Dano and Dishonesty

I think the lead of the NY Times article today pretty much sums up the meaning of her speech pretty darn well:

"Senator Hillary Rodham Clinton told an audience of war veterans Monday that some elements of the strategy in Iraq appeared to be achieving success, but said a military solution was unattainable and that the best way to honor the service of the American troops was to "bring them home."

--- in other words, nothing like the haters on here are painting it as.
The reason I had you watch the video was because the tone of her voice was obviously not one implying that the surge was a success. Neither is what she actually said (the full quote).

And the surge is, by all reports, working in SOME AREAS. She even names them. It is not working in most of the country outside of Baghdad.

It is absolutely misleading to characterize this as support for the surge. End. Of. Fucking. Story.
Yeah...its the tone of her voice....or maybe the way her blinked....or, or, or...

IB...you're a fuckin' joke.....the tone of her voice?...Get a grip, hack....go back to FP where they allready know you're a hackass....
Yeah...its the tone of her voice....or maybe the way her blinked....or, or, or...

IB...you're a fuckin' joke.....the tone of her voice?...Get a grip, hack....go back to FP where they allready know you're a hackass....

It's also contained in the rest of what she said. Read the NY Times article about it.

I was 100 percent right here. She is not giving any kind of glowing review of the surge as though its working. Saying so is a total lie, and worthy of one such as yourself.
Wise Guy is.............

a prime example of why stem cell research is flawed...in his case his momma threw away the baby and donated the afterbirth to stem cell research...look what happens when science plays God! Waiting for his usualreply saying I was wrong..ya go wise guy...maybe someday ya will find a supporter!~
a prime example of why stem cell research is flawed...in his case his momma threw away the baby and donated the afterbirth to stem cell research...look what happens when science plays God! Waiting for his usualreply saying I was wrong..ya go wise guy...maybe someday ya will find a supporter!~

You found anyone to vouch for your claim that embryos for stem cell research come from abortion clinics? Or did you find anyone who thinks, as you do, that the scientific community is split 50/50 on the issue of global warming?

And here you are projecting your ineptitude upon me. It's like getting bukkaked with stupid.
It's impossible for anyone to read what she said or listen to that clip and then come on here and say that she's believes the surge is working without knowing that they're lying or just being obtuse.

She says there is no military solution. She says its too late for it to work. You guys are fucking retarded sons of bitches.
You found anyone to vouch for your claim that embryos for stem cell research come from abortion clinics? Or did you find anyone who thinks, as you do, that the scientific community is split 50/50 on the issue of global warming?

And here you are projecting your ineptitude upon me. It's like getting bukkaked with stupid.
When did he say abortion there, yysguy?
When did he say abortion there, yysguy?

Don't make me link you to the long, drawn-out, and terribly embarrassing thread (embarrassing for BB) where he as early as last week choose to continue to state that abortion clinics are the #1 supplier of embryos for emybryonic stem cell research... without any evidence mind you, and despite my evidence to the contrary.

Don't make me link you to the long, drawn-out, and terribly embarrassing thread (embarrassing for BB) where he as early as last week choose to continue to state that abortion clinics are the #1 supplier of embryos for emybryonic stem cell research... without any evidence mind you, and despite my evidence to the contrary.

Here we go again...wise guy is on a break from the lockdown...this is way too funny...a one track mind...that lost then and still continues the stupidness!