Dam, Senator Clinton can bring in the money!


Well-known member
Maybe she can win...

The Repubg's dont have anyone of any substnance and they all stand on unpopular positions. Not a single Democrat seems strong enough to stop her.

Personally I like her, but the hatred for her from the right is so strong, I wonder if she would be able to get anything done.
Can you hear them pushing the buttons on the vending machines yet? Coin operated government is nothing to take pride in.
So what is everyones big beef with Senator Clinton?

On the war she reflects my opinion... It was a mistake to go in, it has been very poorly run BUT we cant just pull out now!

Otherwise whats the problem with her? Because she is married to a former president, I conderer that a plus.

I dont like the idea of having two families ruling the presidency for so long, but to me that is only one small factor against her. My desire to have the best person for the job outweighs my desire to not have two family rule.
So what is everyones big beef with Senator Clinton?

On the war she reflects my opinion... It was a mistake to go in, it has been very poorly run BUT we cant just pull out now!

Otherwise whats the problem with her? Because she is married to a former president, I conderer that a plus.

I dont like the idea of having two families ruling the presidency for so long, but to me that is only one small factor against her. My desire to have the best person for the job outweighs my desire to not have two family rule.

I don't think she will end the war Jarod. Not, "I don't think she'll end the war tomorrow", I don't she'll end it, period. I believe that if Hillary is elected, it will turn Iraq into Vietnam, because it will be fought, and even expanded by both parties. Just as Nixon took vietnam from LBJ and did not end it, but rather expanded it.

Now, maybe I am wrong, and if she is elected and proves me wrong, I'll be very happy to say so. But for the primaries, i will vote for someone I believe is going to end this.
Yep the best government that money can buy. And Damo it is far beyond coins. to me that phrase belittles the problems. Perhaps mega bucks corporate ran government.
The phrase is designed to show my disgust for the system that allows our politicians to be bought like a vending machine product. They put in the coin, they push the button, they get the desired product.

Most people don't have the proper coins to operate the machine, that doesn't mean it doesn't act like it.
I dont belive pulling our troops out without establishing some sort of order will end the war in Iraq. It may temporarly remove our troops from the war zone.

Eventually they would have to go back with a MUCH more difficult mission.

This is one of the true trajeties of having gotten involved in this Republican led war, the true cost is not yet known... it will be thousands of American lives.

What we need is to ask the UN for help and turn our mission into a truely international mission to establish peace and clean up this republican led mess.
So what is everyones big beef with Senator Clinton?

On the war she reflects my opinion... It was a mistake to go in, it has been very poorly run BUT we cant just pull out now!

Otherwise whats the problem with her? Because she is married to a former president, I conderer that a plus.

I dont like the idea of having two families ruling the presidency for so long, but to me that is only one small factor against her. My desire to have the best person for the job outweighs my desire to not have two family rule.

Hillary Clinton refuses to acknowledge that she made a mistake in authorizing the war unlike Edwards and Kerry. Does refusal to admit a mistake remind you of anyone in particular?

Hillary Clinton is most likely going to be a shill for corporate America. All those dollars come at a price. No such thing as a free lunch.

She doesn't make clear her stance on issues because whe wants to try to appeal to the most amount of people she can.

She is a Washington insider politics as usual politician. I want change in our government with Hillary it will be same old same old. She is the most stale of any of the Democrats running.
I dont belive pulling our troops out without establishing some sort of order will end the war in Iraq. It may temporarly remove our troops from the war zone.

Eventually they would have to go back with a MUCH more difficult mission.

This is one of the true trajeties of having gotten involved in this Republican led war, the true cost is not yet known... it will be thousands of American lives.

What we need is to ask the UN for help and turn our mission into a truely international mission to establish peace and clean up this republican led mess.

Yeah, that may turn out to the case. Or, we might have to face up to the fact that there is going to be a protracted civil war there, and all we can do is follow the Biden plan, redeploy and work to contain that within Iraq so that it does not spread throughout the region. Or, all of the dire predictions of what would happen if we left, could be wrong, or, at least, overstated. You know, I don't know.

