Damn....One more NeoCon talking point shot to hell...

Well with the rise of tensions with the Russians again we can soon drop Iraq. The cons will once again have the fear of communism to use as a tool to manipulate.
Ok, but what will happen? It's not a rhetorical question. Will Iraq eventually be able to work it out internally or are other countries going to come in and get more involved?

No matter what happens it's not our call.

Most likely the Iranians will have a hand in Iraq's affairs, but the battle raging in Iraq today is that between the seperatists aligned with Washington and the nationalists who are forming coalitions to unify the country.

However, no matter what the PM says, Bush has no intention of leaving until the Iraq Oil Law is in his hands. It's the reason why he invaded Iraq in the first place.
Then we can concentrate on Iran and Syria the real problemos....:corn:

Wrong. .. Then we can concentrate on the real enemies of America and freedom .. prowar republicans ... like those who suggest jumping out of the frying pan into the fire. We can't even defeat the enemy in the stone age nation of Afghanistan and people like you are suggesting that now, after getting our ass kicked in Iraq, we should go start something with Iran.

The real battle for "freedom" is getting rid of the mindless idiots who took us into Iraq.
911 was a terrible act of terrorism.
However supporters of the war have been subjecting america to terror threats ever since to get their way.
Which group is really worse ?
Which group has caused more death and destruction ?
No matter what happens it's not our call.

Most likely the Iranians will have a hand in Iraq's affairs, but the battle raging in Iraq today is that between the seperatists aligned with Washington and the nationalists who are forming coalitions to unify the country.

However, no matter what the PM says, Bush has no intention of leaving until the Iraq Oil Law is in his hands. It's the reason why he invaded Iraq in the first place.

That's stupid and paranoid, Black.
I haven't the slightest dfoubt that the three factions will NEVER be able to agree on a reasonable coolition Government. Thus the Northern part will become a new Kurdistan, perthaps as part of a new nation combined with portions of Turkey. The other two factions will continue to war between themselves.

Turkey would invade and take over any Kurd nation.
LOL, I love this PM, though. Saying he can handle Iraq's security. The government wouldn't last 5 seconds under that shitty "army", he's just talking tough so that he can win more votes, just like any politician.
The PM just thinks his group is now armed and trained sufficiently by the US to put down the other religious sect and does not want the US there interfering with his ambitions.