I guess BAC doesn't like anyone to comment on his racist agenda. :whip:

BAC wrote:"Go to Hell and die you moron. Did you somehow miss the "white" reference I responded to? :blowup:

I'm shocked. :eek2:

Shocked I tell you!! :hide:

I wish someone would have warned me, not to say anything. :crybaby:

But then, I bet some of his best friends are caucasion. :cool:
One of his latest comments, was asking another poster if they were going to show their face, or were the white hoods back (or something along those lines).

that was to me. I've noticed that BAC is the typical black racist. pulls the card when he wants, but nobody else can or thats racist.
Ahahahah, this thread is hilarious, two Southern white Protestant males crying on each other's shoulder, I love it! Oh poor old white men, you are so mistreated and so misunderstood. You never get any breaks in life and everyone takes advantage of you poor pitiful males.

Sheesh, now bring on the WPW
I'm not Protestant.

Me neither!!
Did I miss the recruitment adds??

By the way, froggies response had nothing to do with you.
She's just got a burr up her hypocritical ass, regarding me.
You can probably expect more of the AOL Kennel Klub Kabal survivers to follow her suit.
That is; unless I've now outed their SOP and then they'll have to IM each other, to come up with a different plan.
Oh, I like me some ((((Southern Man)))), but sorry Freedom, you are still just a low class slob and always will be...he is a true conservative, you are a loser and a Bush apologist. I have no use for you and your posts are boring. Now, Southern Man is a different case altogether. I find him charming and he can take a joke! We may disagree, but I do it with lightheartedness and respect. I have no respect for you, did at one time, but lost it real quick, so tata for now.

I won't tell the board about you, they are intelligent and have come to their own conclusions.
Oh, I like me some ((((Southern Man)))), but sorry Freedom, you are still just a low class slob and always will be...he is a true conservative, you are a loser and a Bush apologist. I have no use for you and your posts are boring. Now, Southern Man is a different case altogether. I find him charming and he can take a joke! We may disagree, but I do it with lightheartedness and respect. I have no respect for you, did at one time, but lost it real quick, so tata for now.

I won't tell the board about you, they are intelligent and have come to their own conclusions.

I see thast you're still trying to pass yourself off, as someone that is OH-SO INNOCENT.
You and the rest are just pissed, because I don't take your shit lying down.
I dare you to show me one comment that I've made that makes me a "Bush apologist".
I'm just not a "Bush condemner", just like I'm not a "Obama condemner" or a "Obama apologist".

As to your comment of:
"...they are intelligent and have come to their own conclusions."
I challange you to provide overwhelming evidence that supports your claim; because there seem to be some posters, that have been on this board for some time, that might disagree with you.

The Kennel Klub Kabal seems to be really quiet on these boards, compared to the volume of posts on the old AOL boards!!
Why is that??
Could it be that you aren't in the majority and are afraid of THEM making a conclusion abouit all of you??
This only works, until she comes to a point where she FEELS that you need to condemn me for something.

She'll kiss anyone's ass, as long as she thinks she can use them to her advantage,
There's only one woman who can use The Southern Man, Freedom, and she doesn't exist in the cyber world. :clink:
Oh, that is right, you don't talk about the subject, my bad!

Once again, you made the choice to open your pie hole and make comments that you could have chosen not to.
Who the fuck made you the queen, where no one can respond to your form of stupidity.

Find one comment, on this board, that I made about any of the Kennel Klub Kabal. that isn't preceded by one of you making the initial snarky comment.

I dare you to show me.
I doubt that it will take very long for people to figure him out. He doesn't need anyone to supply a rope for him to hang himself, he brings his own.

Oh, I like me some ((((Southern Man)))), but sorry Freedom, you are still just a low class slob and always will be...he is a true conservative, you are a loser and a Bush apologist. I have no use for you and your posts are boring. Now, Southern Man is a different case altogether. I find him charming and he can take a joke! We may disagree, but I do it with lightheartedness and respect. I have no respect for you, did at one time, but lost it real quick, so tata for now.

I won't tell the board about you, they are intelligent and have come to their own conclusions.
There's only one woman who can use The Southern Man, Freedom, and she doesn't exist in the cyber world. :clink:

See, a true gentleman. You will also learn I don't kiss ass. I am genuine.
When I say something I mean it.