damn near blew my head off /1st time i vaped CDB/THC cartridge

After 27 years though you should be okay, with any luck. Good for you!

I was in my early 20s when I first started working in the health care field. Back then, patients with private rooms could smoke IN THEIR ROOM. Otherwise they had designated areas outside in the hospital courtyard (nice weather) and inside in a designated lounge-type room in poor weather. I vividly recall one patient named Lisa who had a private room. She was on oxygen, could only speak in a whisper due to shortness of breath, which was due to advanced lung cancer. Sometimes she would put on her call light for help. When you went to see what you could help her with, she would point to the pack of cigs on her bedside table. You would turn off her O2, take one out, light it for her, and hold it to her lips. She didn't have enough air to actually inhale it. Guess she just breathed in the aroma. She was only with us for a few short days before she passed. She was only 36.

You would think something like that would have scared me into quitting, but you'd be wrong. The addiction is real. I'm glad we both shook it.

When you're dying, there's no need to go through quitting then.
We did it in time, thankfully.
alcohol makes me sick,as much as i love rhum if i drink it's only 1 small drink.. barely get a buzzz

Yeah, alcohol would make me sick, especially after 16 years of being dry. Now, 4 or 5 beers would make me the evening's entertainment...until I puked!

The cartridge you described had a reasonable amount of THC and a high amount of CBD. They can be/are very harsh, especially if one is not used to them. Is the cartridge an Indica, Sativa or Hybrid?
After my last surgery, to keep from taking my 30mg. Oxys, I used the cartridges for pain. I used the hi-potency (80%+) Indica's to fall asleep. In about 1/2 hr. I was at 30,00 feet, then orbit in 45 min.
I still have a cartridge or two, but haven't hit it for months, and then only a hit or two was plenty to put me to sleep.
Take a 30mg. Oxy and a few hits of a good Indica, in about 45 min. you're in for one hell of a ride. Trust me on that one!