damn near blew my head off /1st time i vaped CDB/THC cartridge


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about 2 hours ago.
I was buying CDB gummies and the guy sold me the vape and showed me how to put it together, and said to try it..
I sucked in WAY too much steam..feels like i ate too much pot brownies,but it's slowly subsiding :rolleyes:
about 2 hours ago.
I was buying CDB gummies and the guy sold me the vape and showed me how to put it together, and said to try it..
I sucked in WAY too much steam..feels like i ate too much pot brownies,but it's slowly subsiding :rolleyes:

LOL. I thought it was literal. :D
I quit smoking in early 1994 and admit that it was among the hardest things I've ever done.

Things like alcohol and opiate pain killers were never the least bit addictive for me.

I can enjoy one or two drinks any time. Don't need three.
I can take oxycodone when I'm injured and forget that it even exists when I'm a little better.

Nicotine, on the other hand, had me by the short, curly ones.
I smoked about 30 unfiltered Camels each day.
I HAD to beat it.

Never tried vaping, though.
Even if it's pretty good, no need to look for trouble.
I quit smoking in early 1994 and admit that it was among the hardest things I've ever done. Things like alcohol and opiate pain killers were never the least bit addictive for me. I can enjoy one or two drinks any time. Don't need three. I can take oxycodone when I'm injured and forget that it even exists when I'm a little better. Nicotine, on the other hand, had me by the short, curly ones. I smoked about 30 unfiltered Camels each day. I HAD to beat it.

That's nice, grandpa.

Maybe you could tell the forum some of your golfing stories after your nap.
it felt like it .. monster head rush followed by a couple hours of being very stoned

Heheheheh. When they legalized it here for recreation, we grew our own. I made tincture out of the bud with 151 proof Everclear. It was quite a learning curve, figuring out the right amount to get the desired happy effect w/o that head thing you experienced. Got 'er dialed in now though so it's all good.
I quit smoking in early 1994 and admit that it was among the hardest things I've ever done.

Things like alcohol and opiate pain killers were never the least bit addictive for me.

I can enjoy one or two drinks any time. Don't need three.
I can take oxycodone when I'm injured and forget that it even exists when I'm a little better.

Nicotine, on the other hand, had me by the short, curly ones.
I smoked about 30 unfiltered Camels each day.
I HAD to beat it.

Never tried vaping, though.
Even if it's pretty good, no need to look for trouble.

Yeah, cigs were the worst for me too. Fucking nicotine. How did you quit, cold turkey? That's what I did, 11 years after you quit (2005). Opiates just make me sick, alcohol is meh, but damn that lovely seductive nicotine.
As I have stated long time ago here on JPP, quitting smoking was like flipping a light switch off. Just like that.

Never looked back. People smoking around me bothers me like how it bothers those people who never smoked.
Yeah, cigs were the worst for me too. Fucking nicotine. How did you quit, cold turkey? That's what I did, 11 years after you quit (2005). Opiates just make me sick, alcohol is meh, but damn that lovely seductive nicotine.
i did a gradual phase out -smoked one less cig a day each day. it took me over a month but it's20+ years now without a cig..
I dont want to mess around with weed, i just want to toke on it and not fool with it.
Ill try a smaller vape tomorrow, that was more then enough for today *zing*
i did a gradual phase out -smoked one less cig a day each day. it took me over a month but it's20+ years now without a cig..
I dont want to mess around with weed, i just want to toke on it and not fool with it.
Ill try a smaller vape tomorrow, that was more then enough for today *zing*

Good for you. Stay safe.
I quit smoking cold turkey. Never looked back. As for vaping, I've never heard of vaping CBD, but vaping and dabbing with THC is pretty common practice. I dab once in a great while, but edibles are more my thing. The vape pens that I can get have a dosage meter. Medical Marijuana..... the only lobby that bribed DeSantis for a good cause.

Yeah, cigs were the worst for me too. Fucking nicotine. How did you quit, cold turkey? That's what I did, 11 years after you quit (2005). Opiates just make me sick, alcohol is meh, but damn that lovely seductive nicotine.

I went with the progressively smaller nicotine patches.
We got the prescriptions filled for free by our employer, negotiated in our union contract.
I was involved with that.

I took some time off to change my routine and went on the patch.
That addresses the addictive aspect of smoking.
Then there is the habitual aspect that you've got tackle on your own unless you resort to hypnotism or group therapy.
I could handle the habitual part, but the physical addiction was a real bitch.

I never sneaked cigarettes as a boy. I openly smoked from the ages pf 15 to 47.
I've been smoke free for 27 years.
Even with legal pot, I's skeptical about inhaling smoke.

It [tobacco] was actually allowed [except for freshman] at my private prep school.
Back in the very early 1960s, we had cigarette vending machines in school.
Almost impossible to believe now.
That was a dangerously long exposure to such a potent carcinogen.
I went with the progressively smaller nicotine patches.
We got the prescriptions filled for free by our employer, negotiated in our union contract.
I was involved with that.

I took some time off to change my routine and went on the patch.
That addresses the addictive aspect of smoking.
Then there is the habitual aspect that you've got tackle on your own unless you resort to hypnotism or group therapy.
I could handle the habitual part, but the physical addiction was a real bitch.

I never sneaked cigarettes as a boy. I openly smoked from the ages pf 15 to 47.
I've been smoke free for 27 years.
Even with legal pot, I's skeptical about inhaling smoke.

It [tobacco] was actually allowed [except for freshman] at my private prep school.
Back in the very early 1960s, we had cigarette vending machines in school.
Almost impossible to believe now.
That was a dangerously long exposure to such a potent carcinogen.

After 27 years though you should be okay, with any luck. Good for you!

I was in my early 20s when I first started working in the health care field. Back then, patients with private rooms could smoke IN THEIR ROOM. Otherwise they had designated areas outside in the hospital courtyard (nice weather) and inside in a designated lounge-type room in poor weather. I vividly recall one patient named Lisa who had a private room. She was on oxygen, could only speak in a whisper due to shortness of breath, which was due to advanced lung cancer. Sometimes she would put on her call light for help. When you went to see what you could help her with, she would point to the pack of cigs on her bedside table. You would turn off her O2, take one out, light it for her, and hold it to her lips. She didn't have enough air to actually inhale it. Guess she just breathed in the aroma. She was only with us for a few short days before she passed. She was only 36.

You would think something like that would have scared me into quitting, but you'd be wrong. The addiction is real. I'm glad we both shook it.
about 2 hours ago.
I was buying CDB gummies and the guy sold me the vape and showed me how to put it together, and said to try it..
I sucked in WAY too much steam..feels like i ate too much pot brownies,but it's slowly subsiding :rolleyes:

A weed or cbd vape? The only thing cbd does for me is make me sleep.