When the New England Bradys win I'm changing my name to Brady Strong.I didn't think something could be more ghey than Boston Strong... but I was wrong.
When the New England Bradys win I'm changing my name to Brady Strong.
What are your predictions?
Broncos v. Patriots
i don't blame you guys for hating on boston strong. If a tornado rips through a trailer park I pretty much want them to get the fuck over it by lunchtime.
boston strong isn't about terrorists anymore though. it's about solidarity as a city. We are a brotherhood.
Y'all are so damn lucky to have Brady! But you won't have him for ever.
Oh; this is my 5,500 post. Yahooooooo!
only a few more hours to go until damo has to have boston strong in his avatar. FOR A WEEK.
Most definitely. Brady has been terrible, and the defense can't even touch Manning.
Well the patriots were finally able to score a touch down.
Now all they have to do, is stop Denver from scoring (again), get the ball back, and then get two touchdowns (24/23) or 1 touchdown and 3 field goals (26/23), or get 5 field goals (25/23) and they could win or at least force an overtime.
The Denver field goal just shot all those possibilities to hell and back.
Now it would be two touch downs and a field goal (27/26), or one touch down and 3 field goals (26/26), or get 6 field goals (28/26).
only a few more hours to go until damo has to have boston strong in his avatar. FOR A WEEK.