

You're a great message board administrator. I have no complaints. I think you deserve to be bought drinks by everyone who posts here.

I take you for granted sometimes. However, I have visited another board, (enough said on that, as BB would say), and I realized that some expressed gratitude was in order.

So, thanks.

Here's to Damo!

:cheer: :clap: :nolovejesus:


I don't know about being Jesus Christ, but, other message boards seem to be run by tin plated dictators, with Napolean hangups. (not that I have been posting on other message boards Damo, but you know, I've heard things).

He's good.

I don't know about being Jesus Christ, but, other message boards seem to be run by tin plated dictators, with Napolean hangups. (not that I have been posting on other message boards Damo, but you know, I've heard things).

He's good.

LOL did you notice that the jesus emoticon says, "Jesus told me he doesn't love you" in the background?

I'm easily amused.

Here's to Damo!

I know from experience that people get banned from some boards for making fun of George W. Chimp, or using the "f" word to challenge blatant racists.

Good work Damo - you are truly a great moderator. :flagsal:
Yeah, he don't go around reading other peoples PM's like a certain egomaniac that runs another board.

And Homeslice can pack down the guinness.

I still like the Cypress/Damo and Darla/Damo wars though. Let's have some more of that. Its funny because there's no name calling, but the tension is nice and thick. The worst thing I think Damo's ever called anyone is a "so and so".
Yeah, he don't go around reading other peoples PM's like a certain egomaniac that runs another board.

And Homeslice can pack down the guinness.

I still like the Cypress/Damo and Darla/Damo wars though. Let's have some more of that. Its funny because there's no name calling, but the tension is nice and thick. The worst thing I think Damo's ever called anyone is a "so and so".

Can you cut the sexual tension between Cypress and Damo when they get like that, with a knife, or what?

Actually, SR is not alone as a tin plated dictator! Apparently, they run amok all over the internets.
Can you cut the sexual tension between Cypress and Damo when they get like that, with a knife, or what?

Actually, SR is not alone as a tin plated dictator! Apparently, they run amok all over the internets.

Oh I know. I've used the google.
Yeah, he don't go around reading other peoples PM's like a certain egomaniac that runs another board.

And Homeslice can pack down the guinness.

I still like the Cypress/Damo and Darla/Damo wars though. Let's have some more of that. Its funny because there's no name calling, but the tension is nice and thick. The worst thing I think Damo's ever called anyone is a "so and so".

I don't know. I've gotten him upset to the point where he's said "hogwash" and "rubbish". A real nasty one that Damo is.

Awww.... Thanks folks... Really, I appreciate it.

I try to keep it open. Sometimes I make mistakes, ask stirfry...

:D But I 'fess up and ask forgiveness...
Somewhere in the back of my mind, I can vaguely remember having a certain respect for SR. What was wrong with me back then? SR nuked the other message board. I'm surprised it didn't go down hill faster. I'm still kind of surprised that he didn't go on some sort of banning frenzy, or at least beyond the two he did ban.
Somewhere in the back of my mind, I can vaguely remember having a certain respect for SR. What was wrong with me back then? SR nuked the other message board. I'm surprised it didn't go down hill faster. I'm still kind of surprised that he didn't go on some sort of banning frenzy, or at least beyond the two he did ban.

I respected SR as well. I thought he did a good job on the board of his, and he did. But he lost his savvy at the behest of his ego. He found battles where there were none, and he sacrificed his credibility to win a fruitless war, in order to protect his ego.

So I guess you could say he won. But is was Pyrrhic.
Well, i like Damo, i think he is good.

In fact, i contend that we should all be grateful to the point of intercourse. Not all at once mind, we're not beasts of the field, you know.
Well, i like Damo, i think he is good.

In fact, i contend that we should all be grateful to the point of intercourse. Not all at once mind, we're not beasts of the field, you know.

:shock: :cof1:

Alright, I'll go first.........
Oh for God sakes! Do you people have to make everything dirty?

It's always sex sex sex with you people!

I am sooo disgusted.