Damned If You Do........


Junior Member
In every silver cloud there is a grey lining.

>>New prospect for US: glut of ethanol plants

>>A study released Thursday reports that at least 14 new biorefineries - representing nearly 1 billion gallons of extra fuel - are not on that tally. That oversight could mean problems ahead for the food supply and the "green fuel" industry, some analysts say

>>• Ethanol production could pull so much corn out of the food supply by 2008 that US corn exports could plummet.

• The food-fuel competition could push corn prices so high that some ethanol producers in the fledgling industry, which many deem vital to US energy security, would merely break even - or, if corn gets pricey enough, actually lose money.

Even before Thursday's report, some analysts had warned of a future glut of ethanol production capacity.

The immediate concern of the Earth Policy Institute (EPI), which released the new report, is the impact on the global food supply.

"We're worried there will be less to feed the world if we're using too much corn to make fuel," says Lester Brown, EPI's president. "The US ... supplies 70 percent of the world's corn exports. These previously unidentified distilleries could have a big negative impact."

In every silver cloud there is a grey lining.

>>New prospect for US: glut of ethanol plants

>>A study released Thursday reports that at least 14 new biorefineries - representing nearly 1 billion gallons of extra fuel - are not on that tally. That oversight could mean problems ahead for the food supply and the "green fuel" industry, some analysts say

>>• Ethanol production could pull so much corn out of the food supply by 2008 that US corn exports could plummet.

• The food-fuel competition could push corn prices so high that some ethanol producers in the fledgling industry, which many deem vital to US energy security, would merely break even - or, if corn gets pricey enough, actually lose money.

Even before Thursday's report, some analysts had warned of a future glut of ethanol production capacity.

The immediate concern of the Earth Policy Institute (EPI), which released the new report, is the impact on the global food supply.

"We're worried there will be less to feed the world if we're using too much corn to make fuel," says Lester Brown, EPI's president. "The US ... supplies 70 percent of the world's corn exports. These previously unidentified distilleries could have a big negative impact."


Corn is not the best feedstock. Better feedstocks in terms of final ethanol per acre of crop planted are sugarcane and switchgrass. One of the first US DOE projects should be the create a 'super-sucrose' variety of each.
no problemo; once fidel kicks, we can by cane from cuba!! i think the carribeanislands have perfect environemnt to grow cane; jamaica could finally be a contender!!!
canyou imagine; now all the pot growers can go legal and make more per acre seling corn to fuel companies!!!!!!!!!!! ADM will buy out all the dope gorwers and plant corn on the pot fields!!!
canyou imagine; now all the pot growers can go legal and make more per acre seling corn to fuel companies!!!!!!!!!!! ADM will buy out all the dope gorwers and plant corn on the pot fields!!!
NOOOO. Hemp oil = biodiesel. Hemp / biodiesel yield per acre is higher than eth / acre.
LOL Pot heads think grass is the cure for everything! It cures cancer, it is an enegy source, to promotes world peace...............that is some good stuff they smoke!
Ain't bad toby, you oughta try it sometime.
Who cares if we have food to eat, just as long as we can drive our vehicles.
We can always import food from Hugo in south america ;)
don't be silly US, no need to drive your vehicle if you can't go out to pick up a snack to eat. LOL And Hugo is not a big food producer.
Well it is pretty much a moot point anyway as for the last 2 years they had to cook the books a bit to show that our food exports marginally exceeded our food imports.
they only made a slight difference because of all the food we were paying for and shipping to Iraq....
On the food import export balance of the USA. Check the figures for the last 10 years, we are going downhill bad.
We could invest about 100 Billion in synthetic oil plants... If people are willing to pay 40 to 50 per barrel from now until the end of time we could be entirely independent of oil from the ground...
Well Damo, If we keep our dependence on foreign oil high and our consumption high we will be paying FAR more than that within 15 years or so. To me it is a "no brainer" we muct wean ourselves as much as we can from imported energy.

Just think how nice it would be to tell any terrorist supporting oil nation to suck bilgewater if they threaten to cut off our oil.
Well Damo, If we keep our dependence on foreign oil high and our consumption high we will be paying FAR more than that within 15 years or so. To me it is a "no brainer" we muct wean ourselves as much as we can from imported energy.

Just think how nice it would be to tell any terrorist supporting oil nation to suck bilgewater if they threaten to cut off our oil.
Which was my point. Bush had an awesome opportunity to drop all of the foreign interest and simply get us off that foreign oil and quickly. All for less than a year in Iraq...

Of course, many of the left would be frustrated that companies got federal help to spend on making the synthetic oil plants...

Of course, many of the left would be frustrated that companies got federal help to spend on making the synthetic oil plants...

Perhaps you do not understand the left enough ? Yes a few would be pissed over any money going to corpies, but most understand more than "My Pet Pony".