Dam, Senator Clinton can bring in the money!

I agree with much of what you have expressed in this thread, however, I disagree that we might not have to go back in and with a much more difficult mission. If that civil war brings in other arab countries, we are going to go back in IHG, because we live in a world where we are dependent on that oil. And there is just no getting around that. That civil war must be contained. I hate writing this. We are responsible for all of the deaths that have occured, and that are going to occur in this civil war which we created. And I am advocating pulling back and simply containing it within Iraq. That is to me, a morally indefensible position, and I almost choke on it. But I don't see any other way. I wish that I did.

I say we grant any Iraqi citizen asylum if they want it. We'll have to suspend immigration for a few years I'd guess though.

That is a good idea.
As for the oil we can live without Iraqi oil anyway. Might be a good kick in the butt to work on fuel alternatives anyway.

Yes, I think we can, but we can't survive without any oil from that part of the world. That's why I say if that war spreads through the region, we are going to be drawn in, and big time. I'd say, we'd need a draft even.
Thanks. It's my own although I'm sure someone out there has suggested it as well.

Yeah well, none of our Presidential nominees have. I would love to see an actual national conversation on what we did, and what we morally, need to do, to begin to even attempt to rectify it.
Yes, I think we can, but we can't survive without any oil from that part of the world. That's why I say if that war spreads through the region, we are going to be drawn in, and big time. I'd say, we'd need a draft even.

Containing it within the country would probably be sufficient yes. It wouldn't spread to most of their neighbors though in my opinion. Kuwait is prosperous and homogenous. So is Saudi Arabia and Jordan. The central government of Syria is stong and likewise I doubt the fighting would go on there. Turkey has threatened the Kurds but Turkey wants to be in the EU and them getting involved would be very undermining.

As for Iran.........tough call. There is a strong Sunni presence in Khuzestan in Iran. Historically they have been loyal but it isn't beyond imagination that some violence could erupt there or Iran could increase involvement in Iraq. However Iran in continually being isolated due to their actions and frankly I don't think we should be buying oil from a country like Iran anyway.
Yes, I think we can, but we can't survive without any oil from that part of the world. That's why I say if that war spreads through the region, we are going to be drawn in, and big time. I'd say, we'd need a draft even.

Containing it within the country would probably be sufficient yes. It wouldn't spread to most of their neighbors though in my opinion. Kuwait is prosperous and homogenous. So is Saudi Arabia and Jordan. The central government of Syria is stong and likewise I doubt the fighting would go on there. Turkey has threatened the Kurds but Turkey wants to be in the EU and them getting involved would be very undermining.

As for Iran.........tough call. There is a strong Sunni presence in Khuzestan in Iran. Historically they have been loyal but it isn't beyond imagination that some violence could erupt there or Iran could increase involvement in Iraq. However Iran in continually being isolated due to their actions and frankly I don't think we should be buying oil from a country like Iran anyway.

If that turns out to be the case, then containing it won't be that difficult, and that will be good.
Wow, you know, Romney took in 23 mill. Rudy only 15. McCain hasn't released his figures yet, which doesn't bode well for him.

But those are interesting numbers, in the Republican field.
I would not be surprised to see Romney become a front runner. He is a former governor and Washinton outsiders have tended to fair better. Rudy is simply too liberal to get the Republican nomination in my opinion. We shall see.
I would not be surprised to see Romney become a front runner. He is a former governor and Washinton outsiders have tended to fair better. Rudy is simply too liberal to get the Republican nomination in my opinion. We shall see.

But he is not the kind of Christian the RR considers Christian.
I would not be surprised to see Romney become a front runner. He is a former governor and Washinton outsiders have tended to fair better. Rudy is simply too liberal to get the Republican nomination in my opinion. We shall see.
He is currently speaking as a Reaganite as well. Smaller more controlled government. Actually talking of closing the border before providing amnesty (very smart). Dissing the current policy rather than the person. I could see him actually becoming a front-runner myself.

I don't necessarily know if it is a ruse at this time, yet, though.
He is currently speaking as a Reaganite as well. Smaller more controlled government. Actually talking of closing the border before providing amnesty (very smart). Dissing the current policy rather than the person. I could see him actually becoming a front-runner myself.

I don't necessarily know if it is a ruse at this time, yet, though.

If you are going to dismiss a Democrat for changing opinions to appeal to voters, I believe it would then be hard to support Romney, unless you are a hypocrate!
Can a former pro-choice, pro-Gay marrage, non-christian Republican get his party's nomination?

If so, can he win the general?
Can a former pro-choice, pro-Gay marrage, non-christian Republican get his party's nomination?

If so, can he win the general?

This is just my personal opinion, but, I see Romney has being formidable in a general. Polls have shown, that the electorate as a whole, would be more hesitant to vote for someone over 70 than they would for someone who was a Morman. I'm not sure that is a big issue in the general.

But, I think he has a hell of a time to get the nomination. Though, his fund-raising skills certainly make him someone to be noticed.
This is just my personal opinion, but, I see Romney has being formidable in a general. Polls have shown, that the electorate as a whole, would be more hesitant to vote for someone over 70 than they would for someone who was a Morman. I'm not sure that is a big issue in the general.

But, I think he has a hell of a time to get the nomination. Though, his fund-raising skills certainly make him someone to be noticed.

The problem he will have in the General is that his political opinions appeal to the more conservative of voters, who happen to be the group that would have a problem with him being a Mormon. The result will be a chunk of the base that will be less than enthuastic.

Were he a Liberal it would be less of a problem as a greater percent of liberals would have no problem with him being a Mormon than Conservatives.
The problem he will have in the General is that his political opinions appeal to the more conservative of voters, who happen to be the group that would have a problem with him being a Mormon. The result will be a chunk of the base that will be less than enthuastic.

That's a good point.