But i don't want a permanent us troop presence there, and I don't want permanent bases, because the blowback of that, is going to come to us down the road too. And that is how I see Hillary's plan, but you know, it does change monthly, so we'll see.
I dont belive pulling our troops out without establishing some sort of order will end the war in Iraq. It may temporarly remove our troops from the war zone.

Order cannot be established at this point. It is a civil war and our soldiers are in the crossfire. The result will be the same whether we stay or leave better to leave and at least save our soldiers.

Eventually they would have to go back with a MUCH more difficult mission.

We are not obligated to do that.

What we need is to ask the UN for help and turn our mission into a truely international mission to establish peace and clean up this republican led mess.

The UN wouldn't help and American soldiers would keep dying anyway as part of UN forces.
So what is everyones big beef with Senator Clinton?

On the war she reflects my opinion... It was a mistake to go in, it has been very poorly run BUT we cant just pull out now!

Otherwise whats the problem with her? Because she is married to a former president, I conderer that a plus.

I dont like the idea of having two families ruling the presidency for so long, but to me that is only one small factor against her. My desire to have the best person for the job outweighs my desire to not have two family rule.

Hillary Clinton refuses to acknowledge that she made a mistake in authorizing the war unlike Edwards and Kerry. Does refusal to admit a mistake remind you of anyone in particular?

Hillary Clinton is most likely going to be a shill for corporate America. All those dollars come at a price. No such thing as a free lunch.

She doesn't make clear her stance on issues because whe wants to try to appeal to the most amount of people she can.

She is a Washington insider politics as usual politician. I want change in our government with Hillary it will be same old same old. She is the most stale of any of the Democrats running.

Anyone who makes it to the presidency will be a corporate Shill. Thats the way our system is set up. Appealing to the most voters is what democracy is all about. She is clear on the war, and that is an unpopular view with the more active of the democrats.

I liked Bill Clinton and he would be her biggest advisor.
Saudi Arabia is beginning to turn on us as well....
Things are looking worse over there instead of better.
I dont belive pulling our troops out without establishing some sort of order will end the war in Iraq. It may temporarly remove our troops from the war zone.

Order cannot be established at this point. It is a civil war and our soldiers are in the crossfire. The result will be the same whether we stay or leave better to leave and at least save our soldiers.

Eventually they would have to go back with a MUCH more difficult mission.

We are not obligated to do that.

What we need is to ask the UN for help and turn our mission into a truely international mission to establish peace and clean up this republican led mess.

The UN wouldn't help and American soldiers would keep dying anyway as part of UN forces.

I agree with much of what you have expressed in this thread, however, I disagree that we might not have to go back in and with a much more difficult mission. If that civil war brings in other arab countries, we are going to go back in IHG, because we live in a world where we are dependent on that oil. And there is just no getting around that. That civil war must be contained. I hate writing this. We are responsible for all of the deaths that have occured, and that are going to occur in this civil war which we created. And I am advocating pulling back and simply containing it within Iraq. That is to me, a morally indefensible position, and I almost choke on it. But I don't see any other way. I wish that I did.
She is clear on the war, and that is an unpopular view with the more active of the democrats.

No she isn't. She won't even admit it was wrong to go in. She doesn't have any plans to get us out.
I agree with much of what you have expressed in this thread, however, I disagree that we might not have to go back in and with a much more difficult mission. If that civil war brings in other arab countries, we are going to go back in IHG, because we live in a world where we are dependent on that oil. And there is just no getting around that. That civil war must be contained. I hate writing this. We are responsible for all of the deaths that have occured, and that are going to occur in this civil war which we created. And I am advocating pulling back and simply containing it within Iraq. That is to me, a morally indefensible position, and I almost choke on it. But I don't see any other way. I wish that I did.

I say we grant any Iraqi citizen asylum if they want it. We'll have to suspend immigration for a few years I'd guess though.
As for the oil we can live without Iraqi oil anyway. Might be a good kick in the butt to work on fuel alternatives anyway.