Damn, I thought OUR pinheads were bad....

Somebody doesn't remember p.com days and the myriad lunatics that used to post there.

I disagree while we had a few Dixies and Tobys, most were Ok, I miss Stories, another wacky conservative but still.... I always remember when you got the best of him he started cursing you, great fun. LOL

"Pascal feared that if men knew what each other thought of the other there would be no friends in the world." Eric Hoffer

"Men are so necessarily mad, that not to be mad would amount to another form of madness." Blaise Pascal

"We all are born mad. Some remain so." Samuel Beckett
I disagree while we had a few Dixies and Tobys, most were Ok, I miss Stories, another wacky conservative but still.... I always remember when you got the best of him he started cursing you, great fun. LOL

"Pascal feared that if men knew what each other thought of the other there would be no friends in the world." Eric Hoffer

"Men are so necessarily mad, that not to be mad would amount to another form of madness." Blaise Pascal

"We all are born mad. Some remain so." Samuel Beckett
I miss Herr Doktor and his Jews in Vans stories. (You remember Doctor Who, eh?)

Those were even more funny than AHZ and his fear of the magical Moshiac and Noahide slavery.
Somebody doesn't remember p.com days and the myriad lunatics that used to post there.

Well for our favorite lunatic fringe member to call anyone an imbecile is certainly a case of the pot calling the kettle black! LOL

I'll give Dixie credit. He may be completely insane but he does keep things interesting. No one can start a thread that goes 300 to 500 replies deep like Dixie.
Well for our favorite lunatic fringe member to call anyone an imbecile is certainly a case of the pot calling the kettle black! LOL

I'll give Dixie credit. He may be completely insane but he does keep things interesting. No one can start a thread that goes 300 to 500 replies deep like Dixie.
Him and AHZ, they do make the place interesting.
and there both just plain wacked. Oh well...Ian Hunter of Mott the Hoople (My name sake) said it best....."You're never alone with a Schizophrenic!" LOL

Aha, but he was wrong. Schizophrenia is a splitting off from reality, it is not, as misconstrued by the popular press, multiple or "split" personality. That is an entirely separate (npi) syndrome, and, unlike schizoprenia, its etiology probably is not organic.
I've told people that before and they refuse to believe me.

Nuh-uh! It's where you have multiple personalities! Don't lie to me!

There have literally been about 100 or so cases of DID in history. It is extremely rare in everyplace but the popular imagination, and it has nothing to do with schizophrenia.
Not really sure what an "unreconstructed neocon" is, but they are damn sure liberal pinheads. I don't think they've ever been anything else, unless they had lobotomies or something.

Let me help then, Dick Cheney is a very good example of the species.

I always say it's better to have a bottle in front of me than a frontal lobotomy.
Groucho Marx still rules.

Actually several people can lay claim to it including the great Dorothy Parker, she has some memorable quotes attributed to her besides that one. Here are a few.

You can drag a horticulture, but you can't make her think.
She was challenged to use the word horticulture in a sentence.

Beauty is only skin deep but ugly goes right to the bone.

I wish I could drink like a lady, I can take one or two at most, three I'm under the table, four I'm under the host.

Too fucking busy and vice versa.
Reply to her editor whilst on honeymoon

I really can't come to your party Mrs.Parker, I can't bear fools. That's strange your mother could.
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