Sorry Desh I was not paying attention. I thought that it was Top clarifying why he was now so pro Obama
Yeah I know ,I was just messen
Sorry Desh I was not paying attention. I thought that it was Top clarifying why he was now so pro Obama
He is bringing in independents and even republicans to vote for him.
He has a broad appeal. He can make you want to help him.
Its what Clinton had and why the right hated him so much.
That is why the right had to resort to cheating to win.
He talks nonsense. What change is he going to bring? The government has been growing at a rapid pace for a long time and all he plans to do is continue that.
Desh, your statements seem to contradict each other. You say Clinton had broad appeal, including to Republicans, yet you then say that's why the right hated him.
Seeing that Clinton never won a majority in each election would say to me that he didn't have all that broad of appeal among Republicans at least.
Shorter String:
Unless you change the things that I want changed you aren't changing anything even if you are.
I have this feeling of the day after the election in November waking up and realising America has just elected its first black president.
Imagine how effective it will be in showing the world and our own people that America has turned a corner.
Imagine the black school kids listening to President Obamma telling them to stay in school and get good grades because America WILL reward their efforts.
Imagine the muslim world realising America has elected a man who has Muslim family members?
These little thoughts were almost enough for me to pick Obamma over Edwards for my first choice.
I was saying that based on reading that huge frontrunners usually stumble and still win.
I think Iowa was more than a stumble.
Perhaps Bush was the last straw needed for America to turn the corner towards more sane, civil, and hust policies. Obama would be the best representation of that awakening.
I think an Obamma /Edwards ticket would be killer.
I think an Obamma /Edwards ticket would be killer.
There is more going on behind the Clinton loss than a stumble.
It would be a great ticket .. the most progressive in American history .. although I'm not sure it will happen.
It would be a great ticket .. the most progressive in American history .. although I'm not sure it will happen.
I had a couple of very nice young women knock at my door the other day and asked me if I was going to support Clinton. I looked at them and said I will caucus for everyone other than Clinton and told them I was sorry but Hillary was part of the problem. Their faces told the story. You could see it in their faces that they had been hearing it all day long. I truely felt sorry for them.