dano sounds MADDER THEN ZELL

oh bullshit... what was the party affiliations of the guys who nominated seven of the nine?
Bush senior and Nixon fucked up and nominated eventual Liberals as you well know moron:

Regarding David Souter:
"Although appointed by a Republican president, and thus expected to be conservative (see Segal-Cover score), he is associated with the liberal wing of the Court. He dissented from the conservative majority in Bush v. Gore election of 2000.

Regarding Stevens:
"His Segal-Cover score, a measure of liberalism/conservatism of Court members, is the second highest on the court (higher scores indicate a more liberal reputation). A transformed lagged behavior measure places him as more liberal. A 2003 statistical analysis of Supreme Court voting patterns found Stevens the most liberal member of the Court"

Justices hardly have strings pulled by presidents, especially those out of power, tool.
the fact remains... republicans appointed deven of nine.... if you can't pick judges that think the way you do, it is hardly the fault of the democrats. Seven of the nine ... yours, not mine.

suck it up.
The Supreme Court has 4 Conservative justices, 4 Liberal ones and 1 moderate which is Kennedy. It is hardly Republican controlled.

this quote does not mention "conservative republicans"..... it mentions "republicans".... are you suggesting that each and every republican in America is conservative? That is as ridiculous (although not quite as ridiculous) as saying that all democrats are liberal.
the fact remains... republicans appointed deven of nine.... if you can't pick judges that think the way you do, it is hardly the fault of the democrats. Seven of the nine ... yours, not mine.

suck it up.
This is NOT true. A Republican president (particularly a weak one) dealing with a Dem congress has to nominate justices that will have a chance of Dems passing them, which means you need to pick leftier judges or ones that are more uncertain in order to get them passed and then hope for the best.
If instead you have a Republican congress then you can pick justices that are considered more safe as Conservatives.
This is NOT true. A Republican president (particularly a weak one) dealing with a Dem congress has to nominate justices that will have a chance of Dems passing them, which means you need to pick leftier judges or ones that are more uncertain in order to get them passed and then hope for the best.
If instead you have a Republican congress then you can pick justices that are considered more safe as Conservatives.
Yeah, but they'd rather ignore the reality of compromise in divided government to attempt to get the Rs to blame ourselves for liberal Justices.
the fact remains... republicans appointed deven of nine.... if you can't pick judges that think the way you do, it is hardly the fault of the democrats. Seven of the nine ... yours, not mine.

suck it up.

no one is saying it is the dems fault for having them on the court but you are practicing thinking of the orwellian level if you are just going to outright dismiss the fact that stevens and souter are liberal just because they were nominated by republicans.