in some amateur arson, and general pubescent mayhem.
It's the Left that likes to send threatening letters, SWAT people with false 911 calls, and harass them in a juvenile-like fashion.
Trump was once a die hard democrat, The KKK may have branched from being Democrats, but that 3 second conversion from great party to hate party still held onto hatred of Jews and blacks....so what's the big deal on what party hated the most under the KKK??? As for this Lincoln freeing the slaves...I do know my history and you do not. Abe is historically quoted as saying if he could free the south and keep slavery, HE'D DO IT. Bottom line is this...no other race in the history of mankind and humanity has shed more blood, caused more human destruction and keep the flames of hatred alive, than that of WHITES...Errr, you may want to study up on which party was involved with the KKK.
Next, ask yourself which party freed the slaves.
Sadly we live in times were certain segments of our society believe conservatives, ie lunatics....have rights that others are denied and the fact MSM sanctions those beliefs, with their unyielding coverage of this maniac, only makes them more erratic and insane.These right wing morons believe he deserves it because he is daring hold trump accountable for his crimes. I'd be careful karma is a bitch.
Yes, agree.Sadly we live in times were certain segments of our society believe conservatives, ie lunatics....have rights that others are denied and the fact MSM sanctions those beliefs, with their unyielding coverage of this maniac, only makes them more erratic and insane.
Kristen Sinema was once a die-hard Democrat and Leftist, then she grew up. The current Democrat party kicked her to the curb as an apostate.Trump was once a die hard democrat, The KKK may have branched from being Democrats, but that 3 second conversion from great party to hate party still held onto hatred of Jews and blacks....so what's the big deal on what party hated the most under the KKK??? As for this Lincoln freeing the slaves...I do know my history and you do not. Abe is historically quoted as saying if he could free the south and keep slavery, HE'D DO IT. Bottom line is this...no other race in the history of mankind and humanity has shed more blood, caused more human destruction and keep the flames of hatred alive, than that of WHITES...
Oh no you didn't.....listen you do not want to talk "CANCEL CULTURE" ever to anybody when it comes to dems vs repubs....THE CONSERVATIVE PARTY HAS CANCELED, DESTROYED AND ENDED THE CAREERS OF MORE ANTI TRUMP FOLK THAN ANYBODY IN THE HISTORY OF US POLITICS, ANYBODY!! Yall so bad, you got Trump ready to put hits on these people should he get elected and God forbid gets immunity from the courts...Kristen Sinema was once a die-hard Democrat and Leftist, then she grew up. The current Democrat party kicked her to the curb as an apostate.
Kristen Sinema did not do anything. That is why she left, voters did not want her.Kristen Sinema was once a die-hard Democrat and Leftist, then she grew up. The current Democrat party kicked her to the curb as an apostate.
Soros is getting a return on his investment.In his latest move, Bragg has now let all the anti-Israel / pro-Palestinian Columbia rioters go free, dropping all charges.
Trump makes some bookkeeping errors = 34 felonies
Leftist college campus rioters take building and hold hostages while trashing everything in sight = Nothing to see here, you're free to go...
Alvin Bragg drops charges against dozens of anti-Israel protesters
Progressive Manhattan District Attorney Alvin Bragg's office let over 40 anti-Israel protesters arrested at Columbia University in April off the hook, dropping criminal charges against them.www.dailymail.co.uk